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So I've been dabbling with FreeBSD lately. It surely is slightly more responsive. But, I've seen that it uses a lot more power too. Because on most intel CPU's it won't use the C-states. CPU will always be on %100 clock speed. I've seen it. Even with microcode it's the same.
They said FreeBSD is too good, but cmon just because FreeBSD is %2 better than Linux, with extreme power consumption like this(%50 more at least because of this issue) I won't use it for desktop. Just here to rant. FreeBSD talibans are even worse than Linux talibans. They say gaming is better on FreeBSD. Cmon dude what? Can't install steam on FreeBSD this easily. At least Linux has some kind of terminal, and at most 2-3 commands you get a working gaming machine. Linux is not so bad. FreeBSD is good on servers sure, but Desktop, meh.
Last edited by recklessswing (2025-03-05 23:58:29)
Your post bears all the hallmarks of misinformed trolling.
There are CPU C and P states and there is CPU frequency scaling. You're conflating the two.
In FreeBSD you have to configure these, it's not done for you. This guide by a respected long term user, covers a lot of this: … anagement/
Or refer to the FreeBSD handbook or man pages.
Also, sorry to break it to you, but you cannot get a "gaming machine" with Linux and "2-3 commands". Gaming machines are called "Xbox" or are high performance PCs running MS Windows. If you want a "gaming machine" you should not even consider FreeBSD, or Linux for that matter.
Last edited by blackhole (2025-03-06 09:21:43)
@blackhole tell that to valve/steam
Btw, it also depends which computer games you are talking about.
if its triple A + anti cheat, then yes you could be right.
If its not anti cheat, then no its not that simple.
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Unfortunately Microsoft control PC gaming. A few native Linux ports and Steam's utilisation of "proton", which is a proprietary Wine variant (look up codeweavers and winex) doesnt prove otherwise.
If you think Valve are in the business to sell proprietary games on an OS that makes up only a few percent of the PC desktop/laptop market, and less than one percent of the PC gaming market, then I can only suggest that you do a little more research.
Valve's Steam platform is all about DRM and "pay per play". It's a proprietary platform designed to serve needs of big corporations - not users. It only runs on Linux, as a testing ground for a "console" of sorts... Valve, as with MS, are not interested in desktop Linux users.
Ironically the only real competitor to xbox is playstation - and guess which OS their OS is based on?
@blackhole yes and no. Valve is trying to get their version of wine to work with more stuff.
"proton" its a version of wine.
So... yeah its not that simple.
What you say here isn't always the case.
Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. Feelings are not facts
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Favourite operating systems: Hyperbola Devuan OpenBSD
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"Proton" is based on codeweavers' winex. Which was based on wine, which is what I said.
Not exactly sure what point you're challenging, nor what point you're trying to make. Linux based devices such as games consoles are viable and Valve has already explored that (SteamOS and Steam Deck). This is likely because MS owns and controls PC gaming.
Do 5 minutes of research into which large games developers and publishers MS aquired over the last decade alone. Valve could be seeking to cause trouble with Steam Deck and any future console in the hope that MS simply buy them out for an eye watering sum... You may say "oh no never", but many thought the same about Bethesda, ID, Obsidian and Activision/Blizzard.
you cannot get a "gaming machine" with Linux and "2-3 commands"
Huh, guess the 4 mouse clicks it takes to install any of the ~200 games in my GOG library through lutris, and have it work perfectly first-time doesn't count then?
"proton", which is a proprietary Wine variant
Proton is (BSD licence) open-source, the only proprietary part is the steam API client library.
If you think Valve are in the business to sell proprietary games on an OS that makes up only a few percent of the PC desktop/laptop market, and less than one percent of the PC gaming market, then I can only suggest that you do a little more research.
That's exactly the market they are in, because the Steam Deck exists.
They've been trying to make the model fly for some time (steam machines etc.), and if the now quite large library of *proprietary* games running on the deck (and by extension, GNU/Linux) is anything to go by, this time it's working.
The only real showstopper right now is "anti-cheat" rootkits, and frankly if you're willing to bear that nonsense for the sake of a "AAA" game, you're probably fine with running Windows SpyOS too.
Valve's Steam platform is all about DRM and "pay per play". It's a proprietary platform designed to serve needs of big corporations - not users. It only runs on Linux, as a testing ground for a "console" of sorts... Valve, as with MS, are not interested in desktop Linux users.
Much as I dislike Steam, there's nothing "pay per play" about it beyond fairly basic (and easily defeated) purchase-check DRM.
Again, Steam runs on GNU/Linux because the Steam Deck runs GNU/Linux. That's not "testing", it's a shipping game system.
Whether valve is "interested" in desktop GNU/Linux is irrelevant to the end-user, as the deck is effectively PC hardware and anything that runs on it will also run on a desktop. Hell, the thing runs KDE FFS, it might as well *be* a GNU/Linux desktop.
[bunch of nonsense not worth repeating]
As for the OP... there's so much ridiculous there I'm not sure where to start. "talibans"? BSD doesn't have a terminal? Don't know how CPU power management has worked for the last 20+ years or how to configure it, and think that makes some OS "better" than another... The mind boggles.
Yes, if you want to run BSD you will need to actually learn BSD. Also, the sky is (usually) blue, and not everyone considers steam games the be-all and end-all of "desktop" computing.
Last edited by steve_v (2025-03-07 12:56:47)
Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. Three times is enemy action. Four times is Official GNOME Policy.
We can argue over semantics all day and I mentioned Steam Deck already. There have been earlier attempts and you can't assume it's the final product.
I assumed Proton was based on WineX, as codeweavers were involved in it's development, but it indeed appears this is not the case. The point being however that this is all about Windows games running on Linux. That doesn't challenge point about Windows being the primary platform.
"Pay per play" is the wrong term, I admit... I'm referring to any of the modern platforms such as xbox or steam, but couldn't think of a better term. I'm old enoughto remember buying games on 5 1/4" disks.
Proprietary Steam platform? Proprietary games?
"'re probably fine with running Windows SpyOS too."
Last edited by blackhole (2025-03-07 14:05:41)
@blackhole, Don't you think I've not looked at those wikis? They are useless. We are fucking using Devuan god dammit, if I know Devuan I must be knowing a lot of other shit, you know? Dont you boss me around, it seems you're the troll here. Also the wiki you sent sucks. No time stamp of that page=shitty source. These things could of be deprecated.
Powerd and powerdxx for older CPU's. They don't do anything to newer CPU's. However some random freeBSD user gave me this link. Which doesn't exist on the freeBSD handbook. Only this was helpful: … l-laptops/
Last edited by recklessswing (2025-03-07 15:36:44)
@blackhole I am surprised that Valve even is supporting wine at all, given how many corporations do the contrary and get in the way.
So semantics to you, but to me its still worth celebrating.
The difference between wine and windows is that you only maybe are being spied on in the game while you are using wine.
At most.
You can at least not be spied on all the time. If you know what I mean.
Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. Feelings are not facts
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Favourite operating systems: Hyperbola Devuan OpenBSD
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Business is business. Valve are not "supporting" Wine. No more than Apple, Sony or Netflix are supporting FreeBSD. IBM / Red Hat or Microsoft are not supporting Linux either. Anyway... thanks steve_v and zapper.
@blackhole still, they are helping to an extent. Call it what you want, but its not nothing. Its better than most corporations in my opinion when it comes to their idea of business.
most usually ignore wine, or even worse try to block it.
All I am saying is the situation could be much worse.
Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. Feelings are not facts
If you wish to be humbled, try to exalt yourself long term If you wish to be exalted, try to humble yourself long term
Favourite operating systems: Hyperbola Devuan OpenBSD
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