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#1 2021-07-22 19:05:23

From: Haifa, Palestine
Registered: 2021-07-21
Posts: 52  

My chimaera install issues #3: Misleading LXQt WM choice

(This is part of a series of posts following my installation of Devuan Chimaera; for more information see the first post).

When logging into my user the first time, I'm offered several options for my "Default Window Manager" for LXQt. One of these options is to  "choose my favorite one", but - that just opens up a filepicker, which is not what the user expects. The menu option name should be clearer, e.g. "Locate a window manager" or "Choose manually" or "Choose arbitrary file" or whatever.

PS - Don't worry, this is the last complaint about LXQt and WM choice :-)

(Next post in the series: Issue #4)

Last edited by einpoklum (2021-07-22 19:16:25)


#2 2021-07-22 23:27:27

Registered: 2016-11-25
Posts: 2,459  

Re: My chimaera install issues #3: Misleading LXQt WM choice

It sounds like lxqt is coded in such a way that it will use just about any window manager. It can recognize a few if they are installed, and ask you which one to use. I recall that lxde lets you easily change the window manager, and I recall long ago being given a choice of wm in gnome 2.x (sawtooth or metacity?).

This is a good thing. It means the software was written to be interoperable with lots of different things. In such cases, the user can usually ignore the choices and just press enter to get a sane default.


#3 2021-07-23 07:35:07

From: Haifa, Palestine
Registered: 2021-07-21
Posts: 52  

Re: My chimaera install issues #3: Misleading LXQt WM choice

fsmithred wrote:

This is a good thing

It's a good thing that LXQt supports many window managers. The naming of this entry is not a good thing (and so is the fact that a new user gets this menu, but that was a different issue).


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