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i also tried the default passowrds as well and they are not working. what the what? i know i changed them and that they matched or the thing wouldnt have allowed the next step... which i think was exiting and rebooting. OI how to get around THAT? is 18 characters too long for refracta or something?
apparently so
so here we are. installed a thgird time with an 8 digit password and changed it after first boot to what i want it to be
Last edited by LizziAS (2021-02-20 05:51:33)
Thanks. I never noticed that. Most of my installs are tests, so I use very short passwords. The yad dialog window only takes 18 characters, but it stores more if you type them. I'm not sure why it didn't use your long password.
I tried running the code in a terminal (as root), and it works. I'll have to try it in an install.
Here's the code for that window with the output of my 20-character password entry.
~# pass_entry=$(yad --form --title=$"Configure $pass_dialog password" --center --borders=10 --button=$"OK":0 \
--text=$"You should reset the $pass_dialog password.\nUse TAB to change fields." \
--field=$"Enter new $pass_dialog password::H" \
--field=$"Confirm new $pass_dialog password::H" \
--field=$"Use current password\? (not recommended)":CHK \
Trim the output, check it and feed it into the passwd command, and it works.
newpass=$(echo $pass_entry|awk -F "|" '{print $1}')
echo $newpass
/bin/bash -c "echo -e \"$newpass\n$newpass\n\" | passwd $newusername"
New password: Retype new password: passwd: password updated successfully
Pages: 1