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What do you use for backups?
Im using fsarchiver as it is quick and you can secure the archive with blowfish encryption.
FSArchiver here as well. For its unparagonable versatility, flexibility, reliability.
FSArchiver here as well. For its unparagonable versatility, flexibility, reliability.
How to do you backup? I have a portable drive ive set up a small devuan system with no X that i can archive from. So the portable drive has an operating system and ext4 partition to backup to. The hot backup or live backup is an option but it has stalled/failed on me in the past.
This is how i do it for the moment.
1. log into portable drive that has devuan installed on a 10GB partition.
2. mount the rest of the portable drive labeled backup from portable drives /etc/fstab
3. fsarchiver savefs /media/$USER/backup.fsa /dev/sda1 /dev/mapper/cryptroot -v -j4 -c xxxxxxx
With encrypted partitions they need to be opened first of course.
Last edited by dice (2021-03-05 14:33:28)
Rsync for backing up data, not the OS.
There's a number of different Linuxes, installed on each of my computers. Each Linux lives in its own partition and is totaly independent from any other one. A huge data partition with user data files in it is the only thing shared between them, used by all installed Linuxes.
FSArchiver is added to each installed Linux.
The simple thing is - never backup/restore a mounted partition. Nothing else.
For example, there are A, B, C, D Linuxes installed in their own partitions. I want to backup A and B ones. I simply boot into C or D, and run FSArchiver from them, backing up A and B either separately, in two separated archives, or put them both in a single archive.
To restore A or B, I boot again into C or D, and restore either A or B, or both.
The important thing to note here is that while C or D are running, A and B remain unmounted. So I can backup, restore, do whatever I want with partitions, corresponding to A and B.
FSArchiver archives are kept on an external USB disk.
Finally, I have a bootable USB flash stick with SystemRescueCD on it. FSArchiver is included in each and every SystemRescueCD release. In the worst case, when internal disk is totally damaged and computer doesn't boot from it, I boot from USB stick, fire up FSArchiver, and restore A, B, C, D partitions from the external disk.
SystemRescueCD with FSArchiver is an excellent disaster recovery tool.
What do you use for backups?
I use two applications: Timeshift and BackInTime.
Timeshift takes system snapshots and BackInTime takes ~/ snapshots.
Have always worked quite well.
All the snapshots get stored on a separate 300Gb SAS drive living inside the box.
This is quite obviously not the ideal solution and I've been procrastinating for the longest while.
Last edited by Altoid (2021-03-05 14:54:16)
@ just, that sounds like a good idea per computer. The portable drive in my case is a nice option for having both storage media and backup media on the same disk. I can use the portable drive for many other computers if need be as long as i have the correct firmware and drivers installed. At the moment installed devuan to portable ssd drives is good, there is no lag like you would get from a spin drive and the speed of usb3 ports is good for this type of application. Technology has come far in this regard.
Last edited by dice (2021-03-05 15:02:30)
For my Debian bullseye system I have a systemd timer calling this simple rsync script every week to back up the system to the spare internal drive in my ThinkPad:
#!/usr/bin/env ksh
_date="$(date -I)"
function rsync_backup {
/usr/bin/rsync -aAXq --delete --exclude={'/dev/*','/proc/*','/sys/*','/tmp/*','/run/*','/mnt/*','/media/*','/lost+found','/efi/*','/home/empty/Music/*','/home/empty/Downloads/*'} / /mnt/debian/ 2>"$error_log"
[ -a /mnt/backup-* ] && rm /mnt/backup-*
touch /mnt/backup-"$_date"
function clear_logs {
if [ "$(stat -c %s "$error_log")" = 0 ]
rm "$error_log"
printf 'Empty error log deleted.\n'
printf 'Errors in log, not deleting.\n'
printf 'Mounting backup partition...\n'
if mount /dev/disk/by-uuid/"$uuid" /mnt ; then
printf 'Mounted backup partition.\n'
printf 'Beginning backup...\n'
printf 'Backup complete.\n'
printf 'Backup failed, partition not mounted correctly.\n'
printf 'Clearing empty error log files...\n'
printf 'Un-mounting backup partition...\n'
umount /mnt && printf 'Un-mounted backup partition.\n'
printf 'All done :-)\n'
I won't share the systemd .timer & .service units because I'm pretty sure nobody will find them of any use :-)
For my Alpine system I drop this script in /etc/periodic/daily/ to take a snapshot of the root filesystem every day and create a submenu listing the available snapshots in GRUB (five snapshots are kept at any one time with the excess being deleted by the script):
time=$(date +'%Y-%m-%d@%T')
uuid=$(findmnt -o uuid -n /)
parameters='rw quiet modules=btrfs'
get_snap_info() {
snap_list=$(for snap in "$snapshot_dir"/* ; do printf '%s ' "$(basename -- "$snap")" ; done)
snap_number=$(printf '%s\n' "$snap_list" | wc -w)
old_snap=$(printf '%s\n' "$snap_list" | awk '{print $1}')
if grep -q ' / .*snapshot.*' /proc/self/mounts ; then
printf 'Booted into snapshot, no action taken.\n'
printf 'Removing old configuration file...\n'
if [ -e "$config_file" ] ; then
rm "$config_file"
printf 'No configuration file found.\n'
printf 'Creating new snapshot...\n'
btrfs subvolume snapshot / "$snapshot_dir"/"$time"
while [ "$snap_number" -gt 5 ] ; do
printf 'Removing excess snapshot...\n'
btrfs subvolume delete "$snapshot_dir"/"$old_snap"
printf 'Creating new configuration file...\n'
printf '#\n' > "$config_file"
for entry in "$snapshot_dir"/* ; do
ed "$config_file" > /dev/null <<!
menuentry '${entry##*/}' {
search --fs-uuid --set=root $uuid
linux $subvol_dir/${entry##*/}$kernel root=UUID=$uuid rootflags=subvol=$subvol_dir/${entry##*/} $parameters
initrd $subvol_dir/${entry##*/}$ucode $subvol_dir/${entry##*/}$initrd
printf 'All done!\n'
Snapshots aren't really backups, as such, but I'm tracking Alpine's edge version and the ability to rollback to a prior state is very useful with a rolling release distribution. I have a similar script in my Arch box that's called by another systemd timer unit.
For the family laptop I run rsync manually to a pair of separate stand-alone hard drives. Backups for that are too important to automate...
never backup/restore a mounted partition
I always backup from a running system with all of the target partitions mounted. This is fine with rsync as long as you don't mind the stuff you're working on during the backup process not being saved.
Brianna Ghey — Rest In Power
I backup my personal data using
rsync -avh <source> <destination>
scripts (which are very basic bash commands)
I also use reverse instructions to restore. But I haven't had to do that in a long time, touch wood. :-)
I used to use "simplebackup" but it stopped working and support for it disappeared, but that was when I was still using Mageia/Mandriva (about ten years ago?).
Thankfully, Devuan Beowulf is more stable than any other OS I have ever used before.
pic from 1993, new guitar day.
I back up data with rsync, wrapped in a customized bash script.
I back up system partitions booting a different OS and using partclone from there.
I use fsarchiver to backup an operating system partition, rsync for a home directory.
It's all on an LVM so I can make a snapshot of a mounted partition and safely backup from that.
Last edited by durham (2021-09-25 04:09:18)
A dangerous technology is one that is available only to an elite group -- George M. Ewing, Analog, April 1977
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