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#1 2024-01-09 01:33:35

From: East Texas, USA
Registered: 2023-12-31
Posts: 35  

[SOLVED] sudo, /etc/sudo.conf, probe_interfaces

mike@RPI4b3:~> uname -a
Linux MikesPI 6.1.0-rpi7-rpi-v8 #1 SMP PREEMPT Debian 1:6.1.63-1+rpt1 (2023-11-24) aarch64 GNU/Linux

Yes I'm on Raspberry Debian now but my Devuan system still isn't working well enough to post here and I ran into this first on my daedalus system.
visudo complains that my hostname can't be found via DNS, which i don't find surprising since I'm a single user system serving no ports. It's been like that for years and never caused a problem until I installed Devuan. 'visudo /etc/sudo.conf'  shows a line '# Set probe_interfaces false' which should tell sudo not to worry whether hostname returns an FQDN. Unfortunalely, visudo sees that as a syntax error and sudo ignores that line. If I leave the line uncommented sudo still complains if mike takes eth0 up or down. I just checked and the same thing happens on this system. Both are Debian based systems and I'm wondering if anyone here can say Iif the problem comes from Debian or upstream.
Thanks for listening.
Be well,


#2 2024-01-09 12:20:23

Registered: 2023-12-12
Posts: 68  

Re: [SOLVED] sudo, /etc/sudo.conf, probe_interfaces

Mike, the line you quote is prepended with a '#', that means it is commented out, and therefore not functional. You need to delete the '#' to enable it.

I've been experiencing the same issue whenever one of my machines was disconnected from the network, but I wasn't sure what was the cause, as sudo has never behaved this way in the past. Thanks to your suggestion, I just found and un-commented the 'probe_interfaces false' line. While that did away with the error message, I'm still getting a long timeout before the command executes. So something else is apparently still misconfigured.


#3 2024-01-11 23:09:26

From: East Texas, USA
Registered: 2023-12-31
Posts: 35  

Re: [SOLVED] sudo, /etc/sudo.conf, probe_interfaces

Hi stultumanto,
    Yes I know about comments.
    A rather knowledgable fellow on another forum pointed out to me that visudo is meant only to edit /etc/sudoers and using it to edit /etc/sudo.conf puts it in the position of complaining of things that don't belong in /etc/sudoers.
    Another thing he pointed out is that complaint I was seeing when bringing the network up/dwn was because my hostname wasn't mentioned in /etc/hosts.
    Putting this line in /etc/hosts:   MikesPI
made that problem go away and the long delay while sudo tried to find the address of my host also disappeared.
    This might be worth looking into for you too.

Be well,


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