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#26 2018-12-17 14:13:03

Registered: 2018-12-15
Posts: 7  

Re: MATE 1.20 on devuan ascii

Devuan ascii: followed the update to MATE 1.20 and happy to report everything works. With a minor caveat. Prior to the upgrade when shutting down using the menu "power" icon, the resulting dialogue box offered; suspend, cancel, reboot and shutdown. Following the upgrade the dialogue box is missing the suspend option.

I have scurried around the mate* folders under /usr/share but cant see anything I can edit to get the suspend option to appear in the shutdown dialogue box. Any chance of pointing me in the right direction?

I have looked at but the post ends without a "fix". I can confirm in my case prior to updating MATE via the suspend option appeared (and worked) in the shutdown dialogue.

The steps I followed was to add repository to my apt list, then did an update followed by an upgrade. Rebooted and found the suspend option had disappeared.

Last edited by plus1 (2018-12-17 15:47:30)


#27 2018-12-17 17:41:37

Registered: 2017-11-25
Posts: 1,114  

Re: MATE 1.20 on devuan ascii

Maybe Mate 1.20 brings a *.pkla settings file that disables the Suspend. I used such a setting to actually disable Suspend, since I do not use it. Please read

Regards, rolfie


#28 2018-12-17 17:57:43

Registered: 2017-11-25
Posts: 1,114  

Re: MATE 1.20 on devuan ascii

Question: how do you install Mate 1.20 from backports? Does a simple apt update/upgrade do the job? My PC still is running 1.16, despite I have the backports in my sources and used it for e.g. updating to kernel 4.18.

I haven't seen a package like mate-desktop-environment-extra or similar in the backports which allows to install the whole bunch of applications.

Thanks, rolfie


#29 2018-12-17 18:38:22

Registered: 2018-12-15
Posts: 7  

Re: MATE 1.20 on devuan ascii

@rolfie thanks for the suggestion to look at the *.pkla. I will give it a go and report back.

Regarding MATE 1.20. Not sure I did it the right way, but I followed Anton's "MATE on Devuan Ascii" (I did a fresh install of Devuan Ascii) and did exactly what is on the page. Added his repo, to my apt list, did an apt upgrade then installed his keys (risky!). When I then did an apt upgrade, I was offered a large number of MATE files to update. After the Update had run its course running mate-about shows I am now on 1.20.0.

For me it solved a load of minor irritations I had in MATE before the upgrade, not least the power manager applet now works on my laptop.


#30 2018-12-18 09:41:22

Registered: 2018-12-15
Posts: 7  

Re: MATE 1.20 on devuan ascii

I'm still looking into what I need to do to use the suggested *.pkla - I'm using SLiM rather than LightDM. I have enabled the suspend function in SLiM using the command pm-suspend and this works correctly. Logging out and back in as "suspend", my laptop suspends and as importantly resumes correctly.

For what its worth I have found a reference to my issue on the Gentoo WiKi here: MATE Under FAQ almost at the bottom of the page there are a couple of lines:

Suspend and Hibernate buttons are missing from the shutdown dialog
If only "Restart Cancel Shutdown" buttons appear in the dialog, make sure you compile sys-auth/consolekit … consolekit with the pm-utils flag.

I'm not sure how I can confirm, if the pm-utils flag was set when sys-auth/consolekit was compiled? Checking my system using apt search I see the installed version of consolekit, indicates it is a devuan derived version rather than from Suspend was a shutdown option in the dialog box before I updated MATE from which sort of suggests a change in one of the hezeh files removed the suspend option?

Its not too big a deal for me as I prefer a good old hard reset or shutdown, so I guess if I can't get any further and it bothers me I will put a launcher on the panel /menu to fire off pm-suspend.


#31 2018-12-18 17:57:45

Registered: 2017-11-25
Posts: 1,114  

Re: MATE 1.20 on devuan ascii

The pkla stuff goes back to the question if you have consoilekit or elogind working in the background (I assume you did not compile anything yourself). Please refer to and
That should give some insight and keywords for further research on the internet.

Good luck, rolfie


#32 2018-12-20 17:39:45

Registered: 2018-12-15
Posts: 7  

Re: MATE 1.20 on devuan ascii

Thanks for the pointers rolfie. I've now sort of got two steps forward one back. Following your supplied link I discovered I had a mix of consolekit and elogind. elogind being new, and indicated as active, I installed the elogind backend. This removed a pile of stuff, mostly libreoffice and of course consolekit. It also removed SLiM. I installed Lightdm to replace the now uninstallable slim.

I applied your polkit fix and got the reboot /shutdown working for lightdm - thanks. The bits of the desktop I have tested seem fine...

But, the Quit button dialog from (Mate Advanced Menu (mintmenu)) now only has a cancel button - shutdown and reboot are missing. The Logout button dialog is also missing the switch user. For comparison, using the "regular" mate menu doesn't even offer a quit button, just logout. Also the Add to panel options don't include the power off applet. The symptoms are the same if I login as root.

I have poked around the internet trying various combinations of polkit rules but nothing seems to make a difference. I'm wondering if something got uninstalled switching fully to elogind?

I can shutdown via command line of by logging out and using lightdm.

Any thoughts or pointers greatly appreciated smile


#33 2018-12-20 17:56:14

Registered: 2016-11-25
Posts: 3,240  

Re: MATE 1.20 on devuan ascii

Have you read the Release Notes?  Especially the section on session management.  You also mentioned a "mintmenu".  Where did you get that?  Mint/Ubuntu pkgs should not be used in Devuan. Try a dialog native to Devuan.


#34 2018-12-20 18:04:18

Registered: 2018-12-15
Posts: 7  

Re: MATE 1.20 on devuan ascii

Thanks for the pointer and apologies for the confusion. To clarify I haven't used mint pkgs. my mention of mintmenu was to try and clarify which of the mate menus I am using - I think, maybe incorrectly, the Mate Advanced Menu derives way back somewhere to the mintmenu?

I haven't (should have) read the release notes. May be a good opportunity to have a look now.


#35 2018-12-20 18:29:39

Registered: 2017-11-25
Posts: 1,114  

Re: MATE 1.20 on devuan ascii

Got Mate 1.20 running in a VM now. Booted from ASCII DVD and just installed the base packages so I got a CLI, modified the sources.list and updated. Then installed kernel 4.18 from backports, xorg and lightdm (that brings consolekit). Then installed Mate with the command:

apt -t ascii-backports install mate-desktop-environment-extra

That pulls Mate 1.20 from backports, new learning for me.

Had to install elogind by:

apt install libpolkit-backend-elogind-1-0 libpolkit-gobject-elogind-1-0

That removes the consolekit stuff and removes issues with synaptic etc.

Regards, rolfie

Last edited by rolfie (2019-02-18 18:20:58)


#36 2018-12-20 23:10:36

Registered: 2018-12-15
Posts: 7  

Re: MATE 1.20 on devuan ascii

Having now read the release notes, I had totally forgotten reading that a preferred combination for MATE is MATE + SLiM + consolekit.

I rebooted the laptop with my Live CD respin. Repeated the steps I used to, what I thought was keeping the elogind backend consistent with the information from pam-auth-update, by manually installing libpolkit-backend-elogind-1-0 and libpolkit-gobject-elogind-1-0. The result was as before, apt noted 134Mb of removed applications, mostly libre office. This time I kept a copy of the to-be-removed files and bailed out of apt.

Looking through the list of files noted to be removed was task-mate-desktop. Going back to my hard disk installed laptop, using apt installed the single task-mate-desktop application. The result was a request to install a further 134Mb of applications - most of which is libre office - along with consolekit and reinstating SLiM, while removing elogind.

After a reboot, I am happy to report I have gone full circle. My laptop is now back to how it was before I started. That is to say MATE + SLiM + consolekit and I have the switch user button on the logout dialog along with the shutdown and restart button on the shutdown dialog.

In terms of getting the suspend button to display in the shutdown dialog I am no further forward smile Will fight that one another day...

Thanks for the pointers and help.


#37 2019-01-04 14:47:13

Registered: 2017-07-02
Posts: 315  

Re: MATE 1.20 on devuan ascii

mate-power-manager from ascii/ascii-backports/beowulf still suffers from this :
installed just mate-power-manager from antofox repo and icon is displaying normally.


#38 2019-01-08 18:11:20

Registered: 2018-12-15
Posts: 7  

Re: MATE 1.20 on devuan ascii

Finally solved my suspend issue following on from post #36. Not sure my route is the best way of doing this however, in case this is useful to someone else the steps I followed are:
1) added ascii-backport to my apt list and temporally removed the hezeh repo
2) did an apt-get update /apt-get upgrade
3) checked through the list of new updates found in the backports for sanity - mine all related to mate
4) confirmed the upgrade. When it was done I had an issue with mate-session-manager being held back.
5) re-enabled the hezeh repo and followed rolfie note in #35 and did: sudo apt -t ascii-backports install mate-desktop-environment-extra
6) again checked the install list for sanity then confirmed the install
7) sudo apt -t ascii-backports install mate-session-manager
8) checked the installed version of mate-session-manager now from the backport not hezeh - check!
9) removed the hezeh repo and rebooted.
10) logged back in and checked all was well.
Mate reports it is on version MATE 1.20.3
When I now select Quit from the mate menu, the popup dialog box has all 4 options - suspend, hibernate, restart, cancel and shutdown.
I suspect just replacing the mate-session-manager from backports would have solved my suspend /reboot issue.


#39 2019-01-11 08:53:56

Registered: 2017-07-02
Posts: 315  

Re: MATE 1.20 on devuan ascii

tried upgrading to newest mate-power-manager 1.20.3 from ceres, but same errors (broken systray icon, no power events recognised).
so, back to version of mate-power-manager.
all other mate parts fully upgraded from beowulf/ceres.


#40 2019-02-18 18:24:08

Registered: 2017-11-25
Posts: 1,114  

Re: MATE 1.20 on devuan ascii

This is a feature request. Please add mate-tweak to at least mate-desktop-environment-extra. In Buster, this is done.

Helps to adjust the behaviour.

Is this worth to raise a bug request?

Thanks, Rolf


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