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#26 2018-04-23 11:17:29

Registered: 2016-11-25
Posts: 2,459  

Re: [Solved?] Upgrade to remove LXDE

Geoff 42 wrote:

Is lxqt the way forwards? Should we be moving away from lxde?

I asked that question in irc about a year ago, and there happened to be one of the lxde devs in the channel. He said that lxde is still alive and is not going away.

I haven't tried mixing lxde and lxqt, but I'm about to. Just built a live iso with task-lxde-desktop and lxqt. There is some weirdness in the installed packages: I have both libpam-ck-connector and libpam-elogind, and you're only supposed to have one of those. Also, pam-auth-update shows both consolekit and elogind active. But I only have the libpolkits for consolekit, not elogind.

Please show me what you get for this:

for i in consolekit elogind policykit polkit libpam ; do aptitude search ~i"$i" ; done


#27 2018-04-24 08:59:38

Geoff 42
Registered: 2016-12-15
Posts: 462  

Re: [Solved?] Upgrade to remove LXDE

Sorry for the slow response, here you go :-

$ for i in consolekit elogind policykit polkit libpam ; do aptitude search ~i"$i" ; done
i A consolekit                                                                                     - framework for defining and tracking users, sessions and seats                                            
i   libpolkit-backend-consolekit-1-0                                                               - PolicyKit backend API                                                                                    
i   libpolkit-gobject-consolekit-1-0                                                               - PolicyKit Authorization API                                                                              
i A elogind                                                                                        - user, seat and session management daemon                                                                 
i A libelogind0                                                                                    - user, seat and session management library                                                                
i A libpam-elogind                                                                                 - elogind PAM module                                                                                       
i A lxqt-policykit                                                                                 - LXQt authentication agent for PolicyKit                                                                  
i   policykit-1                                                                                    - framework for managing administrative policies and privileges                                            
i   policykit-1-gnome                                                                              - authentication agent for PolicyKit                                                                       
i A libpolkit-agent-1-0                                                                            - PolicyKit Authentication Agent API                                                                       
i A libpolkit-backend-1-0                                                                          - PolicyKit Authorization API                                                                              
i   libpolkit-backend-consolekit-1-0                                                               - PolicyKit backend API                                                                                    
i A libpolkit-gobject-1-0                                                                          - PolicyKit Authorization API                                                                              
i   libpolkit-gobject-consolekit-1-0                                                               - PolicyKit Authorization API                                                                              
i A libpolkit-qt5-1-1                                                                              - PolicyKit-qt5-1 library                                                                                  
i A libpam-cap                                                                                     - POSIX 1003.1e capabilities (PAM module)                                                                  
i A libpam-elogind                                                                                 - elogind PAM module                                                                                       
i A libpam-gnome-keyring                                                                           - PAM module to unlock the GNOME keyring upon login                                                        
i   libpam-modules                                                                                 - Pluggable Authentication Modules for PAM                                                                 
i   libpam-modules-bin                                                                             - Pluggable Authentication Modules for PAM - helper binaries                                               
i   libpam-runtime                                                                                 - Runtime support for the PAM library                                                                      
i   libpam0g                                                                                       - Pluggable Authentication Modules library     



#28 2018-04-24 16:54:49

Registered: 2016-11-25
Posts: 2,459  

Re: [Solved?] Upgrade to remove LXDE

Thanks. I got the same plus lxpolkit. That's with task-lxde-desktop and lxqt in the list of packages to install. We must be using consolekit, since we have the -backend and -gobject that go with it. (instead of the ones that go with elogind)

I have no great revelations about this. Please report if anything doesn't work right.


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