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#1 Re: Off-topic » The Joke Thread » 2024-05-12 00:42:47

Lettuce not panic. Romaine calm. This is just the tip of the iceberg. It's a problem that needs a dressing.

#2 Re: Off-topic » The Joke Thread » 2024-05-10 04:38:11

I'd butter not tell you my secret, cuz if my boss finds out I've been loafing around, I'd be toast!

Although as they say, no pain, no grain, so maybe he would at yeast excuse the bread puns.

#3 Re: Off-topic » The Joke Thread » 2024-05-09 16:12:21

The subatomic particle was speeding along the highway, and got pulled over by a cop.

"Do you know how fast you were going?" demanded the cop.

"No, but I do know my position!"

#4 Re: Off-topic » The Joke Thread » 2024-05-09 00:07:53

How do you make a cuttlefish laugh?  Give it ten tickles.

#5 Re: Off-topic » The Joke Thread » 2024-05-07 13:48:35

A soldier is bragging about his wartime experiences. He has survived both mustard gas and pepper spray. I guess he's a seasoned veteran!

#6 Re: Off-topic » The Joke Thread » 2024-05-05 21:40:59

Which dinosaur has the richest vocabulary?  The the-saurus, of course. big_smile

My best friend was charged with stealing my dictionary.  I have no words.

#7 Re: Off-topic » The Joke Thread » 2024-05-03 18:10:30

Why is the doctor always so calm?  Because he has a lot of patients.

Why is the pediatrician so short-tempered?  Because he has little patients.

#8 Re: Off-topic » [SOLVED] Installing devuan on vps » 2024-05-02 12:07:32

If it were up to me, I'd just migrate from bookworm to Devuan chimaera instead of trying to reinstall the vps. And possibly upgrade to daedalus afterwards.

#9 Re: Off-topic » The Joke Thread » 2024-04-25 00:00:21

Patient: Doctor, doctor, please help! I'm hurting everywhere!  See, when I touch here, and here, and here... Ouch! it hurts!
Doctor: (does full body checkup)
Patient: Well? What is it?
Doctor: You have a broken finger.

#10 Re: Off-topic » The Joke Thread » 2024-04-24 23:55:03

Doctor: Before we begin this procedure, I have to warn you that the survival rate is only 50%.
Patient: Well, then let's do it twice!

#11 Re: Off-topic » The Joke Thread » 2024-04-24 13:21:04

"Recently they knighted the graphic artist, but they discovered that he was quite the coward."

"Why is that?"

"His name was Sir Render."

#12 Re: Off-topic » The Joke Thread » 2024-04-20 22:43:38

Airport security found a suspicious-looking unattended suitcase.

After efforts to find the owner failed, they decided to force it open.  And lo and behold, it contained nothing but a single German sausage.

"Oh no," said the chief inspector. "This is the wurst case scenario!"

#13 Re: Off-topic » The Joke Thread » 2024-04-20 22:05:03

Europun Trip

Had a Danish for breakfast,
But I'm still Hungary.
Went with France to a Turkey lunch,
Paid the Czech and climbed the tower in Paris:
Eiffel and now I'm in Seine.
Saw repairman on a Poland said:
Lift me outta here, Ukraine!

#14 Re: Off-topic » The Joke Thread » 2024-04-19 21:28:20

The student was dozing off in English class. The teacher noticed, and snapped:

"Name two pronouns!"

The student replied groggily, "Who, me?"

#15 Re: Off-topic » The Joke Thread » 2024-04-19 21:12:03

Math teacher: Why are you handing in a blank sheet of paper for your assignment?

Student: Because all my answers are imaginary numbers.

#16 Re: Off-topic » The Joke Thread » 2024-04-19 20:56:50

My daughter decided to name her iPad after the Titanic.  I have a syncing feeling about this...

#17 Re: Off-topic » The Joke Thread » 2024-04-18 13:23:32

Doctor: You have acute appendicitis.
Patient: Is that better than an ugly one?

#18 Re: Off-topic » The Joke Thread » 2024-04-18 13:17:55

"My sister plays the piano by ear!"

"That's nothing; my brother fiddles with his whiskers!"


#19 Re: Off-topic » The Joke Thread » 2024-04-11 20:38:55

"How much do you think the chimney cost?"

"Let me guess -- nothing, because it's on the house."

"On the contrary, it was through the roof!"

#20 Re: Other Issues » backdoor targeting deb and rpm via systemd? » 2024-04-10 01:24:58

Dependencies are inherently evil.  Did you know that versioned dependencies are an NP-complete problem?  As in, if you have a graph of projects that have versioned dependencies on each other, resolving these dependencies potentially require an exponential-time (or exponential-space) algorithm.  Dependency hell indeed!

In my own code projects, I prefer having no dependencies at all.  Of course, this isn't always possible; so the next best thing is shallow dependencies: those that only require 1 level of dependencies. Actually, before I even get to dependencies, my preference is single-file modules that I can just copy into my source directory and use as-is, without declaring any dependencies.  Not many things can be used this way, but when such exist, I prefer it.  Only if I have no choice, I'll go with a shallow dependency.  And of course, the fewer dependencies the better.  Recursive dependencies I try to avoid like the plague unless there's absolutely no way around it.  And I absolutely would not touch an automatic dependency system that will automatically download 500 packages in response to a single dependency on some package that's promiscuous in its recursive dependencies.  Those things are pure evil.

See also this link that describes a lot of the issues that come with dependencies, that people have been ignoring for far too long:

#21 Re: Off-topic » The Joke Thread » 2024-04-08 13:15:17

If OSes were cars...

Windows user: I'll install this new filter and it should run for another 2 years.

Mac user: Oh no, something in there is broken, time to buy a new car all over again!

Linux user: (stares at floor full off isolated car parts and wonders how long it will take to recompile the entire car.)

#22 Re: Off-topic » The Joke Thread » 2024-04-07 04:30:50

The couch potato finally found a job at the stadium that suited him. He became a common-tator.

#23 Re: Other Issues » [SOLVED] in Devuan Daedalus? » 2024-04-05 19:14:11

That sounds dangerous. If the executable is linked against version 4 of the .so, substituting version 5 may introduce subtle errors or crashes due to ABI incompatibilities. If at all possible I'd recommend getting a new version of the executable that's linked against version 5 of the library, or compile it yourself against the right -dev package.

#24 Re: Other Issues » [SOLVED] in Devuan Daedalus? » 2024-04-05 18:02:50

Sorry was too lazy to do it. Will do that next time.  My bad!

#25 Re: Other Issues » backdoor targeting deb and rpm via systemd? » 2024-04-05 18:01:21

I almost always run apt-get with --no-install-recommends, because a lot of "recommended" packages are really needless bloat that I have no need of.

After this fiasco I'm almost ready to switch to a source-only distro, which I'd configure by hand to contain the absolute minimum options I need to do what I need to do, and nothing else.  Even after getting rid of systemd too many Debian packages still come with too many things enabled by default. Mostly useless things that I never actually use.

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