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Carolina In My Mind wrote: Anyway, can anyone tell me whether Brave is expected to work in Devuan, before I get Devuan running on my computer?
Yes, I have it installed on Crowz, daedalus. Thought I would go ahead and check and see if it would. No problems.
This is from
sudo apt install curl
sudo curl -fsSLo /usr/share/keyrings/brave-browser-archive-keyring.gpg
echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/brave-browser-archive-keyring.gpg] stable main"|sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/brave-browser-release.list
sudo apt update
sudo apt install brave-browser
grafiksinc wrote: I am wondering what was his build process..?
It has been a long while since conversing with Dan (MiyoLinux). We discussed live-build and live-sdk that I use, he used Remaster. I've never used it, know little about it.
Peter Green
slabo day … +slabo+day
Be good to yourself everyone!
@ Lomax; Certainly miss the old xfce4-mixer, Void Linux had it working until recently. Qasmixer is better than being forced using pavucontrol to get sound with Alsa.
Thanks for the tips and for bringing Qasmixer back into view!
Qasmixer (0.23.0-1) is also in the Devuan daedalus repositories!
Camtaf wrote: Many thanks for the 'heads up'... will grab a copy.
Most welcome, thank you for using Crowz!
@ oui: I'm a fan of Dell too, mainly they are easily repaired and parts not too expensive. I just did away with an older Dell 5050N, I had 16 gb memory and running an i5 processor instead of an i3. I had it since, bought it when my daughter started high school. I got a used 2017 model of Alienware laptop from my son-in-law. It's running Crowz daedalus now, a very powerful gaming computer. Also have a Dell Optiplex, I use it for testing my builds with Crowz. Then I have 3 home built Asus machines. 2 in which are AM3 and 1 Ryzen AM4. I get a lot of donated hardware, at some point put together machines once I find a good case. On Facebook marketplace, I lucked into a 2010 Lian Li all aluminum case, still in the box and never used. Amazing how this stuff is sitting around somewhere. Paid $40.00 bucks for it.
I'm currently doing a set of daedalus 5.0.1 builds, I have made several changes and one is using Network-manager-gnome instead of Connman-gtk. I found it uses Bluetooth better, and seems stronger with the Wi-Fi and cable strength.
New builds should be going up late tonight,
Are you in the UK? I used to fly into Mildenhall often between 1990 - 2007 with the USAF, I was a C141B crew chief.
oui wrote: To test my new Star Linux on other PC's I need to accede now exceptionally the WLAN!
connman by pcalvert 2024.02.10
For anyone who is running connman and having this problem, there is a simple fix.
Edit this file: /etc/init.d/connman
Change this:
DESC="Connection Manager"
To this:
DESC="Connection Manager"
Star uses connman-gtk network-manager
Thanks for using Star, the author and developer have not been available for some time now. I and Ozi Traveller of Melbourne, Australia have lost contact. There were health issues. Crowz is formerly Zephyr, Star and those distro's were very close clones, we collaborated all our efforts.
So, Star is no longer maintained and Crowz is.
DavidRLTG wrote: have a ~25GB archive I want to extract.
I start extracting it,
The PC fans start going crazy
Don't know all the in and outs of file compression. I have had some strange phenomena as well. Often compression is easier to compile than extract. That is a large file, even for a zip or tar. Have you tried another archive manager, they are not created equal. I use both Engrampa and file-roller.
I have gotten away from extremely large packages other than an iso. Easier to transfer smaller portions from one location to another. I'm sure you will get other help, feedback, and support. Surely there are other techniques to do what you are attempting.
pcalvert wrote: For anyone who is running connman and having this problem, there is a simple fix.
DESC="Connection Manager"
Yes it is!
Thanks a million, i have a lot of older drives here and there, a mess actually and needed a fix I could just use from an USB drive.
Appreciate the share!
@ Ron: I used Devuan daedalus netinstall xfce's sources.list to see if it was corrupt in mine and then installed both network-manager & network-manager-gnome the same as the Devuan distro has. Both are used and for a good reason, although I really don't know the answer why both. Perhaps one is a dependency of the other.
It worked for me, on my build machine, laptop, and my daily driver machine, so believe it's a safe to install