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Short answer - IMPOSIBLE.
Use clean hardware. Clean not only from ME but from hardware spy tools. Use this hardware only for this purpose.
Use VPN chain (Tor is too slow for streaming).
OS must be immutable. No traces.
Do not use smartphone.
Avoid 14 eyes.
Use somebody else's internet.
Random time, random mac, host, random everything.
Or simply don't do it.
Apocalypse Now
Claude AI to process secret government data through new Palantir deal
BSD could be the final resting place
@zapper, yes, it's sarcasm
Some thoughts.
Oncle's AIs are against humanity. Only for control and fascism.
You can not avoid ai in this world.
If necessary, one can run ai models locally including uncensored.
The best way to run them: sandboxed/isolated, zero trust, recheck.
Local models are small and stupid comparing to oncle's models. But it's possible to use many of them, one per task.
Better to avoid to become addicted to ai.
Just IMHO.
And now is time to fire out all chinese people, then all originated from BRICS countries. Witch hunt must go only.
The most trusted person is Bill Gates.
LibreWolf erases history.
You have 3 options.
1. For qemu/KVM do
apt-get install --install-recommends aqemu qemu-kvm qemu-system qemu-utils libvirt-daemon-system libvirt-clients bridge-utils virt-manager libguestfs-tools libosinfo-bin
Additionally for home use you can
nano /etc/libvirt/qemu.conf
user = "type_your_username_here"
group = "kvm"
sudo adduser `id -un` libvirt-qemu
sudo adduser `id -un` kvm
sudo adduser `id -un` libvirt-dnsmasq
sudo addgroup libvirtd
sudo adduser `id -un` libvirtd
#unix_sock_group = "libvirt"
#unix_sock_ro_perms = "0777"
#unix_sock_rw_perms = "0770"
If no sudo, use doas.
Then you have to define default network, something like (I'm not sure here)
virsh define default
virsh net-autostart default
Do not forget to add /etc/init.d/libvirtd service to autostart in your init system.
Finally you'll get usable qemu/KVM solution. But this is probably the worst solution.
too many components
bad shared folders for windows guest (try to run complex software even from virtiofs, good lack)
bridge on wifi? good lack
it looks for file in /var/log/libvirt, so if you are mounting /var on tmpfs take care
HiDPI display and Linux guest? Good lack. I've to use qxl only, manually increase video ram and then manually add new xorg resolution in the guest. I still don´t know how to do it with wayland.
Better solutions are virtualbox (but extensions are proprietary and Oracle is well known. Or. just use guest tools with limited functionality) or vmware workstation (also proprietary, but not as much scary).
2. For virtualbox do
apt-get install module-assistant
m-a prepare
then you can use mx-linux repository. Their virtualbox is 100% compatible with devuan.
For daedalus do
nano /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mxlinux.list
deb bookworm main non-free
change bookworm to the previous version for chimaera (bullseye?)
nano /etc/apt/preferences.d/mxlinux
with the following context
Package: *
Pin: release a=mx
Pin-Priority: 100
go to
get the keyring (mx21 is based on bullseye: wget … 9_all.deb)
apt-get install ./mx21-archive-keyring_2021.2.19_all.deb
apt-get update
Now you can install packages from mx-linux with lower priority only those that are not in devuan's repo, i.e. virtualbox.
3. Vmware Workstation is free for personal use now (from v. 17.5.2). Get the latest version and install it. It supports everything.
Then you can add this line
in /etc/rc.local
to have no problem with usb support.
If you've got this error
Could not open /dev/vmmon: No such file or directory.
Please make sure that the kernel module `vmmon' is loaded.
then do
vmware-modconfig --console --install-all
When completely new linux kernel version is here, you have to recompile vmware kernel modules
they can be found here
But I still have "no 3d support available from the host" error. I don't know how to force vmware to use 3d which is enabled on the host.
The solution. I've grabbed the fresh one from unstable. Works fine. The version in Daedalus is broken.
Also you can run existing windows installation in virtual machine it is not recommended.
Normally, you do not need extension pack which is proprietary. In most cases guest-tools are OK.
I found yet another way to install virtualbox:
apt-get install ./mx23-archive-keyring_2023.6.6_all.deb
nano /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mxlinux.list
deb bookworm main non-free
deb bookworm ahs
nano /etc/apt/preferences.d/mxlinux
Package: *
Pin: release a=mx
Pin-Priority: 100
apt-get update
apt-get install virtualbox virtualbox-guest-additions-iso
addgroup vboxsf
adduser your_user_name vboxsf
modprobe vboxdrv
nano /etc/modules //add this line:
Now you have fully functional virtualbox. It's for daedalus. For chimaera you can use
and replace bookworm with bullseye
As a bonus mx repo contains a lot of useful software such as palemoon, tlpui, foliate etc.
I've been susing qimgv in chimaera. And now, in daedalus I can't open any video. In "options" I see:
qimgv was built without video support
What's happened with it? How to get back video support? … is-running … 53719.html
Viruses on wine have happened.
... So downloaded it and installed it in a kvm, once with the default, and once with sysvinit. Both ran fine.
Yes, you can do it. I did it. But... they do not care about compatibility. If some package requires systemd you can not use it. Ex. You can not install gnome from debian repo without systemd.
Windows viruses do not run in Wine.
...and if you run some app in wine? If the virus can be executed in wine it will be executed. Wine is compatibility layer that let them to be executed! Not all viruses, but some of them.
To my mind, the best way to deal with M$ is to separate windows from linux. Use virtualisation. There is no problem to add a shared folder to the guest in order to use antivirus on windows if it's necessary.
What do other Devuan users use for virus and malware detection?
Do not get it. The very first thing to do after installation is to configure firewall.
You can use portable antivirus on windows virtual machine to analyse the shit received from others if you have this kind of issue.
Did you try to purge firefox completelly ( ex.: "apt-get remove --purge firexox-esr" or "apt-get remove --purge firexox" and reinstall it?
It ;probably means that you still have some debian repository enabled in /etc/apt/source.list/ or sources.list.d/
I did not find any foreign repos in my source.list. It's strange for me. Anyway I've finished by installing pure devuan.
I've converted debian bookworm netinstall to devuan daedalus.
Then I've tried to install DE and got : tasksel: apt-get failed
When I try to install cinnamon-desktop, xfce4, gnome, budgie-desktop manually they all fail as there are no network-manager-gnome, or depends dbus-bin (= 1.14.6-1devuan1)but 1.14.8-2 is to be installed.
What does it means?
May be Palemoon? 2GB RAM is not enough for modern sh.. web with all s..t scripts.
Tanks fsmitherd. I'll give it a try. Should it work with luks encrypted and refind?
I had efi installation of chimaera
$ efibootmgr
Boot0002* debian
This installation has been made from Debian netinstall -> Devuan. I know, that if I'll try to install the second Debian alongside the first one than only one of them will be bootable. Is it possible to solve the issue? Or, how to rename this boot records?
ãáâàéêíõóôúüćTo enter any character of ~^`¨ I have to press it twice. To enter ' I have to press '+[space]. '+' enters ´ character. ç ('+c) doesn´t work. '+c enters ć.
It's not linux problem. You can try different international layouts. There is no other way than typing multiple keys to type accents on american qwerty keyboard.
You can simply use US international keyboard. Just go to your favorite DE (gnome, cinnamon, kde etc) find keyboard layout and set it to English (US, alt. intl.)
You can type than all of the above by combining some keys.
Just to be clear please tell me which way attacker can get hold of luks password.
Is it possible that it is stored in some configuration file on the disk or something like that?My processor doesn't support it, but it doesn't matter, I'm fine with this performance if changing the encryption would be to the detriment of security
No it's in RAM. In the case when some hack toy like flash or similar is applied it's possible to modify unencrypted files on root partition. In this case after you boot your system the content of the RAM can be read and sent to an attacker.
It's possible to block access to any USB from withing the system, but only from running system, so it's better to use FDE.
There is still unencrypted boot or unencrypted efi partition. Nevertheless there are some mitigations.
Do you have an old processor? Yes it slows down.