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#1 2022-01-09 23:53:37

Registered: 2017-09-02
Posts: 305  

Devuan-Minimalinstall a bit like Puppy linux

Puppy linux was for me the ideal way for full possession of MY hardware and the software installed by me.



all in RAM,

nothing, what I not wish, on the disk :-)) !

After shutdown, nothing more!

But the Refracta installer and the packages offered by Devuan permit to make yourself equivalent, more, equivalent best adapted with your needs and habits...

My actual installation with the great help of divers engaged member of the Devuan community did permit me to build a good ISO starting about like a Puppy live and offering the same or more possibilities! Thank you, than you very much!

The ISO hat 800 MB size (young Puppy's have often, under consideration that the traditional Puppy extension devx.sfs is a very big squashed file a size what is not far from this 800 MB, but are not yet out the generation of the Linux newest testing systems!)

I did describe here: … 769#p46769

my very detailled (as a lot of Puppy users are very simple users in a system what never did respect all Linux rules) view how to realize such a minimal installation to work always from RAM. In my remastered version of the real Puppy Linux (made out stuff from Devuan / Debian), I store within the ISO an adapted /etc/fstab binding the installation with my sda5 (as I can organize all my computers so, that the sda5 is present and can have in all computers that function, store the data and some stuff I will have absolutely equivalent independent from the installation for ex. dictionaries (I don't will an hunspell dictionary so on the one system but different on the next system: it is nonsens, etc.) as well as one adapted ~/.mozilla. Why? This adapted settings as well as history registering from active Mozilla can store sensitive not-very-sensitive data, but only such one, and store certain cookies, but not the other... All that is present in RAM and all happens in RAM. After the shutdown of the system, all is totally forgot: only the stuff, that I have selected in the ~/.mozilla fest saved in the ISO can continue to be reused later after the next start and more starts!

I did today realize, that Refracta live use did hide some content of /home/user etc. I have to continue to experiment that problem probably solving through links and sub dir's in /home/user...

Last edited by oui (2022-01-10 08:04:36)


#2 2022-01-10 12:00:00

Registered: 2016-11-25
Posts: 2,481  

Re: Devuan-Minimalinstall a bit like Puppy linux

I did today realize, that Refracta live use did hide some content of /home/user etc. I have to continue to experiment that problem probably solving through links and sub dir's in /home/user...

See the extensive rsync excludes file at /usr/lib/refractasnapshot/snapshot_exclude.list and edit the file to suit your needs. If you want to keep a file that is excluded, just comment out that line in the list.


#3 2022-01-10 21:53:36

Registered: 2017-09-02
Posts: 305  

Re: Devuan-Minimalinstall a bit like Puppy linux

fsmithred wrote:

I did today realize, that Refracta live use did hide some content of /home/user etc. I have to continue to experiment that problem probably solving through links and sub dir's in /home/user...

See the extensive rsync excludes file at /usr/lib/refractasnapshot/snapshot_exclude.list and edit the file to suit your needs. If you want to keep a file that is excluded, just comment out that line in the list.

Tank you very much, I will try it!


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