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My user/login password is say xyz
my root password is say xxxx
login accepts xyz
su only accepts my user/login password ie. xyz
su - only accepts my user/login password ie. xyz
su root only accepts my user/login password ie. xyz
sudo only accepts my user/login password ie. xyz
NOWHERE is my Root Password accepted !
MabNesta: NOWHERE is my Root Password accepted !
Your excitability is unwarranted, Star is no longer being maintained due to the inability of the developer. After a long illness, he has dropped from communication. Ozi's current status is unknown.
Last edited by zephyr (2023-10-12 07:43:14)
easier to light a candle, yet curse the dark instead / experience life, or simply ...merely exist / ride the serpent / molon labe
but depending of the reason why you want STAR, you can relatively very light make yourself somewhat adequate and comparable directly with Devuan regular netinstall ISO (refuse the Devuan desktop + use yourself the tools of STAR as apt configuration + JWM, and, later, as it works correctly, SLIM or lightDM). STAR is somekind of equivalent in 32 bit from CROWZ in 64 bit.
I have and nurse my 4 ISO's
- Devuan justX 32
- Devuan justX 64
- Devuan 32 fat but in justX manner
- Devuan 64 fat but in justX manner
I did announce precedently to offer then at sourceforge but i whas before daedalus was really installed as the new stable... and then, I did upgrade to ceres as ceres and the new experimental were the same at that time. since this time, I have visualizations problems on more than 3 old but powerful PC's probably because of the new kernels and perhaps the astonish but intensive use of kernel links in Devuan Ceres (cursor gets draw permanently in the top corner of the screen).
I can of course offer such ISOs! And I will not come back to the stable version so I wait for new kernels being more friendly...
YOU also can do that for your need yourself! It is absolutely not difficult: You have only to look a bit in the womb of STAR or CROWZ (at /etc/apt/... and at etc other various details depending of your own needs as well as in /usr/share/applications. after that, you know a lot and can start without toil...
Last edited by oui (2023-11-12 22:16:32)
as I did find an old snapshot out 2023.08.02 from me (nursing it years ago to daedalus (as it was testing) I did actualize it yesterday to the actual ceres and it seems to work on my DELL XT3 correctly so I have now a new ISO from Star with somekind a maximal set of the app's I am using frequently. Kernel vmlinuz-6.1.0-10-686. The ISO size in 1,6 GB ONLY! here the ls result out /usr/share/applications:
abiword.desktop aeskulap.desktop alsamixer.desktop aqemu.desktop conky.desktop debian-uxterm.desktop debian-xterm.desktop defaults.list exo-file-manager.desktop exo-mail-reader.desktop exo-preferred-applications.desktop exo-terminal-emulator.desktop exo-web-browser.desktop gimagereader-gtk.desktop gimp.desktop gksu.desktop gnucash.desktop granule.desktop grun.desktop hardinfo.desktop htop.desktop librecad.desktop luakit.desktop lxappearance.desktop lxterminal.desktop mhwaveedit.desktop mimeinfo.cache mpv.desktop mtpaint.desktop notification-daemon.desktop nted.desktop org.gnome.Epiphany.desktop org.gnome.Zenity.desktop org.gnumeric.gnumeric.desktop org.inkscape.Inkscape.desktop org.merkaartor.merkaartor.desktop org.xfce.mousepad.desktop org.xfce.mousepad-settings.desktop osmo.desktop panel-desktop-handler.desktop panel-preferences.desktop pcmanfm.desktop pcmanfm-desktop-pref.desktop python2.6.desktop python3.11.desktop python3.3.desktop qemu.desktop ranger.desktop reportbug.desktop sakura.desktop seamonkey-mozilla-build.desktop synaptic.desktop synaptic-kde.desktop thunar-bulk-rename.desktop Thunar-bulk-rename.desktop thunar.desktop Thunar.desktop Thunar-folder-handler.desktop thunar-settings.desktop thunar-volman-settings.desktop transmission-gtk.desktop ucblogo.desktop usbpmount.desktop usb-unmount.desktop vim.desktop virtualbox.desktop winetricks.desktop xarchiver.desktop xfburn.desktop xfce4-about.desktop xfce4-accessibility-settings.desktop xfce4-appfinder.desktop xfce4-mime-settings.desktop xfce4-notifyd-config.desktop xfce4-run.desktop xfce4-screenshooter.desktop xfce4-session-logout.desktop xfce4-settings-editor.desktop xfce4-terminal.desktop xfce4-terminal-settings.desktop xfce-backdrop-settings.desktop xfce-display-settings.desktop xfce-keyboard-settings.desktop xfce-mouse-settings.desktop xfce-session-settings.desktop xfce-settings-manager.desktop xfce-ui-settings.desktop xfce-wm-settings.desktop xfce-wmtweaks-settings.desktop xfce-workspaces-settings.desktop xpdf.desktop xsane.desktop yad-icon-browser.desktop yelp.desktop
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