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#1 Re: Installation » [SOLVED] doesn't respond » Today 14:14:15

i keep my /etc/resolv.conf from being changed by forcing it with /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/90-dns-none.conf

here is the note to myself that i left in /etc/resolv.conf

# created file with sudo nano
# /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/90-dns-none.conf
# with contents:
# [main]
# dns=none
# then check with command:
# sudo NetworkManager --print-config

and the only active line in /etc/resolv.conf is "nameserver"

i don't remember where i found out about that particular solution but this link might be helpful to future thread visitors:

as always, your mileage may vary

#3 Re: Desktop and Multimedia » [SOLVED] safely remove xfce » 2024-09-05 08:48:25

searching the forum for "task-xfce-desktop" gives over a page of results.

adding "metapackage" narrows it down to three.

one of those three contained this threadpost by administrator fsmithred:

it should also be noted that there is a difference between using "purge" and "remove"

#6 Re: Installation » [SOLVED] Devuan bug #858 - just a heads-up » 2024-09-04 11:03:15

thanks for posting this! we'll keep watching for thread updates!

#8 Re: DIY » Removing Apparmor » 2024-09-04 10:41:02

as long as you are adequately backed-up, you can always make alterations and see what happens(especially after a warm-restart and/or cold-boot)

#9 Re: Installation » live iso not booting into graphical environment » 2024-09-01 21:11:56

from this webpage:

minimal-live: A full-featured, console-based recovery tool with a focus on accessibility for visually-impaired and blind users. Uses the refractainstaller.

you will have better experience with:

desktop-live: Explore the default Xfce desktop before installing. Then install easily and quickly from the live session using the refractainstaller. Firmware is installed but can easily be removed.

#10 Re: Hardware & System Configuration » Suspend to Ram logs out user in Excalibur/Ceres on waking up » 2024-08-30 09:06:10

had a similar experience when my active partition had very little free space left. don't remember how "little" the actual amount was. as always, your mileage may vary.

#12 Re: Devuan Derivatives » Vuu-do Linux! *New Openbox-64 iso's (1.0.7) up 2-02-18*!! » 2024-08-24 14:12:15


just touching base. curious on status of a new Vuu-do?



#13 Re: Off-topic » Secure Boot? Yes, we've heard of it ... » 2024-08-21 10:02:58

while pointed out in another forum thread, the suggested reading is definitely informative and sharable.

here is a direct link to the suggested reading(in case the original post changes):

#14 Re: Installation » how restore default permissions root folder after copy OS to SSD? » 2024-08-21 08:43:02

have used clonezilla and partedmagic for many years with much success

clonezilla is free

partedmagic is more "full-service" and well-worth their minimal charge(imho)

#16 Re: Installation » how restore default permissions root folder after copy OS to SSD? » 2024-08-20 11:09:47

copying _anything_ in an incorrect way has the potential to alter ownerships and/or permissions
(hard to check 1000's of files/folders for complete correctness)

hopefully your original is _still_ intact and completely correct

unless you can verify the complete correctness of any/all copies you should consider them _not_authentic_duplicates_
(especially and specifically with respect to ownerships and permissions)

also, just to clarify, a backup isn't a backup if it is just on a different partition of the same physical device

operations on the underlying formating/partitioning of any/all storage devices should be considered totally destructive of _all_data_ on that device

keep us posted on your progress!

#17 Re: Installation » Fresh Daedalus: No connection to PulseAudio » 2024-08-19 14:45:53

also this seemed interesting:


the semicolon “;” at start of the line acts like a comment tag
you need to delete the semicolon or the setting is ignored

#21 Re: Hardware & System Configuration » Laptop shuts down instead of suspend » 2024-08-15 17:32:27

without knowing the history of the machine and components one can only speculate.

what other operating system(s) have you had complete successful operation(s) with?

perhaps a stick of ram is going bad, or random hdd/ssd glitches, have had brand new equipment that wasn't functioning properly and have corrected the proper operation by unplugging and replugging cables/cards/drives/etc.

as always, your mileage may vary and some procedures may void some warranties.

#22 Re: Installation » [SOLVED] LXDE is broken » 2024-08-14 15:04:02

@nauved-rex, you are not alone in returning to Chimaera after being unsatisfied with Daedalus.

#23 Re: Other Issues » Unable to connect to a phone via USB. » 2024-08-12 12:40:57

second the request for an after action report, respectfully requested of course

#25 Re: News & Announcements » How you can help Devuan » 2024-08-09 10:53:28

just remember, not everyone went to Woodstock specifically for the mud, nevertheless it was there for all to bathe in.

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