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#1 2024-01-22 23:08:53

Registered: 2024-01-22
Posts: 4  

Possible to make LXQt the default desktop with automatic login?

I've installed Devuan Daedalus on an old laptop that will be given to a friend for general web browsing and email. It works well but the LXQt desktop would be preferable because it looks more similar to Windows, which the user is more familiar with. I installed LXQt and it works but Xfce4 still comes up as default. (The user is logged in automatically.) I don't recall seeing an option of which desktop to choose during Devuan installation but I may have missed that. Installation was done from a live Devuan system running on a flash drive.

Is there a way to have the user automatically logged into LXQt instead of Xfce4?


#2 2024-01-23 13:55:58

Registered: 2016-11-25
Posts: 2,501  

Re: Possible to make LXQt the default desktop with automatic login?

Edit /etc/slim.conf or /etc/sddm.conf depending on which display manager you're using. Set the session to start lxqt instead of xfce.

If you're using sddm, then /etc/sddm.conf should look like this:

User=<user's login name>

I'm not exactly sure how to edit /etc/slim.conf, but you might be able to figure it out if you read the comments. I'm not sure if you'd use "lxqt.desktop" or "startxqt" in that file. The .desktop files for the desktops are in /usr/share/xsessions.

For lightdm, set autologin-user in /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf

On second thought, maybe the correct way is to use update-alternatives to change the x-session-manager.

update-alternatives --config x-session-manager

and it'll give you available choices.


#3 2024-01-23 15:22:20

Registered: 2024-01-22
Posts: 4  

Re: Possible to make LXQt the default desktop with automatic login?

Thanks! I had previously looked at slim.conf but didn't find where to change that setting. Using the update-alternatives method worked great, the laptop comes up automatically in LXQt without requiring a login.


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