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#1 Re: Hardware & System Configuration » [SOLVED] LXQt user shutdown » 2024-05-04 15:31:35

not familiar with the particulars but did some poking around.

saw there were 83 results to this search:

also noted from the developer hub webpage:

FreeCAD, though usable in certain areas, is at the beginning of a long way into the CAD mainstream. There is still a lot to do to reach a state where we can compete with commercial software.

#2 Re: Hardware & System Configuration » Result of rkhunter check » 2024-05-03 06:39:57

re: suspect -

re: size -

#3 Re: Installation » devuan_chimaera_4.0.0_amd64_desktop.iso installation freezes » 2024-05-01 07:08:07

what is the history of the hardware/machine/unit?
was it new-in-factory-sealed-packaging when you received it?
how did the unit function with the pre-installed operating system(if any)?
how does the unit function while using another/various-other distros(livecd/livedvd/liveusb)?

#4 Re: Devuan » liblzma CVE-2024-3094 » 2024-04-29 16:40:03

re: *bsd

just stumbled across this(video circa 2017):

"Convincing a Linux guy to use FreeBSD" - Lunduke Hour - Feb 9, 2017(approx-1hr15min)

#5 Re: Installation » I screwed XFCE up, xfce panel won't show at all » 2024-04-22 09:11:55

if you run low on space(partition mostly full, for example) things sometimes misbehave.

#6 Re: Hardware & System Configuration » grub boot keyboard » 2024-04-18 17:44:17

what is the model and version of your lenovo laptop?

have you successfully used _any_ other *nix operating system?

which version(s) of Devuan have you tried?

some semi-random webpages that may give some additional thoughts:

#7 Re: Other Issues » Assistance with Gufw » 2024-04-18 17:15:26

i don't use sylpheed but do use gufw and am interested in your mediation and conclusion(s)

i have briefly reviewed these but nothing jumped right out:

i use the gufw default home profile which denies all incoming and allows all outgoing
(sometimes make a temporary rule to allow seeding but that is quite infrequent)

#8 Re: Hardware & System Configuration » Reliability of desktop vs enterprise drives » 2024-03-14 20:25:24

regarding storage media, this might be important to you

Hard drives were already bad at random access I/O—but SMR disks are worse.

also for your convenience here are the terms i searched at DDG(no quotes):
"arstechnica shingled magnetic recording smr"

#9 Re: Off-topic » Questions about ARM » 2024-03-14 20:03:41

you might enjoy this presentation:

Nezha RISC-V Linux SBC running debian - via - ExplainingComputers

#10 Re: Off-topic » question regarding hyperbola os » 2024-03-14 09:31:15

also as an additional point of reference and/or amusement

visit this forum using lynx(or similar)

further thoughts and/or questions, does a screen-reader(for those who require such) stumble over truncated content?

#11 Re: Off-topic » question regarding hyperbola os » 2024-03-14 09:17:24

@boughtonp, what was that ctrl_del_del supposed to do exactly? it didn't do anything unless there were lines/words after the cursor, in which case it made two deletions. thanks in advance!

#12 Re: Off-topic » Questions about ARM » 2024-03-13 12:31:37

this is a few years old but still very thought-provoking:



#13 Re: Off-topic » question regarding hyperbola os » 2024-03-11 16:14:06

@aluma, re your reply "I do it differently, I just paste the URL into the Quick reply window, the forum itself adds the url tag to it."

here is a link to one of your recent posts where the URL is truncated and, as such, in a screenshot it is impossible to know what the real complete URL is(hopefully this makes sense and helps to explain more fully what was explained earlier):

nevertheless, thanks for the thoughts and posts!

#14 Re: Off-topic » question regarding hyperbola os » 2024-03-11 15:32:39

re: purposefully dropping the "h" in link(s)/URL(s)

if you review these two previous posts:

you will see that the forum software truncates the complete URL which means that quick screenshots don't acquire the URL properly and so to make sure that the URL is not truncated most people just drop the first "h"

it is much less frustrating to add the "h"(which you always know should be there)
attempting to come up with a correct and complete URL from a truncated screenshot(?)

#15 Off-topic » question regarding hyperbola os » 2024-03-10 21:48:22

does anyone know why hyperbola won't install on air-gapped equipment?
(tried to install but it requires an internet connection just to install?!?!)

after reading:
and visiting:

and further reading/reviewing of many of the additional links/webpages/philosophy/etc:
(including this installation page)

perhaps there are air-gapped instructions somewhere that we have missed?

#16 Re: Off-topic » The Joke Thread » 2024-03-10 10:00:51

explain xkcd has some interesting tidbits:


one such tidbit(near the bottom of the current webpage):

Alexbuzzbee (talk) 02:50, 23 August 2015 (UTC)

    It also reminds me of the Star Trek: Voyager episode where Q tampered with the ship's replicators:

        Janeway: "Coffee, black."
        Replicator: "Make it yourself."

(But she didn't try "Sudo coffee, black.") - Mike Rosoft (talk) 18:14, 13 March 2016 (UTC)

#17 Re: Installation » radicale not starting with init-script » 2024-03-09 10:33:38

had a moment and curiosity got the best of me


that webpage has an incredible amount of information
(good to take it all in when you have the time, especially the "about" section)

also of additional note:

attempted to visit one of the links on that webpage:

and failed to find anything related to radicale but there was a notice dated 20230130 at ttps://


Time to say goodbye
We started 20 years ago and it's time to say goodbye to this small swedish community. None of us really have interest in doing this any longer and to be honest none of us run NetBSD anymore either ;-).

It's been a fun journey, it's been many services over the years and today we more or less only have and left.

Some statistics of over the years,
* 45 566 updates has been done since 2007 with an average exec time of 820 seconds
* Tracking 64 braches and 865 029 packages
* 69 843 995 changed detected in pkgsrc over the years
* 255 072 commit mails

Thank you for these 20 years.

Fredrik & Viktor

admin (a) netbsd DOT se

We would like to thank you for all the emails we have received in the last few days. It means a lot to receive positive response to the services we have provided over the years.
Special thanks to Thomas Merkel [1] who will continue to provide the service.

tm (a) netbsd DOT org

#18 Re: Desktop and Multimedia » [SOLVED] Stupid music player tricks » 2024-03-09 09:43:15

had a moment so searched(duckduckgo) "linux WMA Lossless Audacious has become unreliable"

and this was one of the more recent(date-wise) results that might give/have some clues/insight:


#19 Re: Off-topic » fantastic evolutions: one of the best ones - Refractasnapshot » 2024-03-06 11:16:14

@oui(and for future readers of this thread), EasyOS is _not_ whatever "easy linux" you might be referencing(for the record)




#20 Re: Off-topic » fantastic evolutions: one of the best ones - Refractasnapshot » 2024-03-04 11:39:34

go Puppy! Arf Arf

and from Barry Kauler more recently:


#21 Re: Installation » [SOLVED] Beowulf to Chimaera - precautions » 2024-03-04 11:35:42

re OP and re HARDWARE... nice!

you might enjoy this commentary:

re backup/clone/copy/etc tool(s), we happily pay for and use:

(have used and trusted PartedMagic throughout it's existence, in the early days it was no-charge but now it is well-worth the small fee!)

re kingston ssd

we're also using 120gb-ssd from various name-brands and have only had one expire/drop-dead so far(knocking_on_wood) over 7 years.
(still operating under the consideration that at any moment it/they will go dark forever...always a little unsettling whenever it does happen)

running Beowulf and Chimaera machines presently but with the direction of linux/systemd/wayland/redhat/microsoft/etc will need to move to something else eventually(another learning curve...sigh)

#22 Re: Off-topic » What are you reading/want to read ? » 2024-03-03 14:56:33

most of these are not for the faint of heart.


#23 Re: Other Issues » [SOLVED] Intermittent Network Disconnections » 2024-03-03 11:54:53


when you have the time, review of Michael Horowitz works/websites is sometimes educational and always thought-provoking.



regarding cabling, connectors, and physical ports, it is good to establish their correct and complete functioning and connectivity

i have a second-hand laptop that has a damaged ethernet port(sold to me that way, unbeknownst to me...sigh) and it works properly if you jiggle it in a certain way a bit(the poor connection shows as a 100Mbps and after some jiggle it will usually become correct at 1000Mbps).

also i grabbed a random webpage as an example:

#24 Re: Off-topic » What are you reading/want to read ? » 2024-02-29 14:44:27

came across @golinux post:
and applause from @yeti


and that has a link to:

i appreciate that Les Knight advocates strongly for voluntary activism and the superiority of the agora.


#25 Re: Off-topic » Undergarment Brouhaha » 2024-02-29 09:46:43

9 out of 10 stand-up comedians approve of this thread
(even Steve Harvey admits to going commando on the Family Feud set)

as an aside, why are mericans so uptight...twisted knickers et al.

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