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#1 Re: Desktop and Multimedia » mtp device shown twice when plugged into ascii laptop » 2018-04-25 13:18:44

Sorry for resurrecting an old post, but I'm experiencing the double item issue on Caja (1.16.6), too. My phone is a Motorola Moto-G (first model I think - don't know if this is relevant -... it shows as "XT1032" on file managers), and when I plug it in, almost always a double icon appears under "Devices", the "almost" is because sometimes the phone shows once. When it shows twice, both of the "devices" are fully functional, e.g. I can browse, cut/copy etc. files from/to both of them. I'm on ASCII fully updated.

#2 Re: Devuan Derivatives » Vuu-do Linux! *New Openbox-64 iso's (1.0.7) up 2-02-18*!! » 2017-07-13 18:16:05

thanks smile I installed it and currently am playing with conky.conf (and figthing with Lua syntax, but that's another matter). So far I've got only one problem, a font which make conky crash with a "floating point error" or the like, or maybe it's the font name (is a dash allowed in the name?)

#3 Re: Off-topic » Who is Maradona? » 2017-07-04 21:27:01

I surely vote for Messi... his ancestors went to Argentina from my homeland wink

#4 Re: Off-topic » This post has nothing to do with Devuan or even linux... » 2017-07-04 21:23:27

that teacher kind of reminds me of Theoden's speak before the battle in front of Gondor big_smile

#5 Re: Off-topic » Hi From NZ » 2017-07-04 21:20:15

Welcome from Italy, your antipodes smile Seen some beautiful view of your country on the Brokenwood tv show wink

#6 Re: Devuan Derivatives » Vuu-do Linux! *New Openbox-64 iso's (1.0.7) up 2-02-18*!! » 2017-07-04 20:59:17

Hi greenjeans, just a question about your desktop: what's the program displaying date/time and keyboard shortcuts I see on the desktop?

#8 Re: Forum Feedback » Let's make this forum multilingual! (Calling for language authors) » 2017-06-01 20:38:28

I had a look at the Italian localization and started to fill the missing strings, tomorrow I should finish it (it's our Republic Celebration Day, so I won't have to go to work cool ).

#9 Re: Forum Feedback » Let's make this forum multilingual! (Calling for language authors) » 2017-05-21 13:55:36

ok. Geany had a text file with the menu and messages strings associated with "string IDs" (something.po if I recall), a sort of resource file, which I edited with a tool named "POEdit". So this task should be simpler than Geany's one cool

#10 Re: Forum Feedback » Let's make this forum multilingual! (Calling for language authors) » 2017-05-21 10:12:53

Hi Ralph! I'm from Italy, and contributed to the Italian localization of Geany (a source code editor) some years ago, so I think I could help with the Italian pack. What should I do, in case? Just go to fluxbb resources link and follow the instructions there?

#11 Re: Installation » /etc/apt/sources.list.d/devuan.list » 2017-04-22 13:31:50

Thanks golinux smile
Don't worry, I'm well aware of potential issues of backporting or mixing repos/distros. I currently use Ascii because in Debian I've always used the "testing" branch, and in my sources.list there are only the lines + the local dir with some debs I build from upstream source (eg Avidemux and some other which are only on and thus not available in Debian). I was just curious about the additional repository listed in sources.list.d/devuan.list and its role, but now having seen it cited in the discussion on dng about apulse somehow clarified it to me.

#12 Installation » /etc/apt/sources.list.d/devuan.list » 2017-04-17 21:21:11

Replies: 3

Hi all from Marche, Italy smile

My first post here isn't about some issue or trouble about Devuan but more just a curiosity: poking around my system (especially /etc) after the switch I made from Debian Stretch last year, I noticed the file in the subject was added to apt configuration. By reading the comment in the first lines I understand it lists some kind of additional repository, but what would I get if i'd enable it? Newer/experimental stuff not yet ready for the "official" repository (eg. vdev)?

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