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get a team work between refractasnapshot and refracta2usb would sometimes simplify a lot the installation, for ex. if you will try to purge completely a lot of doublets (2..5 different editors! in 10 or 20 y. I did never use vi nor vim etc. I hate really geany because it opens new tabs and not new windows etc., more than one terminal, Why? If the one is bad, it don't has to be installed! VLC! Why? It is becoming now a MUST dependency in a lot of great software, where the goal is not really the job of such kind of viewer... This is a tentative to become to be a MONOPOLIST exactly like systemd etc. Webkit. 2 or 3 different levels installed in an installation! Why: very simply: software chaos... A lot of special fonts as MUST dependency! Use it to recognize bad soft not able to use the same as the other ;-) etc.).
This is a major reason why I work to propagate the idea of «justX» installations.
But in the menu of refracta2usb, I don't find really the item «copy snapshot > usb» although refractasnapshot is a well defined environment with it's own rules concerning directory etc.
how to do that more simple?
What does "copy snapshot to usb" mean?
refracta2usb does a few things that might be described as "copy snapshot to usb".
You can unpack the iso and set it up as a live-usb.
You can not unpack the iso and set it up as a live-usb.
You can copy a running live-usb system (that you made from a snapshot) to another usb.
And I think you can copy from a running live-CD to a usb.
What you can't do is image a usb with isohybrid like you can with dd or cat.
refracta2usb is designed to make multi-boot live-usb.
It also won't work with installer isos. Only live-isos work.
I don't understand what you are saying about your package choices. If you start with a minimal install, you can pretty much add whatever packages you like to create the system you want.
Refracta2usb is a psycho program, i'm pretty sure if I gave it the right instructions it could make my coffee in the morning, lol!
So while we're here, why isn't it in the repo? I need a copy for new stuff i'm doing.
I have at least 3 different sticks I made with it, one with live system, one with live +persistence, and one that's actually a conventional install with a swap part and everything. Cool!
Last edited by greenjeans (2023-11-27 17:13:05) New Vuu-do isos uploaded January 2025!
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The reason refracta2usb didn't get into the repo is because the package isn't built the official way. Ordinarily, that's just a matter of moving a few things around inside the deb package (and using different tools to build it). The problem is the code itself is a steaming pile of spaghetti, and I am afraid to touch it. It really needs a complete overhaul.
You can find the package here:
Gotcha. I'll use it, if it wills it so, lol.
For those unfamiliar with it, this is basically a good analogy for it: New Vuu-do isos uploaded January 2025!
Vuu-do GNU/Linux, minimal Devuan-based openbox systems to build on, maximal versions if you prefer your linux fully-loaded.
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thank you greenjeans! yes, they are to much blades!
(what is the order-no. at amazon for this wonder as well as useful "man tool"?)
yes, I did understand, dear fsmithred and thank you for your very fine differentiate answer. but you did forget to write the solutions to each of the "determinations" (french: constatations). it would clarify the use of the damned English menu in refracta2usb (I did think about «maybe it would better for me to install refracta in Italian? Would it be not Italian but Spanish, I would have do it immediately as Spanish is some kind of French but a logical phonetic writing and Italian not, they use more completely different words...)
Unfortunately, if you run your system in a different language, refracta tools will still be in English. Sorry about that.
The two most likely ways to use refracta2usb are the following options:
ISO_! 04 Create Live-USB from unpacked CD image.
This will unpack the iso file and copy some files to a directory that you name on the usb. If the iso file is bootable by both uefi and legacy bios, both of those methods will be copied to the usb. If the iso does not boot uefi, then only the syslinux bootloader will be added.
ISO_2 05 Create Live-USB using intact iso and findiso boot option
This will copy the iso file to the usb and use the findiso option from live-boot to locate the .iso file and boot that. The difference is that filesystem.squashfs is not visible like it is in the ISO_1 option. It also make the intact iso file available for easily sharing it with someone.
The directory structure on the USB will be something like the following if you were to use both methods listed above. This multi-boot USB has two live systems on it. Refracta8_amd64 was added to the usb using the ISO_1 option, and jessie-ice was added using the ISO_2 method. Either system will boot on uefi or legacy bios with this setup.
|── boot
│ └── grub
│ ├── efiboot.img
│ ├── font.pf2
│ ├── grub.cfg
│ ├── splash.png
│ └── x86_64-efi
|── efi
│ └── boot
│ └── bootx64.efi
├── jessie_ice
│ ├── initrd.img
│ ├── jessie-ice-template-20170103_1454.iso
│ └── vmlinuz
├── refracta8_amd64
│ ├── live
│ │ ├── filesystem.squashfs
│ │ ├── initrd.img
│ │ ├── memtest
│ │ ├── vmlinuz
│ └── pkglist_refracta8_xfce_amd64_rc1-20160923_1334
│ └── package_list
└── syslinux
├── live.cfg[c][/c]
├── (other files)
oh! I DID NOT understand somewhat as that before today out the English menu... Thank you very much, dear fsmithred, for the clarification from today.
(I see, that to become out Refracta a real distribution, it would be important to begin to produce some lingual adapted versions, as in a other case it is only a cheap remaster of the real distribution Devuan, but I am sorry, with incomplete packages at the main depository as the translations and all the documentation are missing in other tongues... I think the linuxer s are not awake about the problem, that Linux, initially an European development, did become in all those year one of the most intolerant tools AGAINST ALL CULTURES in Europa not being some American Carpet although if now no one European Unionist Country belong any more to the community having only the language English.
Microsoft did NEVER try to destroy so heavily the other languages and cultures and it is natural that it did become and maintain great success against the respect less Linux guy's!
I did learn a lot of languages: I write "my" English and see so as I would have no difficulty with that. It is only because I speak perfect German an English (out the view of a French man) is a language out the German family (German would say exactly the contrary: English is a language out the French family... It is so! Both view are able), but did never learn it but Latin, Greek, German and Russian and I understand a lot of spoken Mandarin Chinese without to be able to read it). But Linux does not at all in the new time respect us. Germany did begin to learn English in the most German Kindergarten ab. 40 y. ago and later in schools until real -all-in-English-sections of the school! And English was yet a very known language in Germany in the time before those 40 y.! Theoretically, Germany would have to be now a really bi-lingual country. But a lot of Linux Forums NEED a German division to preserve her frequentation by German users (Germany did have an enormous impact on Linux: KDE, OpenOffice, Java, etc. came all from Germany! One of the 2 olderst Distros, Suse, was German)... That is the reality! And those DEBIAN, UBUNTU, ARCH etc. don't take care to preserve complete enough language branches in their new versions! They publish EMPTY new versions with canceled old software where the language branch was complete. Sorry... Linux kill itself! I am not an enemy of English, my children did frequent the English Kindergarten and speak both English like a mother tongue (without need: They did never use it really... It is so! And they are not alone in our family: Her cousin did be recognizable in Google view in front of the bank he was working in London a lot of y.! This cousin is now married with a English-Chinese woman and Canton Chinese is part of our family languages as well as Hungarian, and Italian).
No system you can not understand the speaking of can be good. And this will become dramatic for Europa, the start country of Linux, don't forget it...
(I refuse to use VLC because it did start in France, respect less for French doc's etc. Same thing for all Video technical of Linux started seriously in France. Ok, French people did abandon her good position in browser making, initially amaya for www, great inititiatives in xulrunner technical, the only one printed book on programming it, instantbird, composer etc. After Linux and his English comes in each country the desolation...)
...I see, that to become out Refracta a real distribution, it would be important to begin to produce some lingual adapted versions, as in a other case it is only a cheap remaster of the real distribution Devuan...
It's Linux!
Nobody owes anyone anything, everyone does it for their own pleasure and our desires do not always coincide with the interests of the developers. Do it yourself, this is life, objective reality, I’m in the same position...
...I see, that to become out Refracta a real distribution, it would be important to begin to produce some lingual adapted versions, as in a other case it is only a cheap remaster of the real distribution Devuan...
It's Linux!
Nobody owes anyone anything, everyone does it for their own pleasure and our desires do not always coincide with the interests of the developers. Do it yourself, this is life, objective reality, I’m in the same position...
your answer is somekind as
YES, Linux has to be the desolation ;-)
ok, ok, ok!
it is really idiotic that thousands or millions, perhaps billion of users (think about China, India, Europe, far behind them but as a yet big block from not-speaking-English-only-at-all-any-more each individually translate the stuff and let Google and the network contribute for that! Did you never read about some CO2 damages caused by billions of only 1-line-emails? where is the sense of responsibility of magnificent developers, and more from the managers of big distros as Debian?
Well all it takes is some of those billions of folks getting the gumption up to make a distro in their native language, lol, and many already have, there's like two dozen of them in Spanish alone.
Having all the translations available in a given distro is a freakin mountain of stuff I will never use, I delete all of it, and I would expect a non-english speaker to do the same on their machine.
It's Linux, completely configurable, and priced right too! New Vuu-do isos uploaded January 2025!
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Refracta2usb kicks a**, spaghetti code or not, it does not make any decisions for me, it does exactly what I want.
Mintstick is cool for what it's intended, utterly simple fast way to make a LiveUSB. But that's it, that's all it will do, no persistence and it uses the entirety of the USB stick and nothing else can go on there.
I'm posting right now, from a USB stick I did this morning with Refracta2usb, It has 3 partitions, fat32 boot - ext2 persistence - fat32 data
I can boot a simple live session and do a clean install of the system with it, boot live with persistence (/home is what I am using, not full persistence), and have a 3rd partition that's readable to any computer to store data, specifically with intent to temporarily store any data saved if i'm rescuing data for someone and you don't even have to boot the liveUSB to view that data. Or if I have some data files myself I need to move to like the library computer, I can just throw them on there.
@fsmtihred if I can be at all helpful in refining the spaghetti, let me know, i'd enjoy messing with it, but need some direction from you on what you'd like to see happen. New Vuu-do isos uploaded January 2025!
Vuu-do GNU/Linux, minimal Devuan-based openbox systems to build on, maximal versions if you prefer your linux fully-loaded.
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Yikes I necro-posted to an old thread, sorry. But since I did, I took another look at OP's original question as i'm messing with USB stuff today. And I think what he was asking mainly for, is if he could take a CLI-only system (no X), roll it up into a hybrid-iso, put that on a stick, and use it to do a no-X install from the live session.
I'm guessing yes. Refracta-Snapshot and Installer both can work from the command line without a GUI.
And rather than use Refracta2usb, if you just want a regular liveUSB that you can install from and don't need multi-boot or persistence or all that, if Mintstick will run from the command line without needing the GUI, then it should do the trick of formatting and writing for you without a lot of configuring to do.
Just a guess though. I don't have any CLI-only systems that I could use to test. New Vuu-do isos uploaded January 2025!
Vuu-do GNU/Linux, minimal Devuan-based openbox systems to build on, maximal versions if you prefer your linux fully-loaded.
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