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#1 2024-02-21 13:35:42

Registered: 2017-09-02
Posts: 305  

Star Linux, WLAN

Normally, I am wired directly there where the PC's are. And at other PC's, I use special software without some LAN or WLAN.

To test my new Star Linux on other PC's I need to accede now exceptionally the WLAN!

How to do that? What is the right app? How to start it commando line in the monitor?


#2 2024-02-24 21:03:15

From: as where the crow flies native
Registered: 2016-12-01
Posts: 421  

Re: Star Linux, WLAN

oui wrote: To test my new Star Linux on other PC's I need to accede now exceptionally the WLAN!

connman by pcalvert 2024.02.10

For anyone who is running connman and having this problem, there is a simple fix.

Edit this file: /etc/init.d/connman

Change this:

DESC="Connection Manager"

To this:

DESC="Connection Manager"


Star uses connman-gtk network-manager

Thanks for using Star, the author and developer have not been available for some time now. I and Ozi Traveller of Melbourne, Australia have lost contact. There were health issues. Crowz is formerly Zephyr, Star and those distro's were very close clones, we collaborated all our efforts.

So, Star is no longer maintained and Crowz is.



easier to light a candle, yet curse the dark instead / experience life, or simply ...merely exist / ride the serpent / molon labe


#3 2024-02-25 21:39:16

Registered: 2017-09-02
Posts: 305  

Re: Star Linux, WLAN

Hi Zephyr,

Thank you very much! I will try it soon, as I will upload my version the 29. february for a friend having birthday only all 4 years (as I did upload my extix remaster exactly for Christmas, see as I did not have any more some starting version of crown, also 64 bit, based on ceres or testing (my last own one based on Daedalus as testing did, at Christmas time, don't start any more...

my actual iso of star based on ceres is only 1,7 GB in size and can start in the RAM of my main PC as a Puppy Linux.

this star includes wine, winetricks, aqemu with qemu, rosegarden and kdenlive a full gnome office (browser, abi, gnumeric, magicpoint, gnome browser, hunspell, tesseract-ocr, xsane, gimagereader (all 3 only with English, but add of other is easy, I use then for oriental language as hindi, tamil, korean, chinese and japanese. I don't use some input method as I do not much in those languages: I simply use! I simply copy the hunspell and tesseract stuff als well as fonts for the languages in), mpv (I am not happy: it "flashes" (probably from kernel)), gimp etc incl. libreCAD.

for children (and dads) are, over rosegarden,  ucb-logo, swi-prolog, gprolog and gforth, as well as granule (flashcards software to learn what you want, but principally languges, without stuff (you must enter the stuff yourself (for ex. the public domain sound files from , an excellent site to learn languages!), and a lot more... it fits in a very old usb card with only 2 GB...

warning: I do that for me! as each user, I do only adapt each used distro to my needs or the needs of parents / neighbors using rarely more than "apt" "mkdir" or "ln" also regular transformations, all mainly in CLI

(apt because I can print out, what did happen, and nursing my /home/x/.bash_history reuse my experience later, it is all!)


apt update
apt upgrade > traceOfUpgrading20240220
apt search somewhat
apt download somewhat
apt sources somewhat
apt install somewhat > traceOfInstallingSomewhat # here can I see which other packages are recommend ;-)

for this reason, I can't help because I did myself develop nothing (it is the reason why I did not answer to the user at the Puppy forum, as, there, at the Puppy forum, the real developer Exton from https;// is also member and present! After he would answer, I would have the possibility to check if I can add something concerning things doing by myself!

some real developers would produce really more attractive adapted ISO's...

Last edited by oui (2024-02-25 22:39:35)


#4 2024-02-25 22:20:46

Registered: 2017-09-02
Posts: 305  

Re: Star Linux, WLAN

Hi Zephyr,
After a quick test in my gymnastic and yoga room, where the next PC is available (and is NOT an uggly DELL XT3 (that Devuan will not deserve any more...) but the old ACER emachines with AMD64 from my dead father, it is the reason because it is not an uggly (find some forum users) DELL. I, I buy always DELL's, I can't connect with connman easily probably because I have to learn the settings and manipulation of connman. It will be longer but I did already search and easily found divers pages I have to study now. But I need time and it is actually a problem for me. I will also probably upload the ISO without complete solution (but introduce your change! Perhaps it is enough in case of a new installation...).
If someone uses later the ISO, he can try to change the (low) kernel (that I must use in DELL PC's) with apt.
Also, I did simply erase the preinstalled seamonkey as precaution to get a low size to save it on the 2GB usb card, he can reactive it easily using apt install (but gnome browser is installed and works. luakit is also installed as they are only a few bites more...).
Kind regards

Last edited by oui (2024-02-25 22:27:45)


#5 2024-02-26 00:00:55

From: as where the crow flies native
Registered: 2016-12-01
Posts: 421  

Re: Star Linux, WLAN

@ oui: I'm a fan of Dell too, mainly they are easily repaired and parts not too expensive. I just did away with an older Dell 5050N, I had 16 gb memory and running an i5 processor instead of an i3. I had it since, bought it when my daughter started high school.  I got a used 2017 model of Alienware laptop from my son-in-law. It's running Crowz daedalus now, a very powerful gaming computer. Also have a Dell Optiplex, I use it for testing my builds with Crowz. Then I have 3 home built Asus machines. 2 in which are AM3 and 1 Ryzen AM4. I get a lot of donated hardware, at some point put together machines once I find a good case. On Facebook marketplace, I lucked into a 2010 Lian Li all aluminum case, still in the box and never used. Amazing how this stuff is sitting around somewhere. Paid $40.00 bucks for it.

I'm currently doing a set of daedalus 5.0.1 builds, I have made several changes and one is using Network-manager-gnome instead of Connman-gtk. I found it uses Bluetooth better, and seems stronger with the Wi-Fi and cable strength. 

New builds should be going up late tonight,

Are you in the UK? I used to fly into Mildenhall often between 1990 - 2007 with the USAF, I was a C141B crew chief.   



Last edited by zephyr (2024-02-26 00:26:20)

easier to light a candle, yet curse the dark instead / experience life, or simply ...merely exist / ride the serpent / molon labe


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