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#1 2024-03-27 23:57:22

Registered: 2017-09-02
Posts: 305  

live-iso 32 bits testing and experimental with miniKDE

as I did assume yesterday, the build in 32 bits was very easy exactly as I did in 64 bits, see

I have now 4 snapshots for i686:

- refracta nox actualized
- refracta miniKDE stable for i686
- refracta miniKDE testing for i686
- refracta miniKDE experimental for i686 (actually exactly the same as for testing excepted the active line /etc/apt/sources.list and int. data).

as for refracta

root has password root
user has password user

this time I did remove in the 3 last ones the rests of command line things having clear successor doing exactly the same in graphic mode (MC, Mutt, Vim). I did let the trio xcalc xedit xview as they would continue to have a function in X although they are not any more taken in consideration, espec. xcalc.

Last edited by oui (2024-03-29 18:37:18)


#2 2024-03-28 00:22:30

Registered: 2016-11-25
Posts: 2,481  

Re: live-iso 32 bits testing and experimental with miniKDE

Your subject lines lately are very confusing. They appear to be about Refracta, which is a devuan re-spin derivative, but they more about your experiments than they are about Refracta. This one even sounds like you are the developer of Refracta when you are not. Maybe we could change the subject lines to something like "live-iso with minimal 32-bit KDE" or something like that. If you are unable to edit the subject lines on these recent posts, just let me know and I can do it.

fsmithred (developer of Refracta GNU/Linux and maintainer of refractainstaller and refractasnapshot)


#3 2024-03-28 08:05:43

Registered: 2017-09-02
Posts: 305  

Re: live-iso 32 bits testing and experimental with miniKDE

I fsmithred, as you suppose and probably now, user can't change the title line of threads in the forum (I also did write wrong the word experimental...) (*1 .

Yes, title are difficult to write for person like I not really speaking English because the size of those lines is extremely limited: to be precise you need more room. But at sourceforge (see the parallel discussion where I did announce the upload of the parallel ISO; at this time, the 32 bit ISO is not yet uploaded at all, this is the reason because I did not speak yet about upload or place of the upload. I will do it soon, but will wait for your answer first) I have clearly write yesterday «made with Refracta (Devuan derivative) a small KDE environment made by a simple Linux user with apt and synaptic.» (only apt and synaptic are not really the tools of an high level developers :-) ! In my eyes it is clear so...). Next release, I will probably not use refracta any more but only the Devuan depository as I will use next debootstrap or, with the help of the NuTyx fans try a completely fresh compilation of the about one thousand packages (from LFS & BLFS). That are my plans for the miniKDE (and to restore so the position of the real KDE applications family with real Konqueror, with Calligra or KOffice etc. What the developers do actually with the KDE environment is a shame...). My position is not to develop but to help users and re-establish old general options in Linux being becoming more arm and poor each year now!

(*1 this is good so: for, probably, this reason, that forum app continue to be usuable without some graphic environment! The KDE forum can actually not be used with Konqueror as I did see the day before yesterday... and  also not with falkon, the new official invention of REAL (!)developers: they develop now solutions not able to use -> hunspell <- and bring so old user in embarrassment having language problems! Thank you, REAL developers: 10 years back direction middle age!
;-( !
@fsmithred: I did find now, a day later, the (easy way) to change it. Users can change the titel line themself, it is only a matter of the size + position of the little edit window. Thank you for the changing you did make!

Last edited by oui (2024-03-29 18:40:56)


#4 2024-03-28 09:30:01

Registered: 2022-10-26
Posts: 646  

Re: live-iso 32 bits testing and experimental with miniKDE

"Slowly put down the mouse, raise your hands and step away from the computer!" (C)

I downloaded snapshot-20240326_1055.iso, wrote down dd, and ran it on a real machine. At the loading stage, the screen began to blink, apparently while the x server was loading.
At least the previous one loaded...

My position is not to develop but to help users

You are our benefactor!
Do you really think that anyone is interested in your attempts and “Frankensteins”?
You yourself are already confused in your “snapshots”, maybe that’s enough?
Well, find another way to increase self-esteem, and at the same time find something to do. Play solitaire, or something...


#5 2024-03-28 10:56:39

Registered: 2017-09-02
Posts: 305  

Re: live-iso 32 bits testing and experimental with miniKDE

Dear aluma,

I force nobody to use or have some admiration. But in a world of (fictive occidental) freedom, I say, not by blablabla speaking, but bei doing (montrer par l'exemple et l'action / durch Beispiel und Aktion zeigen) that it would be other ways.

If the Linux community is becoming to be so idiotic, to publish KDE environment, where the KDE apps are away, better, organize KDE forums, where it is not possible any more to participate using the actual and fresh rebuild konqueror, I can have an other opinion.

actually firefox kills wittingly the second old traditional browser, the real Mozilla suite. Konqueror will not accepted any more by but you can use in Linux, if you want avoir google, yes, a certain Edge browser, ah ah ah

certain was happy to crown xfce4 and now lxqt and include one of both without some help to remove then and install a real KDE. It is clear: Only a real KDE with KDE stuff can compete Windows. How many towns use in their administration only or mainly Linux. And how many of then using somewhat othe as KDE?

Linux is today a symbol for absence of competence because the developer are at war with other solutions coming out of their own ranks or, perhaps, because some ones have core the decision -makers at Linux itself and are paid to promote Windows, Apple and Google OS's (Android at first)

It was a shame in the Corona time, that children did have not enough PC's because we did disclassify all 32 bit ones, perhaps billions of then, also in rich countries like Germany or France, not only in the olds colonies of then (did Liberia children, the old US colonie, have enough PC and an organized school system based on?).

Aluma, you are a poor person without vision and, probably, without some action...  Go back to your big official distributions, to the systemD makers, to the Mozilla killers, etc ...

I open the mouth, yes, but I do what, I use daily Linux 32 to cooperate with the old users, and I thank all developers like fsmithred offering a certain base of free operations systems for the billions of owner of old PC's being PRESENT next to children of poor families.

my snapshoots works on my dell's, I have more than one, they are available for old PC's. I does not prohibit anyone from looking for better choices for him


#6 2024-03-28 11:58:48

Registered: 2022-10-26
Posts: 646  

Re: live-iso 32 bits testing and experimental with miniKDE

Some kind of computer diarrhea.


#7 2024-03-28 12:00:58

Registered: 2017-09-02
Posts: 305  

Re: live-iso 32 bits testing and experimental with miniKDE

poor attacker...


#8 2024-03-29 04:52:25

Registered: 2022-10-26
Posts: 646  

Re: live-iso 32 bits testing and experimental with miniKDE

Poor users here who believed your self-praise.
Here is my experience of launching your ISOs, presented as a benefit for users.

One, after any command in the root terminal, stopped responding to on-screen menu items, and it was possible to turn it off only with a command from the root terminal.

The one discussed in this thread hangs at the loading stage of the x server. On a computer with an AMD video card, the screen blinks, but with an Intel video card, it gets stuck on endlessly repeating the server error message.
I would immediately delete such crafts of mine, you do not hesitate to post them.

Last edited by aluma (2024-03-29 05:24:04)


#9 2024-03-29 18:10:47

Registered: 2017-09-02
Posts: 305  

Re: live-iso 32 bits testing and experimental with miniKDE

I would immediately delete such crafts of mine, you do not hesitate to post them.

how did you help the children in rich country, you the perfect man, children having no PC to learn at the school confinement during the corona pandemy? and how help you NOW the billions of children having no PC to learn at the school AFTER each confinement in poor countries (=at normal time without confinement)?

for scraps of the humanity, those problems are lower as rich and more rich and richer to become!

you can't overmount the problem of the humanity if only big solutions for rich people are in sight!

On a computer with an AMD video card, the screen blinks, but with an Intel video card, it gets stuck on endlessly repeating the server error message.

can you remember what you did say to me in November 23? You have simply a miserable PC (on my bad, your opinion at that time, DELL XT3 with i7, there is no problem)...

Last edited by oui (2024-03-29 18:15:40)


#10 2024-03-30 00:27:29

Registered: 2016-11-25
Posts: 2,481  

Re: live-iso 32 bits testing and experimental with miniKDE

Both of you, please stay on topic.  ( i.e. Stop talking about each other!)

And this post needs no commentary from either of you.



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