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Cinnamon 3.2.7 recently became available in ascii/main:
$ sudo apt-get install cinnamon
After installation it needs to be configured to use ConsoleKit rather than logind for a few things, otherwise cinnamon-session will crash frequently with no warnings or errors.
Using dconf_editor:
$ sudo apt-get install dconf_editor
Make these changes to the following keys:
org.cinnamon.desktop.session.session-manager-uses-logind = false
org.cinnamon.desktop.session.settings-daemon-uses-logind = false
org.cinnamon.desktop.session.screensaver-uses-logind = false
I did this from within a running cinnamon session, then logged out and back in again. I haven't been using it for long enough to say how stable it is otherwise, but it seems to be working well.
I found 'Shutdown applet' via the 'Available applets (online)' window, in the panel options:
to add suspend and hibernate buttons to the panel, which works great.
Last edited by spinlock (2017-06-25 15:08:43)
Not much response in this thread, but I think this is going to make a lot of people happy. Thanks!
Edit: I can confirm that it works. I had some trouble with dconf-editor - the middle value would not change. Problem was that I was in xfce with a clearlooks-phenix theme, and the checkbox at the bottom of the window was missing. The other two values did change. Then I repeated it in cinnamon and was able to save the change.
I didn't add the applet, so I don't have suspend and hibernate, but log out, reboot and shutdown are there.
A command line alternative to dconf_editor:
$ gsettings set org.cinnamon.desktop.session session-manager-uses-logind false
$ gsettings set org.cinnamon.desktop.session settings-daemon-uses-logind false
$ gsettings set org.cinnamon.desktop.session screensaver-uses-logind false
I am very happy
It seems as though cinnamon-session (even the latest github version) still has support for older UPower versions.
From the debian source package, in cinnamon-session-3.2.0/
PKG_CHECK_MODULES(UPOWER, upower-glib < 0.99.0, have_old_upower=yes, have_old_upower=no)
AS_IF([test x$have_old_upower = xyes], [
AC_DEFINE([HAVE_OLD_UPOWER], [1], [Define if we have an older upower])
AM_CONDITIONAL(HAVE_OLD_UPOWER, test x$have_old_upower = xyes)
From looking at cinnamon-session-3.2.0/cinnamon-session/csm-consolekit.c, it would appear that just recompiling the package under devuan (with libupower-glib-dev installed) ought to enable the suspend/hibernate options in the shutdown menu (haven't tried it though).
Last edited by spinlock (2017-07-01 17:31:03)
So is this only in Ascii?
Vuu-do GNU/Linux, minimal Devuan-based openbox systems to build on, maximal versions if you prefer your linux fully-loaded.
Please donate to support Devuan and init freedom!
So is this only in Ascii?
I believe jessie has cinnamon 2.2 in the repo, but it depends on libpam-systemd in some way.
Greetings fellow systemd lovers!
Seriously though, I have been running Devuan for a few weeks and decided that I wanted to streamline my system by keeping only one DE. I decided to keep Cinnamon so I re-installed Devuan without XFCE (or any DE), re-upgraded to ascii and tried to install Cinnamon as detailed above. I finally got it to load but only in software rendering mode. I had it working fine prior (when Devuan was installed normally with XFCE). Seems there is something included in XFCE that cinnamon needs but I'm clueless...any thoughts?
... I finally got it to load but only in software rendering mode. I had it working fine prior (when Devuan was installed normally with XFCE). Seems there is something included in XFCE that cinnamon needs but I'm clueless...any thoughts?
Can you run glxgears?
Nope...could not run glxgears. So, I installed lightdm and logged into my session via lightdm. Now posting from my cinnamon session...all seems to be running normally. Thanks for the clue!
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