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#51 2017-08-24 21:58:30

Registered: 2017-04-07
Posts: 732  

Re: Vuu-do Linux! *New Openbox-64 iso's (1.0.7) up 2-02-18*!!

Somewhat Reticent wrote:

Nice! Will grab ASAP and try out.
Just wondering:
1.- will there be a way to eliminate the desktop "background" image, or make it one transparent pixel?
2- will wicd re-connect promptly (and will it shut off wifi)?
3- is there a "dark" (easy-on-the-eyes-on-night-shift) theme respected by Synaptic? Or sct and redshiftY? (Or both?)
4- if I add vlc, will it be able to find the default audio device?
5- coming back from suspend, the display won't remain blank, will it?
6- if I set the power-manager to shutdown on power-button-press...
(Sorry, my wish-list grows ever longer)
Off to SF…

1. yes, just turn off Nitrogen in the openbox autostart file and reboot
2. it does for me
3. to be honest I hadn't really paid attention to Synaptics color scheme, it probably doesn't match, lol, Synaptic is ate up with some gnome garbage, i'm just happy it works for now. The rest of the system is specifically and relentlessly hand-tuned to be easier on the eyes, thus the grays and blacks.
4. the maximal's include VLC and it finds the right audio device on every machine i've tested so far
5. mine doesn't
6. my computer and every one I own shuts down if you hold the power button down regardless of the operating system installed. The best way to shut down Vuu-do is use the keyboard shortcut: alt+p ( p stands for 'poweroff") It shuts down in literally less than 4 seconds even on my slow low-spec machine. New Vuu-do isos uploaded January 2025!
Vuu-do GNU/Linux, minimal Devuan-based openbox systems to build on, maximal versions if you prefer your linux fully-loaded.
New Devuan-mate-mini isos too!
Please donate to support Devuan and init freedom!


#52 2017-08-24 22:03:04

Registered: 2017-04-07
Posts: 732  

Re: Vuu-do Linux! *New Openbox-64 iso's (1.0.7) up 2-02-18*!!

fungus wrote:

One thing I wanted to ask the creator was about the i386 arch being included.  How do we turn it off and what was the logic of including it?  I am wondering since the problem I had on login was on a miyo install, if by any chance something relating to X came from 32b and is causing the problem.

If you are asking me i'm confused, as far as I know I don't have an extra arch installed on any iso's, were you asking Miyolinux?

fungus wrote:

The other is lxpolkit, why shouldn't be there and autostart?  Even though you install a default sudo for the user pretty much nothing on the menu that would require sudo will not start.  You install and run lxtask and everything works (mounting volumes from pcmanfm, synaptic, etc).  There may be a reason that escapes me, that is why I am asking.

Little confused again, I do have polkit1 installed and everything works using su. I do not run sudo so generally don't test it and really don't want to, lol, but if it's broke i'll try to fix it, are you saying that if you check the sudo boxes on install and give the user privileges that it's not working? New Vuu-do isos uploaded January 2025!
Vuu-do GNU/Linux, minimal Devuan-based openbox systems to build on, maximal versions if you prefer your linux fully-loaded.
New Devuan-mate-mini isos too!
Please donate to support Devuan and init freedom!


#53 2017-08-24 23:56:35

From: Any witch way
Registered: 2017-07-12
Posts: 497  

Re: Vuu-do Linux! *New Openbox-64 iso's (1.0.7) up 2-02-18*!!

maybe during the upgrade to ascii polkit1 was snatched
At some point somethings were not working again (especially clicking on volumes that do appear on the side of pcmanfm)
everything was working fine and great just by using apt upgrade, then I got wild and used apt-get dist-upgrade and things fell apart, like the obmenu-generator schemas.  I used the miyo trick and brought them back to life but my editing on them vanished.

I guess dist-upgrade is best kept for a more stable release than ascii.  It took me a while but I brought things back in order.
Also, lxdm might be working here (and for lxde) but brings alot of dysfunction to openbox.  Lightdm is IT for openbox I think.

3rd thing, I checked for refracta-usb on experimental and didn't find it, was it supposed to be there?

4th  I could swear that on my live-vuudo and on the installation the net-devices were eth0 and wlan0.  When I made my own (mamy-O) and tried to configure wicd it wasn't finding anything.  When I ifconfig -a it revealed the long names of the two.
How did this happen?  Should I speculate and think that in the installation the network settings were carried from jessie and stayed the same, but when the image was made the networking defaults were in effect as they are in ascii?

I bet @fsmithred has the answer for that one.

I made a live with an alternate locale setting for a friend who wants to give linux a try.  Sometimes people stick with the first thing they try as it becomes more familiar than anything else.  So a total mewb will get wet feet in vuu-do-miyo-testing  smile

Everything works great though and your release notes are not to be missed.
In terms of functionality I had to replace your hotkey Alt-f as my fingers have automatically learned to go for Alt-f save when I am editing something.  All of a sudden I see a file manager where my document was and I get a cold sweat for 5-10".

Palemoon is becoming addictive, I am getting over this aged qupzilla I have been using.
I think you two (miyo greenjeans) should come up with your own desktop.  Maybe call it mojo-box

Last edited by fungus (2017-08-25 00:00:19)


#54 2017-08-25 00:05:32

From: Any witch way
Registered: 2017-07-12
Posts: 497  

Re: Vuu-do Linux! *New Openbox-64 iso's (1.0.7) up 2-02-18*!!

Somewhat Reticent wrote:

3- is there a "dark" (easy-on-the-eyes-on-night-shift) theme respected by Synaptic? Or sct and redshiftY? )(Or both?

Since synaptic runs as root, you would have to log in as root and change theme and color schemes to affect synaptic.
Or you can copy your desktop configuration from /home/user to /root/ and adjust file ownership.  If you make a dark theme for your desktop and use something like leafpad it will be dark.  If you do sudo leafpad it will be light.

Last edited by fungus (2017-08-25 00:06:24)


#55 2017-08-25 00:31:33

Registered: 2016-12-05
Posts: 1,323  

Re: Vuu-do Linux! *New Openbox-64 iso's (1.0.7) up 2-02-18*!!

I haven't explored the latest Vuu-do yet, but...

1. If gksu is installed


2. If lxappearance is installed

Open the Run command (or terminal) and enter

gksu lxappearance

You can then set the theme and icons used in the root account.

I have been Devuanated, and my practice in the art of Devuanism shall continue until my Devuanization is complete. Until then, I will strive to continue in my understanding of Devuanchology, Devuanprocity, and Devuanivity.

Veni, vidi, vici vdevuaned. I came, I saw, I Devuaned. wink


#56 2017-08-25 15:26:22

Somewhat Reticent
Registered: 2017-04-06
Posts: 103  

Re: Vuu-do Linux! *New Openbox-64 iso's (1.0.7) up 2-02-18*!!

greenjeans wrote:

"1. yes, just turn off Nitrogen in the openbox autostart file and reboot"


greenjeans wrote:

"…Synaptic is ate up with some gnome garbage…"

Yeah. I usually have to copy a particular version of Adwaita-Dark over, and maybe add some gtk-theme pkg.

greenjeans wrote:

"…The rest of the system is specifically and relentlessly hand-tuned to be easier on the eyes, thus the grays and blacks."

Excellent. Pity it's so tedious to make a theme that works over all windows, buttons, borders, etc.

greenjeans wrote:

"…the maximal's include VLC and it finds the right audio device on every machine i've tested so far…"

I will eagerly anticipate the next maximals

greenjeans wrote:

"…my computer and every one I own shuts down if you hold the power button down regardless …"

Mine too.

greenjeans wrote:

"…The best way to shut down Vuu-do is use the keyboard shortcut: alt+p ( p stands for 'poweroff")…"


Thanks again. You've been patient & thorough.

*edited to clarify formatting*

Last edited by Somewhat Reticent (2017-08-25 15:30:54)


#57 2017-08-25 19:50:54

Registered: 2017-04-07
Posts: 732  

Re: Vuu-do Linux! *New Openbox-64 iso's (1.0.7) up 2-02-18*!!

MiyoLinux wrote:

I haven't explored the latest Vuu-do yet, but...

1. If gksu is installed


2. If lxappearance is installed

Open the Run command (or terminal) and enter

gksu lxappearance

You can then set the theme and icons used in the root account.

They both are on all openbox versions, the root account has the identical setup to the user account in all respects, theme is Miyo Dark, my favorite OB theme. ;-)

Currently on second day of trying to upload new maximal, got two 45 minute fails yesterday, one local and one from the SF server, so fingers crossed I may have a new version up in an hour or so.

Last edited by greenjeans (2017-08-25 19:52:41) New Vuu-do isos uploaded January 2025!
Vuu-do GNU/Linux, minimal Devuan-based openbox systems to build on, maximal versions if you prefer your linux fully-loaded.
New Devuan-mate-mini isos too!
Please donate to support Devuan and init freedom!


#58 2017-08-25 19:56:47

Registered: 2017-04-07
Posts: 732  

Re: Vuu-do Linux! *New Openbox-64 iso's (1.0.7) up 2-02-18*!!

Somewhat Reticent wrote:


Thanks again. You've been patient & thorough.

*edited to clarify formatting*

Well probably not thorough enough and not appreciative as I should be either, it was hectic yesterday and wanted to kick out replies to questions while I had time, but just wanted you to know that I really appreciate you trying Vuu-do and testing/posting, it's easy for me to get into my own little vacuum if I don't have feedback.

@Fungus: you too, big time thanks for your continued testing and suggestions and reviews and artwork, folks like you really make it all worthwhile. :-D New Vuu-do isos uploaded January 2025!
Vuu-do GNU/Linux, minimal Devuan-based openbox systems to build on, maximal versions if you prefer your linux fully-loaded.
New Devuan-mate-mini isos too!
Please donate to support Devuan and init freedom!


#59 2017-08-25 21:55:39

Registered: 2017-04-07
Posts: 732  

Re: Vuu-do Linux! *New Openbox-64 iso's (1.0.7) up 2-02-18*!!

whew, finally! New maximal done uploading : … 4-maximal/ New Vuu-do isos uploaded January 2025!
Vuu-do GNU/Linux, minimal Devuan-based openbox systems to build on, maximal versions if you prefer your linux fully-loaded.
New Devuan-mate-mini isos too!
Please donate to support Devuan and init freedom!


#60 2017-08-25 23:16:22

Somewhat Reticent
Registered: 2017-04-06
Posts: 103  

Re: Vuu-do Linux! *New Openbox-64 iso's (1.0.7) up 2-02-18*!!

greenjeans wrote:

whew, finally! New maximal done uploading …

Did you test by downloading afterward? I tried several times, but couldn't get the complete ~614MB - kept stopping at ~599MB. hmm


#61 2017-08-25 23:42:35

Registered: 2016-12-05
Posts: 1,323  

Re: Vuu-do Linux! *New Openbox-64 iso's (1.0.7) up 2-02-18*!!

greenjeans wrote:

Currently on second day of trying to upload new maximal, got two 45 minute fails yesterday, one local and one from the SF server, so fingers crossed I may have a new version up in an hour or so.

How do you upload greenjeans? Rsync or SourceForge's uploader? I never could get an .iso uploaded with their uploader, but rsync never has failed me.

I have been Devuanated, and my practice in the art of Devuanism shall continue until my Devuanization is complete. Until then, I will strive to continue in my understanding of Devuanchology, Devuanprocity, and Devuanivity.

Veni, vidi, vici vdevuaned. I came, I saw, I Devuaned. wink


#62 2017-08-26 02:29:58

From: Any witch way
Registered: 2017-07-12
Posts: 497  

Re: Vuu-do Linux! *New Openbox-64 iso's (1.0.7) up 2-02-18*!!

vuudo-miyos and all followers, I think I solved 2 little bugs.
If you use a "minimize-all" in your tint or lxpanel have you noticed that conky vanishes together with all windows?
If in the .conf file you turn off the option at "own_window =false," then conky stays up there at all times.

2nd bug!!!

Remember how the generator menus don't work when on top of the conky surface?
They work now, as conky is not a window anymore!! 


Which means more uploads, or take the stick to a nearby U library or something with a fast connection and click to sourceforge smile


#63 2017-08-28 20:49:30

Registered: 2017-04-07
Posts: 732  

Re: Vuu-do Linux! *New Openbox-64 iso's (1.0.7) up 2-02-18*!!

Somewhat Reticent wrote:
greenjeans wrote:

whew, finally! New maximal done uploading …

Did you test by downloading afterward? I tried several times, but couldn't get the complete ~614MB - kept stopping at ~599MB. hmm

Shoot, I sure haven't, didn't have time that day or since, i'll give it a shot asap.

EDIT: Tried just now, got the whole thing, extra fast too, 614 in like 4 minutes which is outstanding for where i'm at out here at the end of civilization.

Last edited by greenjeans (2017-08-28 21:00:47) New Vuu-do isos uploaded January 2025!
Vuu-do GNU/Linux, minimal Devuan-based openbox systems to build on, maximal versions if you prefer your linux fully-loaded.
New Devuan-mate-mini isos too!
Please donate to support Devuan and init freedom!


#64 2017-08-28 20:52:34

Registered: 2017-04-07
Posts: 732  

Re: Vuu-do Linux! *New Openbox-64 iso's (1.0.7) up 2-02-18*!!

fungus wrote:

Remember how the generator menus don't work when on top of the conky surface?
They work now, as conky is not a window anymore!! 


Strange, I use " own_window yes" on all my openbox systems, never had that problem with conky, I can click anywhere on the desktop in fact that doesn't offer it's own right-click option and i'll get the menu. Mate required a different window_type setting though. New Vuu-do isos uploaded January 2025!
Vuu-do GNU/Linux, minimal Devuan-based openbox systems to build on, maximal versions if you prefer your linux fully-loaded.
New Devuan-mate-mini isos too!
Please donate to support Devuan and init freedom!


#65 2017-08-28 20:55:36

Registered: 2017-04-07
Posts: 732  

Re: Vuu-do Linux! *New Openbox-64 iso's (1.0.7) up 2-02-18*!!

MiyoLinux wrote:
greenjeans wrote:

Currently on second day of trying to upload new maximal, got two 45 minute fails yesterday, one local and one from the SF server, so fingers crossed I may have a new version up in an hour or so.

How do you upload greenjeans? Rsync or SourceForge's uploader? I never could get an .iso uploaded with their uploader, but rsync never has failed me.

Just the http uploader, haven't tried rsync or ftp, it usually works on the second try if not first, but about half the time it runs through the whole thing almost and then gives that server exit 0 message. New Vuu-do isos uploaded January 2025!
Vuu-do GNU/Linux, minimal Devuan-based openbox systems to build on, maximal versions if you prefer your linux fully-loaded.
New Devuan-mate-mini isos too!
Please donate to support Devuan and init freedom!


#66 2017-08-28 21:13:57

From: Any witch way
Registered: 2017-07-12
Posts: 497  

Re: Vuu-do Linux! *New Openbox-64 iso's (1.0.7) up 2-02-18*!!

greenjeans wrote:

Strange, I use " own_window yes" on all my openbox systems, never had that problem with conky, I can click anywhere on the desktop in fact that doesn't offer it's own right-click option and i'll get the menu. Mate required a different window_type setting though.

I remember we were talking about it and I thought that we had to live with it.  Maybe since then you solved the problem otherwise and maybe I missed it.
For a while I thought it may be nitrogen action, one being on top of the other, but it wasn't.  Right clicking on top of a conky didn't produce a generator menu, only away from it.  When I changed to "own_window no" nothing changed on the appearance of conky, but now they would stay up and gen-menus would work on 100% of the screen.  The minimize all windows comes with lxpanel, which I am sorry to say but works off the self much better than tint, with the exception of the logout/exit which will not work unless lxde is running and defining it.  Can't figure out how to configure it otherwise. 

Conky in arch based systems comes next to an also available conky-manager which has a ton of templates available.  Really cool things but each panel takes as much memory out as lxpanel,  With 4-5 panels you are over 200mb.  You can cut and paste scripts from the templates to incorporate into your rc if you want to funky it up.

PS  greenjeans:  Can lizzards float or swim, because there use to be everywhere on Houston truck stops smile


#67 2017-08-28 21:23:51

Registered: 2017-04-07
Posts: 732  

Re: Vuu-do Linux! *New Openbox-64 iso's (1.0.7) up 2-02-18*!!

fungus wrote:

PS  greenjeans:  Can lizzards float or swim, because there use to be everywhere on Houston truck stops smile

Well if they're in Houston right now they're swimming, lol, I have friends down there and you should see the pictures, crazy.....

Here's the conkyrc I use on all the openbox versions for reference, the mate version is identical except I had to change own_window_type to "override" because the file manager in Mate draws the desktop and I run Openbox without one, just wallpaper:

alignment top_left
background no
#border_margin 5
border_width 5
default_color 999999 
double_buffer yes
draw_borders no
draw_outline no
draw_shades no
gap_x 10
gap_y 10
maximum_width 1000
minimum_size 300
no_buffers yes
override_utf8_locale yes
own_window yes
own_window_title conky
own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager
own_window_transparent yes
own_window_type normal ## normal /override /desktop
text_buffer_size 8000
total_run_times 0
update_interval 1
uppercase no
use_xft yes
xftalpha 1
xftfont Freesans:pixelsize=9

#				fonts

${voffset -5}${font BankGothic Md BT:pixelsize=30}${time %A %B %d, %Y %l:%M %P}${font}

${font BankGothic Md BT:pixelsize=16}RAM: ${mem /} / ${memmax /}          HD: ${fs_free /} / ${fs_size /}
${font BankGothic Md BT:pixelsize=12}${alignc}
alt + f = file manager
alt + a = application launcher
alt + t = terminal
alt + l = lock screen
alt + s = suspend 
alt + h = hibernate
alt + r = reboot
alt + p = power-off/shutdown
alt + c = conky on/off switch
prt sc  = take screenshot 

${if_running exaile}${font BankGothic Md BT:pixelsize=16}now playing :  ${execi 10 exaile --get-title}  –  ${execi 10 exaile --get-artist}$endif New Vuu-do isos uploaded January 2025!
Vuu-do GNU/Linux, minimal Devuan-based openbox systems to build on, maximal versions if you prefer your linux fully-loaded.
New Devuan-mate-mini isos too!
Please donate to support Devuan and init freedom!


#68 2017-08-28 21:54:35

Registered: 2016-12-05
Posts: 1,323  

Re: Vuu-do Linux! *New Openbox-64 iso's (1.0.7) up 2-02-18*!!

greenjeans wrote:
MiyoLinux wrote:
greenjeans wrote:

Currently on second day of trying to upload new maximal, got two 45 minute fails yesterday, one local and one from the SF server, so fingers crossed I may have a new version up in an hour or so.

How do you upload greenjeans? Rsync or SourceForge's uploader? I never could get an .iso uploaded with their uploader, but rsync never has failed me.

Just the http uploader, haven't tried rsync or ftp, it usually works on the second try if not first, but about half the time it runs through the whole thing almost and then gives that server exit 0 message.

You're a luckier man than me! LOL! Anytime I tried it with an .iso, it would go kersplunkadoodle every time. What was frustrating was like you said, getting it a...l...m...o...s...t completed, and then it going whap-a-pooey. I tried uploading my very first .iso that way...tried 4 times one night, and it never would finish uploading.

rsync has never failed though. smile

I will send you a private message on the Refracta forum.

I have been Devuanated, and my practice in the art of Devuanism shall continue until my Devuanization is complete. Until then, I will strive to continue in my understanding of Devuanchology, Devuanprocity, and Devuanivity.

Veni, vidi, vici vdevuaned. I came, I saw, I Devuaned. wink


#69 2017-08-28 22:29:03

From: Any witch way
Registered: 2017-07-12
Posts: 497  

Re: Vuu-do Linux! *New Openbox-64 iso's (1.0.7) up 2-02-18*!!

Is surgeforge selling an alternative upload service?
I arrest my case your honor!


#70 2017-08-29 02:47:58

Registered: 2016-12-05
Posts: 1,323  

Re: Vuu-do Linux! *New Openbox-64 iso's (1.0.7) up 2-02-18*!!

fungus wrote:

Is surgeforge selling an alternative upload service?
I arrest my case your honor!


I have been Devuanated, and my practice in the art of Devuanism shall continue until my Devuanization is complete. Until then, I will strive to continue in my understanding of Devuanchology, Devuanprocity, and Devuanivity.

Veni, vidi, vici vdevuaned. I came, I saw, I Devuaned. wink


#71 2017-08-29 02:53:14

Registered: 2016-12-05
Posts: 1,323  

Re: Vuu-do Linux! *New Openbox-64 iso's (1.0.7) up 2-02-18*!!

greenjeans wrote:

Refracta and Miyolinux had too many tequila shots one night...    ....9 months later a vuu-do chile was born.....;-)

LOLOLOL! Absolutely classic! smile

I have been Devuanated, and my practice in the art of Devuanism shall continue until my Devuanization is complete. Until then, I will strive to continue in my understanding of Devuanchology, Devuanprocity, and Devuanivity.

Veni, vidi, vici vdevuaned. I came, I saw, I Devuaned. wink


#72 2017-08-29 08:58:17

Somewhat Reticent
Registered: 2017-04-06
Posts: 103  

Re: Vuu-do Linux! *New Openbox-64 iso's (1.0.7) up 2-02-18*!!

greenjeans wrote:
Somewhat Reticent wrote:

… couldn't get the complete ~614MB - kept stopping at ~599MB. hmm

Shoot, I sure haven't, didn't have time that day or since, i'll give it a shot asap.

EDIT: Tried just now, got the whole thing, extra fast too, 614 in like 4 minutes which is outstanding for where i'm at out here at the end of civilization.

Thanks! Works for me just now. Sounds like SF got a mirror closer to you. It's a very dynamic list.
(mutter … slow mirror propagation … prior closest mirror gone, musical chairs … mutter)

Still get vlc error 'The audio device "default" could not be used: No such file or directory'.
I wonder whether alsa is really set up correctly - it doesn't seem right for my test box.
I've never seen a good GUI for alsa (not even a mediocre one). Certainly no drop-down list of "devices", no Full Manual.
Still, I change vlc preferences to specific audio settings, exit and restart - eventually I may find a working setup.
Better than looking for doc files for (old version of) mpv.

wicd still doesn't re-connect promptly (if ever) without manual intervention.
return from suspend to blank screen - some keystroke got a small green circle, which developed an orange part at top, then blanked back out
told power manager to shut off on power button - didn't
And synaptic is blinding.
Hopefully, all that can be fixed, and a new ISO generated (but will default user lose su/sudo settings?)

Last edited by Somewhat Reticent (2017-08-29 20:09:45)


#73 2017-08-29 22:00:59

Registered: 2017-04-07
Posts: 732  

Re: Vuu-do Linux! *New Openbox-64 iso's (1.0.7) up 2-02-18*!!

Somewhat Reticent wrote:

return from suspend to blank screen - some keystroke got a small green circle, which developed an orange part at top, then blanked back out
told power manager to shut off on power button - didn't

From the releases notes which are also posted as the readme file on SF:

Screen-locking is enabled and shortcut is noted in conky display (Alt + l) in addition to main menu. This is only a locker, not a screensaver, the program is i3lock and it just blanks/locks your screen.

To unlock simply type your password and hit enter, i3lock doesn't give you a pretty unlock-gui like mate-screensaver or xscreensaver, you just get a simple green circle once you start typing and then after you finish and hit enter it unlocks immediately. So there is no daemon running sucking up power and ram, and the i3lock program and dependencies only add up to half a MB, so it's lightweight and very quick.

Somewhat Reticent wrote:

And synaptic is blinding.

I checked after you asked, on the Mate build partition but forgot to check the Openbox one, the mate one didn't seem bad and seems to follow the theme fine, i'll check on the one in Openbox tonight and if it's too loud i'll definitely see about turning it down some, that is one of the goals of Vuu-do for sure, to be easy on the eyes, thanks for bringing that to my attention. ;-)

Don't know what to say about your wicd issue, works flawlessly here so I don't have any reference point to start troubleshooting anything.

Alsa has also worked really well, and did so from the get-go without any configuring on my part, I left it just like it originally came in Miyolinux and it's worked wonderfully in every install, I was so stoked to try something that didn't include Pulseaudio and worked right that I never stopped to check any configs.  VLC fires right up with good sound on my machine as does Exaile, and FYI all Vuu-do's (maximal) will play DVD's out of the box.;-D I'll check it out though and try to make it better.

But again that makes it hard for me to see what's going on with your machine, part of my problem is that both of my laptops are HP/Compaq and so are the last half dozen or so I have converted to Linux in the last few months for some reason, an endless stream of cheap AMD APU's, I could really use some different hardware for testing at least, i'll check with my local pawn guy to see what he has, other than HP what would y'all say was the most common laptop? Dell? Toshiba? New Vuu-do isos uploaded January 2025!
Vuu-do GNU/Linux, minimal Devuan-based openbox systems to build on, maximal versions if you prefer your linux fully-loaded.
New Devuan-mate-mini isos too!
Please donate to support Devuan and init freedom!


#74 2017-08-29 22:08:01

From: U.S.-South Carolina
Registered: 2017-06-15
Posts: 89  

Re: Vuu-do Linux! *New Openbox-64 iso's (1.0.7) up 2-02-18*!!

I think the Dell is more popular, but I found the Toshiba to be stronger, at a close 2nd.


#75 2017-08-30 00:33:28

Registered: 2016-12-05
Posts: 1,323  

Re: Vuu-do Linux! *New Openbox-64 iso's (1.0.7) up 2-02-18*!!

Somewhat Reticent wrote:

Still get vlc error

This is going to sound strange, and perhaps it's just me for some oddball reason, but one thing that I noticed is this...

If I install VLC through the terminal, I would always have a glitch with it somewhere. However, if I installed it with Synaptic, it would always work perfectly. I don't know why, and I don't understand it, but that's been my personal observation and my personal experience.

I will also state that I grew so accustomed to installing VLC with Synaptic, that I haven't tried installing it with the terminal in a long time.

I have been Devuanated, and my practice in the art of Devuanism shall continue until my Devuanization is complete. Until then, I will strive to continue in my understanding of Devuanchology, Devuanprocity, and Devuanivity.

Veni, vidi, vici vdevuaned. I came, I saw, I Devuaned. wink


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