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#1 2024-03-24 18:27:22

Registered: 2017-09-19
Posts: 25  

Daedalus desktop live: Cannot load memtest

In the Devuan Daedalus amd64 desktop live iso image, when I tried to run the memory test option, I get the error "/live/memtest - no such file or directory". The memory test loads and runs correctly in Daedalus amd64 minimal-live image. So I can at least use the minimal-live to test my RAM.

I tested several of the previous Devuan releases. Here are my results:

* Memtest launches and runs:
  - devuan_daedalus_5.0.0_amd64_minimal-live.iso
  - devuan_beowulf_3.1.1_amd64_desktop-live.iso
  - devuan_jessie_1.0.0_amd64_desktop-live.iso

* /live/memtest not found:
  - devuan_daedalus_5.0.0_amd64_desktop-live.iso
  - devuan_chimaera_4.0.3_amd64_desktop-live.iso
  - devuan_ascii_2.0.0_amd64_desktop-live.iso

When I mounted the isos, I see that in the /live directory, the memtest app really is missing, so it's not a menu option error. Maybe something went wrong when the iso image was created?


#2 2024-03-29 17:14:37

Registered: 2016-11-25
Posts: 2,527  

Re: Daedalus desktop live: Cannot load memtest

Something must have gone wrong with the build setup (i.e. I must have forgotten it.)

Here's an iso with memtest that I haven't tested yet. My internet connection is slow, so it might take until tomorrow for me download it and see if it works. … p-live.iso … iso.sha256


#3 2024-03-30 02:47:43

Registered: 2017-09-19
Posts: 25  

Re: Daedalus desktop live: Cannot load memtest

Here are my test notes.

- The sha256 file is correct for the iso file.
- When I mount the iso to the file system, I see these 4 files in the /live directory:

    memtest86+ia32.bin memtest86+ia32.efi memtest86+x64.bin memtest86+x64.efi

- Legacy boot only test notes and results:

  - The default path for the Memory Test menu option is:


  - /live/memtest86+x64.bin  -> The PC hangs.
  - /live/memtest86+x64.efi  -> Memtest works.
  - /live/memtest86+ia32.bin -> The PC hangs.
  - /live/memtest86+ia32.efi -> Memtest works.

- UEFI boot only test notes and results:

  - The default path for the Memory Test menu option is:


  - /live/memtest86+x64.bin  -> Memtest works.
  - /live/memtest86+x64.efi  -> Memtest works.
  - /live/memtest86+ia32.bin -> The PC hangs.
  - /live/memtest86+ia32.efi -> The PC hangs.

- I tested on 3 difference PCs:

  - A 2010 PC, so it's legacy boot only.
  - A 2019 PC, which has both boot options.
  - A 2022 mini PC, which is UEFI boot only.

  The results are confirmed on multiple PCs.

I'm not experienced with legacy vs UEFI booting. But it seems strange to me that in legacy boot mode, both .bin files failed to run, but the .efi files worked. Also, in UEFI boot mode, both x64 files worked and both ia32 files failed to run, which also seems strange to me. Is this the expected results?


#4 2024-03-30 05:32:19

Registered: 2022-10-26
Posts: 646  

Re: Daedalus desktop live: Cannot load memtest

Let me ask, if I may, is memtest even needed in live builds?
I already forgot when I used it, the reliability of the memory modules allows this.


#5 2024-03-30 05:39:50

Registered: 2017-09-19
Posts: 25  

Re: Daedalus desktop live: Cannot load memtest

I have found that memtest in the live builds is a useful tool. For example, when someone gives me a PC to test and troubleshoot, I use the memtest to confirm that all memory sticks are working. Then I load the live desktop to check what hardware is installed on the PC. In a few cases, I have copied files from the PC's storage drives. So yes, memtest has been useful.


#6 2024-03-30 05:56:56

Registered: 2022-10-26
Posts: 646  

Re: Daedalus desktop live: Cannot load memtest

Perhaps my question should be moved to the offtopic section.
Maybe other colleagues will express their opinions.

I have no doubt about the usefulness of this tool. It has long been included in installation media. But today the situation is different from 25 years ago.


#7 2024-03-30 13:22:57

Registered: 2016-11-25
Posts: 2,527  

Re: Daedalus desktop live: Cannot load memtest

Wow, those are not the results I expected. Here's what /usr/share/doc/memtest86+/README.Debian says:

memtest86+ for Debian

Multiple binary images are provided:

  - A legacy bios 32bit /boot/memtest86+ia32.bin that uses Linux zImage
    boot protocol.

  - A legacy bios 64bit /boot/memtest86+x64.bin that uses Linux zImage
    boot protocol.

  - A 32bit EFI Image /boot/memtest86+ia32.efi

  - A 64bit EFI Image /boot/memtest86+x64.efi

There are memtest isos for 32 and 64 bit in /usr/lib/memtest86+. They're only 6MB.
- The 64bit iso boots and runs in qemu in legacy or uefi mode.
- The 32bit iso boots and runs in qemu only in legacy mode.

When I look at those memtest isos with hexedit, they do not begin with all zeroes, so it looks like they are isohybrid. I didn't  try imaging a usb stick to test that.

FWIW: current debian-live iso does not have memtest. Maybe they're as confused as I am.

Edit: The 32bit efi file might be for some old macbooks that had 64bit OS wiht 32bit bootloader. I don't know what else uses that.


#8 2024-03-30 18:35:25

Registered: 2017-09-19
Posts: 25  

Re: Daedalus desktop live: Cannot load memtest

One more quick test result: I just discovered that in UEFI boot, I can change the keyword "linuxefi" to "linux". I ran a quick test on the mini PC (UEFI boot only), and all 4 memtest files run successfully with the "linux" keyword.

Since the legacy boot only lets me change the file path, there aren't any new tests to run.

So to summarize the current problem, in legacy boot, the current default "Memory Test" menu option will hang the PC.

Last edited by Eeqmcsq (2024-03-30 18:35:48)


#9 2024-03-31 07:36:32

Registered: 2022-10-26
Posts: 646  

Re: Daedalus desktop live: Cannot load memtest

FWIW: current debian-live iso does not have memtest. Maybe they're as confused as I am.

The list goes on, PclinuxOs, OpenSuse 15.5...


#10 2024-12-24 23:27:44

Registered: 2017-07-29
Posts: 150  

Re: Daedalus desktop live: Cannot load memtest

Hi Folks,

Memtest won't load with the 32-bit Devuan 5 Live DVD I burned for use on the Toshiba Tecra A7 (2005/2006 vintage).

Is it something to do with this topic?



#11 2024-12-25 01:36:06

Registered: 2017-09-19
Posts: 25  

Re: Daedalus desktop live: Cannot load memtest

It's very possible that it's related to this topic. Exactly which file is "32-bit Devuan 5 Live DVD"? Is it "devuan_daedalus_5.0.0_i386_desktop-live.iso"? I can write the image to a USB drive and do a quick test on one of my PCs.


#12 2024-12-25 02:17:12

Registered: 2017-07-29
Posts: 150  

Re: Daedalus desktop live: Cannot load memtest

Eeqmcsq wrote:

It's very possible that it's related to this topic.

Yes, devuan_daedalus_5.0.0_i386_desktop-live.iso is the file I downloaded. It has a datestamp of "2023-08-15 03:38:06".



#13 2024-12-25 04:03:36

Registered: 2017-09-19
Posts: 25  

Re: Daedalus desktop live: Cannot load memtest

* Short answer

The reason why "devuan_daedalus_5.0.0_i386_desktop-live.iso" can't run memtest is because the memtest app was not included in the .iso. As mentioned in this thread, that was probably a mistake.

The workaround is to download minimal-live/devuan_daedalus_5.0.0_i386_minimal-live.iso. That image does have memtest.

That doesn't mean that you have to install from the minimal-live. You can run the memtest from minimal-live, then run the desktop-live's installer.

* How to check the iso

Create a temp directory, then mount the iso to that directory.

mkdir /tmp/isofiles
sudo mount <filename>.iso /tmp/isofiles

Inside the "isofiles" directory, open the file "isolinux/isolinux.cfg" in a text editor. You should see a menu option like this:

label memtest
    menu label Memory test
    kernel /live/memtest

That means that the Memory test option will try to run "/live/memtest".

Now check the "live" directory and see if "memtest" is there.

To clean up, unmount and delete the temp directory.

sudo umount /tmp/isofiles
rmdir /tmp/isofiles

Last edited by Eeqmcsq (2024-12-25 04:19:14)


#14 2024-12-25 10:43:11

Registered: 2023-11-27
Posts: 274  

Re: Daedalus desktop live: Cannot load memtest

see this webpage for information on the older v4 memtest stand-alone that should work on your unit.

sidenote: if you have _any_ other distro discs(installer and/or live) that have memtest in the boot menu those should work.

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