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i tried devuan_daedalus_5.0.0_amd64_minimal-live from usb, but it wont load the graphical environment and stops at the command line, tried a different distribution live iso which worked with a graphical environment. i have a laptop lenovo w500, which is technical very similar to the t400 and an old external monitor. the devuan system asked me a resolution question with a list i can choose from or i have to wait some seconds, but im not sure if this is related to the problem.
The minimal-live iso does not have a graphical environment installed. Try the desktop-live instead - it will boot into xfce.
from this webpage:
minimal-live: A full-featured, console-based recovery tool with a focus on accessibility for visually-impaired and blind users. Uses the refractainstaller.
you will have better experience with:
desktop-live: Explore the default Xfce desktop before installing. Then install easily and quickly from the live session using the refractainstaller. Firmware is installed but can easily be removed.
Be Excellent to each other and Party On!
Do unto others as you would have them do instantaneously back to you!
Try the desktop-live instead - it will boot into xfce.
ok, everything works now with refracta but it takes a long time, what can i do? eg how can i exclude openoffice or others?
what specifically "takes a long time"?
we will need more information to determine if your equipment is behaving normally.
also for future thread visitors convenience:
Be Excellent to each other and Party On!
Do unto others as you would have them do instantaneously back to you!
Apt-get purge is what you need to run, adding the program name that you wish to remove.
If using a liveCD that uses Refracta installer, you can boot up the LiveCD and while running, if you make changes to the system in live session, then install from that session, the changes persist to the installed system.
I have not tried un-installing full programs while in a live session, but i'm assuming that might persist as well.
This is why I have notes in Vuu-do that says specifically to re-boot after taking the iso for a test drive, as those changes persist and you won't have a perfectly clean install.
Like if you open up Firefox while in a live session, the .mozilla folder will be created and if you then install from that live session it will be there when you boot into the installed system
It's worth a try, boot up liveCD, open Synaptic and uninstall whatever you want, then immediately install system to your computer.
Edit: This is the way my older versions of Refracta-installer work, don't know if this behavior was changed in later versions, fsmithred could tell you if it still works that way.
Last edited by greenjeans (2024-11-27 19:08:13) New Vuu-do isos uploaded January 2025!
Vuu-do GNU/Linux, minimal Devuan-based openbox systems to build on, maximal versions if you prefer your linux fully-loaded.
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