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After installing the beta-dvd of beowulf (today upgraded to stable) I noticed two problems:
1. I use XFCE. Invoking synaptic normally I get a window to write root's password, then synaptic is opened. Now: nothing. I solved the problem by creating a button in the panel, setting a "sudo" before "synaptic-pkexec" and using "execute in a terminal".
So my question ist not: how to get access as a normal user (as root there is no problem), but; why don't I get the usual window.
Testing the behavior I opened a teminal and wrote "synaptic-pkexec". I got these messages:
==== AUTHENTICATING FOR com.ubuntu.pkexec.synaptic ===
Authentication is required to run the Synaptic Package Manager
Authenticating as: <full name>,,, (>system user>j)
polkit-agent-helper-1: error response to PolicyKit daemon: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1.Error.Failed: No session for cookie
Error executing command as another user: Not authorized
Using ascii this problem did not exist. Anyone can propose me a solution?
2. Using tor-browser pulseaudio gives no sound. Using pulseaudio in the system-mode tor-browser has sound, but this mode is not recommended.
Pulseaudio has a lot of dependencies, I deleted pulseaudio in a test-installation (I have 3 different devuan installations bootable) to use alsa instead, but I got no effect. I suppose some reconfiguring may be necessary. What is to do?
For the future I think of a combination of alsa and jack.
Thank you for your answers.
Last edited by hmj (2020-06-01 23:56:18)
What does alsamixer in a terminal show. Is your device listed in a terminal with "amixer". If it works consider instaling "volumeicon-alsa".
Have a nice day
lars H
1. Make sure policykit-1-gnome is installed. If that doesn't do it, I'll have more questions about what is or isn't installed.
2. tor-browser requires pulseaudio for sound. If you remove pulseaudio (as I have) you can install and use apulse. I made a panel button to start tor-browser and edited the command to begin with apulse.
3. I've been wishing for years that someone would make a jack plugin for firefox.
Hi fsmithred
In gentoo you can build firefox wwith support for jackd. So you should be able to do it by compiling it yourself.
Have a nice day
Lars H
policykit-gnome is installed, version 0.105-7
policykit-1 has version 0.105-25+devuan8
Invoking amixer I get:
Simple mixer control 'Master',0
Capabilities: pvolume pswitch pswitch-joined
Playback channels: Front Left - Front Right
Limits: Playback 0 - 65536
Front Left: Playback 5621 [9%] [off]
Front Right: Playback 5621 [9%] [off]
Simple mixer control 'Capture',0
Capabilities: cvolume cswitch cswitch-joined
Capture channels: Front Left - Front Right
Limits: Capture 0 - 65536
Front Left: Capture 3547 [5%] [on]
Front Right: Capture 3547 [5%] [on]
After the test I installed volumeicon-alsa. I suppose that it is necessary to delete pulseaudio to make it work?
Thank you
No. deleting pulseaudio is not required. But volumicon needs to be started from a terminal with "volumeicon".
You can also adjust levels using alsamixer (also in a terminal). Hopefully you will be able to adjust the volume
Have a nice day
Lars H
But volumicon needs to be started from a terminal with "volumeicon".
Depending on what DE/WM you use, you can also launch it from start programs of your environment. Quite useful when you are already confident that it works for you.
Hi PedroReina
That would have been my next suggestion, when confirmed sound is working. One step at a time ;-))
Have a nice day
One step at a time ;-))
I changed to my installation for tests. there I deleted pulseaudio and load some alsa packages.
My mainboard uses an Intel-HD chip. I have to select between duplex-stereo and multichannel-
HDMI. For my hardware, normal stereo, I use line-output stereo rear (green), front headphones.
Using QasMixer I chose card 1, HD-Audio Realtek. So I can change the different levels - but without effect.
Using gnome-mpv I get the information:
Playback was terminated abnormally. Reason: audio output initialization failed.
Trying a "apulse" before the command to invoke gnome-mpv: gnome-mpv chrashes when starting.
This is the reason why I asked whether there is the need to reconfigure packages.
In my working-installation I continue with pulseaudio.
Does alsamixer in a terminal work
To get pulseaudio to work you need according to the Release Notes do the following:
- If you have no sound, make sure the following line in
/etc/pulse/client.conf.d/00-disable-autospawn.conf is commented as
shown here:
Have a nice day
Lars H
In my working installation I added a line to load pulseaudio in the system-mode to /etc/rc.local (we work with init, so this is possible).
Because we don't use systemd there is of course the need to write "#autospawn=no". This ist done.
I wrote about my other devuan-installation that exists to test changes of my configuration. There I deleted pulseaudio.
The gui for alsamixer, using gtk, shows two levels, that are not to movable In my last post I described a program for alsa, where it seems that the different channels are ruled, but nothing happens. Maybe a problem of the hardware.
Thank you for your answer
Finally I took the decision to invoke pulseaudio in the file /etc/rc.local in the local mode.
I start the X-Server manually. That's why I have no problem with a running pulseaudio in normal mode, that should be stopped before aktivating pulseaudio in the system mode. It may be not recommended, but it runs. So we can close this theme.
I wrote about my installations with policykit. When noticing the difficulty to access to synaptic, I just had installed Beowulf after the information on devuan's website, that it is the new stable distribution. The policykit-packages were installed automatically. So I wonder why I don't get a small window to write root's password.
I remember that some years ago I had a similar problem with a former debian installation. As I have written: Using sudo and opening a terminal, I get the access. But I would like to know by principle reasons why this happens.