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#26 2021-08-11 22:03:43

Registered: 2019-07-04
Posts: 228  

Re: An example of how Trinity Desktop Env (TDE) can look on Devuan ASCII

This is a large information dump, but the astonishing final message here is that you are not denying the accusation. TDE really is a risky thing to use in a contemporary networked environment? That's mind-boggling.


#27 2021-08-12 06:37:58

Registered: 2020-05-05
Posts: 184  

Re: An example of how Trinity Desktop Env (TDE) can look on Devuan ASCII


No, he did not answer your question. And that probably because he was writing while you were posting. There are 8 minutes between his and your post.

I would not use trinity for critical work. But the code is maintained and releases are frequent. So not more risky than other smaller projects.

Have a nice day


#28 2021-08-12 14:30:02

Registered: 2018-04-22
Posts: 519  

Re: An example of how Trinity Desktop Env (TDE) can look on Devuan ASCII

Micronaut wrote:

Every time I have asked about Trinity desktop in any Linux forum I see these claims that it is hugely insecure due to being such an old code base and no one with any sense would dare use it.

This is the same ignorant claim made against Pale Moon browser. As long as it's maintained with bug and security fixes, it's no more insecure than any other comparable app. (Unless there's something about TDE I don't know yet.)

Micronaut wrote:

Second, is this claim of 'ancient code' remotely true? Just because they forked it from KDE 3.x doesn't mean they haven't fixed any bugs since then. That's the point of the fork, to get control of the code. smile

You answered your own question.


#29 2021-08-13 22:24:24

Registered: 2017-05-29
Posts: 956  

Re: An example of how Trinity Desktop Env (TDE) can look on Devuan ASCII

Ron wrote:
Micronaut wrote:

Every time I have asked about Trinity desktop in any Linux forum I see these claims that it is hugely insecure due to being such an old code base and no one with any sense would dare use it.

This is the same ignorant claim made against Pale Moon browser. As long as it's maintained with bug and security fixes, it's no more insecure than any other comparable app. (Unless there's something about TDE I don't know yet.)

Micronaut wrote:

Second, is this claim of 'ancient code' remotely true? Just because they forked it from KDE 3.x doesn't mean they haven't fixed any bugs since then. That's the point of the fork, to get control of the code. smile

You answered your own question.

Agree with you wholeheartedly Ron,

that being said, some code that the palemoon devs use is newer, also, they deprecated jetpack at one point.

Which I fully agree with, due to the nature of its bloat.

I don't use palemoon btw, I use a fork of Basilisk Browser.

But yeah, they focus on stability and security, both bug fixes and security fixes on both their projects, Basilisk Browser and Palemoon.

On the subject of Trinity Desktop, KDE3 may be older, but imo, the newer KDE is way too much stimula for me, even KDE3 is a bit too much sometimes.

Although I think Trinity Desktop looks cool, for some reason, I have wanted to go for a more arcane since maybe more than half a year ago? I think?

I like using low amount of cpu for my WM or DE, thus I use JWM full time now, helps battery life. smile

But if I had to choose a DE on devuan, Trinity would be it.

My only reason not using any DE, they bloated, and in Trinity Desktop's case, it requires some crap... dbus for example... sad

Four of my laptops use Hyperbola now though. They are the ones I use most, and the newest, not counting that thinkpenguin one that is falling apart that I never use.

Hinge breaking, etc...

I have probably said way more than required, but yeah,  I like my system to be as minimal as possible, within reason.

Stuff redhat tries to cram into GNU and Linux,  is mostly not within reason, dbus, systemd, networkmanager, pulseaudio, pipewire, avahi, etc...

I use devuan much less than I used to, but its still interesting to see what people do here, thus I remain on here.

It's good you guys are around though, the more init freedom projects, the better! smile

Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. Feelings are not facts
If you wish to be humbled, try to exalt yourself long term  If you wish to be exalted, try to humble yourself long term
Favourite operating systems: Hyperbola Devuan OpenBSD
Peace Be With us All!


#30 2021-08-14 15:46:57

Registered: 2019-09-09
Posts: 172  

Re: An example of how Trinity Desktop Env (TDE) can look on Devuan ASCII

Micronaut wrote:

This is a large information dump, but the astonishing final message here is that you are not denying the accusation. TDE really is a risky thing to use in a contemporary networked environment? That's mind-boggling.

The more complex DE is the less secure it is, I guess KDE5 is one of the most complex ones.
I have much less instability issues with TDE than with KDE4, I even refused to run KDE5 as a DE, only using a few applications from it.

Security is a very very tricky topic and to get something really secure you have to isolate it by air, use only secure hardware (at least ARM or may be SPARC, POWER, etc.). You can read more in OpenBSD mailing lists if you have enough time to learn all this stuff.

For easy security just run Trinity DE on the Devuan host and run modern GUI programs inside a KVM guest with its kernel having option lockdown=confidentiality, also SELinux or other MAC can be useful. Connect to it via VNC, such config provides at least some very basic security. Guest shall run a very light WM like IceWM. For better security you need to have a dedicated VM for each application similar to like Qubes does it. Say browser in KVM1, Telegram in KVM2, Pidgin in KVM3, and preferably they all would even run on a different baremetal host, not where Trinity is installed.

Last edited by bimon (2021-08-14 15:53:25)


#31 2021-08-15 23:48:41

From: Canada
Registered: 2018-10-24
Posts: 72  

Re: An example of how Trinity Desktop Env (TDE) can look on Devuan ASCII

Wow that brings me back to when Slackware with KDE 3.5 was all new and shiny. I used that for quite a while. That was the same era as the Opera 12 browser. Such a good browser. It was also the only version of KDE I liked. For the longest time I preferred Xfce, but the screen tearing with Nvidia/compositing issue has become too much of a PIA to bother with given that Mate looks and works almost the same and has no such issues. KDE Plasma was OK I suppose, but I'd rather use Mate. The rest I have used, from JWM to Cinnamon, but really... all I actually want from a desktop environment is perfectly delivered with Mate. Newer does not mean better...

Last edited by Tatwi (2021-08-15 23:49:37)


#32 2021-10-31 13:37:54

Registered: 2021-09-04
Posts: 36  

Re: An example of how Trinity Desktop Env (TDE) can look on Devuan ASCII

The instructions linked above describe only Debian. There was a link entitled "Preliminary Stable Builds - rolling version of current stable branch (maintenance releases)" which went to a page that did (finally) mention Devuan.

I'm a bit wary of a creating what they used to on the Debian forums call a "frankendebian" by willy-nilly adding repos. I've only been running Devuan a few months and so far have stayed with official repos. Can anyone clue me in, please?

A dangerous technology is one that is available only to an elite group  -- George M. Ewing, Analog, April 1977


#33 2021-10-31 17:49:44

From: Exmouth, South West England
Registered: 2016-12-01
Posts: 48  

Re: An example of how Trinity Desktop Env (TDE) can look on Devuan ASCII

The instructions linked above describe only Debian

That was the case before although the Debian packages were compatible with Devuan. TDE now have specific repos for all Devuan versions (and R14.0.11 is released today, in case anyone still thinks it's old, unmaintained code) … structions


#34 2021-11-01 03:27:05

From: Saskatchewan, Canada
Registered: 2020-08-10
Posts: 17  

Re: An example of how Trinity Desktop Env (TDE) can look on Devuan ASCII

dzz wrote:

That was the case before although the Debian packages were compatible with Devuan. TDE now have specific repos for all Devuan versions (and R14.0.11 is released today, in case anyone still thinks it's old, unmaintained code) … structions

I've been using the Devuan trinity repository in my Exe desktop for the last year now and they work great!  It's so nice being able to upgrade my Trinity desktop as soon as a new release is available.  I've upgraded TDE twice with no problems at all.  TDE just keeps on getting better and better.


#35 2021-11-06 18:03:46

Registered: 2019-09-09
Posts: 172  

Re: An example of how Trinity Desktop Env (TDE) can look on Devuan ASCII

New screenshots after upgrade:



Last edited by bimon (2021-11-06 18:06:14)


#36 2022-01-08 23:01:35

Registered: 2021-12-31
Posts: 71  

Re: An example of how Trinity Desktop Env (TDE) can look on Devuan ASCII

Great to see fellow TDE appreciators here on Devuan. :-)

I took a hiatus from TDE for the past few months using icewm on FreeBSD, but I've returned to Devuan and continue using Trinity. I think the most anticipated feature for me is getting Konqueror from TDE in a secure and usable state. Talk is going on to move it to a TqtWebKit.

Last edited by hunter0one (2022-01-08 23:01:54)


#37 2022-11-18 12:32:11

From: Waterford WI
Registered: 2022-11-15
Posts: 20  

Re: An example of how Trinity Desktop Env (TDE) can look on Devuan ASCII

Trinity (TDE) with latest Chimaera. Works just fine. Fun and retro cool.


Last edited by trinidad (2022-11-18 12:33:01)


#38 2023-02-28 00:47:38

Registered: 2019-09-09
Posts: 172  

Re: An example of how Trinity Desktop Env (TDE) can look on Devuan ASCII

It is my current desktop look:


Btw., it works fine even with dbus STOPPED on the host. Hyperbola style wink

Devuan ASCII + Libre Kernel 4.19.latest + ZFS v0.8.6 + Trinity Desktop + KVM + Chimaera Guest where Telegram runs.

All this works fine on a single old PC: Core2 Quad with 4GB RAM (extendable to 8Gb if needed) smile

Last edited by bimon (2023-02-28 01:01:16)


#39 2023-02-28 16:47:41

Registered: 2022-07-14
Posts: 209  

Re: An example of how Trinity Desktop Env (TDE) can look on Devuan ASCII

Nice background image.

Can't say I'm using TDE, but really really appreciate the return of kpackage with it.


#40 2023-02-28 19:13:35

Registered: 2021-02-14
Posts: 141  

Re: An example of how Trinity Desktop Env (TDE) can look on Devuan ASCII

The easiest way to settle this is to put Trinity DE devuan on a VM and give the good folk permission to seek exploits, it'll be fun!


#41 2023-03-01 08:49:50

Registered: 2022-10-26
Posts: 646  

Re: An example of how Trinity Desktop Env (TDE) can look on Devuan ASCII

This is OpenSuse 15.4 with Trinity DE R 14.0.13.
Maybe other options should have been set?

localhost:/ # searchsploit Trinity DE
2023/03/01 10:46:09.537811 system_key.go:129: cannot determine nfs usage in generateSystemKey: cannot parse /etc/fstab: expected between 3 and 6 fields, found 7
---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------
 Exploit Title                                |  Path
---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------
Centrinity FirstClass 5.77 - Intranet Server  | multiple/dos/20052.txt
Centrinity FirstClass Desktop Client 7.1 - Lo | windows/local/23921.c
Centrinity FirstClass HTTP Server 5.50/5.77/7 | windows/dos/23234.c
MiniManager For Mangos/Trinity Server - Denia | php/dos/12554.txt
---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------
Shellcodes: No Results


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