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#1 2018-04-17 12:56:01

Registered: 2017-03-16
Posts: 562  

Traditional GTK themes with support for GTK 3.22

I have found it difficult to find GTK themes that fulfill all of these criteria:
- Support for GTK 3.22 (the gtk3 version in ASCII)
- Scrollbar buttons
- Non-flat

I thought I'd start this thread so that people can share whatever themes they find/create that have these features.

Here is my contribution: GNUser-Dark

It is mostly based on Arc-Darker, with some pieces scavenged from other themes and/or hacked into submission by yours truly.

Last edited by GNUser (2018-05-16 12:51:36)


#2 2018-05-01 11:45:59

Registered: 2018-04-30
Posts: 176  

Re: Traditional GTK themes with support for GTK 3.22

Thank you. I agree those kind of themes are severly underrepresented. I also had to upgrade my theme too due to GTK3 again breaking the thememing api. Having not had much possibility to go theme hunting yet but i can already say it's going to be tough. When i get to it i'll remember to try yours as dark themes are exactly what i am looking for even though i remember Arc being a bit extreme on the simplicity for my tastes.


#3 2018-05-01 12:04:42

Registered: 2017-03-16
Posts: 562  

Re: Traditional GTK themes with support for GTK 3.22

I feel your pain--broken themes are always near the top when it comes to OS-upgrade hassles. The GTK3 developers obviously don't give a hoot about backward compatibility. I only use their inconsiderate software because I more or less have to. I wish they were more like Linus Torvalds, conscientious about not breaking stuff as the code evolves.

All I liked about Arc-Darker were the color scheme and the window buttons (minimize, maximize, close), which is why I used it as a base. I find the extreme minimalism in today's UIs (including Arc-Darker) to be a disgrace. Therefore, my custom theme is basically Arc-Darker's traditional and more sensible sister.


#4 2018-05-01 12:18:56

Registered: 2018-04-30
Posts: 176  

Re: Traditional GTK themes with support for GTK 3.22

GNUser wrote:

I feel your pain--broken themes are always near the top when it comes to OS-upgrade hassles. The GTK3 developers obviously don't give a hoot about backward compatibility. I only use their inconsiderate software because I more or less have to. I wish they were more like Linus Torvalds, conscientious about not breaking stuff as the code evolves.

Exactly. I am getting more and more annoyed with GTK3. GTK2 was great but GTK3... not so much. Still whats the alternative? Pretty much all the applications i use are GTK based and the only other toolkit thats used by more than a handful of applications would be QT anyways sad

GNUser wrote:

All I liked about Arc-Darker were the color scheme and the window buttons (minimize, maximize, close), which is why I used it as a base. I find the extreme minimalism in today's UIs (including Arc-Darker) to be a disgrace. Therefore, my custom theme is basically Arc-Darker's traditional and more sensible sister.

Gotta try it. I am using Equilux right now. Colors are pretty nice but the animations and specialy those scrollbars... ugh. Do no want.

Edit: No idea about window controls on Equilux as that's something my window manager makes sure will always look extremly dated wink

Last edited by devuser (2018-05-01 12:22:56)


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