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#1 2024-07-06 22:18:33

Registered: 2024-07-06
Posts: 40  

Devuan spin/rice

New member today. smile
I wondered if anyone would be interested in my version of Devuan. It's in the style of Miyolinux(Hi Dan, hope you're OK?).
I was going to call it Inspired By Miyo but that would be IBM as an acronym and I'd probably get in trouble!
It's basically a minimal XFWM build with tint2 and jgmenu. The main difference between mine and anything else I've seen is that I'm only using xfwm4, xfce4-session and xfce4-settings. So maybe it could be Devuan XFWM Minimal or DXM?
I omitted xfdesktop because I don't personally feel the need for desktop icons or the typical right click root menu that XFCE provides. I do however like jgmenu as the root menu as can be added to JWM, Openbox, Fluxbox potentially etc.
So what I've done is build xclickroot( to have running in the background to give me jgmenu on the desktop. The overall effect is a bit like Openbox but with compositing built in and, more importantly for me, aerosnapping built in. smile
The basic build only comes with Sakura terminal, PCManFM file manager and Featherpad text editor(I like that you can edit system files and save as root with it), GParted for disk management and the Refracta tools. I've also added ufetch-devuan and the wallpaper setter borrowed from Lilidog with a modified version of it to work on my dual screen set up. It's a nice combination.
Apart from whether anyone would be interested in seeing it, any suggestions as to where would be a good place to upload it to? I have a pcloud account but not sure if there are download limitations, or sourceforge might be a possibility?
Or, I've told you what I've done so copy it, if that's easier. wink

I tried adding a link to an image but it didn't work so here's the url:

Last edited by moulder61 (2024-07-06 22:19:59)


#2 2024-07-08 19:25:46

Registered: 2019-08-06
Posts: 19  

Re: Devuan spin/rice

Hi, and welcome to the forum!

I like the sound of your Devuan spin and would love to try it out. Please post here if you manage to upload the iso somewhere.



#3 2024-07-08 20:33:08

Registered: 2024-07-06
Posts: 40  

Re: Devuan spin/rice

Hi rayburn,

I'm thinking I might have to redo it from scratch? It's showing 1077 packages installed and hardly has anything on it! I have full systems with everything on it I want that come in at less than 1000 packages.

I tried it on various operating systems either taking an XFCE iso and stripping it down or building up from a net install. I did so many that I can't remember what I did with the Devuan one I have at the moment? sad

Also, I made it for myself, so I would have likely removed or left out nvidia drivers or other locales than en_GB, so maybe I should include more of that stuff? Also, I'm not very knowledgeable about creating isos with Refracta so it will probably be BIOS only because I don't use EFI(although just to be awkward I use GPT partitioning).

I'm just happy with the way it works for me and wanted to share it because I've never seen this particular setup before.

Bear with me and watch this space. smile



#4 2024-07-13 09:11:39

Registered: 2019-08-06
Posts: 19  

Re: Devuan spin/rice

Thanks for that Moulder, I don't need nvidia drivers or any locales other than en_GB and I can cope with GPT no problem.

I am watching this space!


#5 2024-07-13 13:14:12

Registered: 2024-07-06
Posts: 40  

Re: Devuan spin/rice

Hi rayburn,

Thanks for being patient. I'm getting there, slowly. wink It's running at 807 packages at the moment so 270 less than the 1077 I mentioned before. I added qimgv as an image viewer to the list of others I mentioned previously. They are my particular preferences for various reasons, but they can be swapped out, obviously.
Featherpad and qimgv are both Qt based so there could be a theming issue. It might need qt5ct installed for that. It's more noticeable if you go for dark themes. I use something in between light and dark so it's not that noticeable to me.
When I say a "minimal system" I'm thinking more the number of packages than any kind of minimal RAM usage really. I'm not that interested in how much RAM it uses but according to free -m it's 638MB on login? I have 16GB of RAM installed and don't tend to have a swap partition/file either.
I had a few minor issues to sort out plus I'm designing a custom wallpaper and trying to write my own logout program(the xfce-session-logout is in there but I wanted to see if I could come up with something a bit different myself?). If I can't get the logout program working to my liking I'll just upload it as it is.
Bear in mind, because it's minimal there could be stuff missing potentially. It depends what you are using it for I suppose? Also, I'm using a desktop computer with dual monitors so I don't know what it would look like on a laptop? Presumably OK but who knows?
I also have an Awesome WM spin that I might share too. It's based on the copycats themes but with jonaburgs build of picom so it looks a bit like Hyprland but not quite as slick. smile I could put them both on the same iso but I've found that when you mix tiling and stacking window managers on a single user system that the configs interfere with each other somewhat.



#6 2024-07-13 19:42:28

Registered: 2019-08-06
Posts: 19  

Re: Devuan spin/rice

I can do patience! Thanks for your efforts on this project, and the Awesome iso sounds interesting,


#7 2024-07-23 16:35:18

Registered: 2024-07-06
Posts: 40  

Re: Devuan spin/rice

OK, I think it's ready to share. smile
I started from scratch and managed to get it down to 817 packages(824 according to Synaptic?).
I also spent a lot of time trying to get my logout program working properly but I think I cracked it eventually?
Anyway, if anyone wants to try it out, feel free to give me some feedback on how it works(or not) on your systems.
Any questions about what I've done to it etc, just ask.


EDIT: Link removed due to insufficient testing of iso by me. sad

Last edited by moulder61 (2024-07-31 11:46:17)


#8 2024-07-23 19:10:34

Registered: 2024-07-06
Posts: 40  

Re: Devuan spin/rice

I neglected to mention the username and password. Doh!
user: live
pass: live
Also, I think it's BIOS rather than EFI(I can boot either on my system so not sure how much difference it makes?).



#9 2024-07-25 07:35:39

Registered: 2023-08-24
Posts: 424  

Re: Devuan spin/rice


I tried out your DXM .iso, and I think you did a great job with it!

I really appreciate a system that is minimal and allows me to install the software that I prefer without having to remove things that I don't personally like or use. big_smile

It looks nice and is quick and nimble. I also like how you incorporated xfwm** with tint2 and jgmenu. wink

I like your logout utility too. I tried all three options on it, and it works as intended.

I'll install it on one of my extra laptops.

Thank you for providing it. smile

**EDIT: Changed xfce to xfwm.

Last edited by The-Amnesiac-Philosopher (2024-07-25 07:40:11)


#10 2024-07-25 12:24:22

Registered: 2024-07-06
Posts: 40  

Re: Devuan spin/rice

It was inspired by Miyo. wink


P.S. I wrote the logout script in PureBasic. The source code is in the ~/.config/PBLogout/ folder if anyone wants to look at it?

Last edited by moulder61 (2024-07-26 18:24:49)


#11 2024-07-31 11:43:18

Registered: 2024-07-06
Posts: 40  

Re: Devuan spin/rice

OK, I think it's ready to share.

Maybe I was a bit hasty. I tried to install it from the original snapshot and refracta didn't seem to be working, so I'll have to have another look at it.
Sorry to the 10 people that downloaded it so far. It does work as a live environment though. smile
Miyo was kind enough to mention I should include/exclude certain firmware too so I'll look into that as well.
For now, I'm removing the link to the download.



#12 2024-08-02 16:48:55

Registered: 2023-08-24
Posts: 424  

Re: Devuan spin/rice

Hi everyone! I got WXM installed...thanks moulder61!!! I love it! It's a great system! cool

It did take a little bit to figure out some things. Hopefully, this will help anyone else that may have downloaded it.  smile


My laptop is UEFI capable, but I use BIOS. tongue  I also use wifi.

When I first tried the live-session, it didn't detect my I hooked up an ethernet cable. SUCCESS! big_smile So, I thought to myself that I'll just work out the wifi issue problem. smile

So, I played around with it and decided to run the installer. By the way, the Refracta Installer is my favorite installer. cool

However, it never offered to install grub. So, I thought to myself, okay. I'll just chroot into it later and install problem. smile

Doing a chroot didn't, I fired up the live session again to see if I could figure stuff out.

To keep this shorter, I'll just share what I did. wink

Here is what I did to get it installed...(I assume if one is using UEFI, the installer should work without issues)...

1. First, if possible, use an ethernet cable to connect to the internet, and change the names in the sources.list from stable to daedalus...then run a...

sudo apt update

2. I have my laptop on BIOS instead of UEFI. The grub available in the live session is UEFI. So, I installed grub-pc during the live session. That both installed the correct grub for BIOS and removed the UEFI grub. After that, I ran a...

sudo apt autoremove remove remaining UEFI grub related packages.

I ran the installer, and BAM!!! offered to install grub.

Be aware...the installer takes a long time to install grub due to something that gets copied over from the live session to the hard drive. Be patient. It works. smile

3. To get wireless working, this is what I did. Others may know a better way.

First, I still had the ethernet connected.

Second, I installed the following packages...

modemmanager wpasupplicant firmware-linux and all of the broadcom firmware.

Third, I unplugged the ethernet, rebooted, and BAM!!! I had wireless! big_smile

4. I'm sorry, but I bloated the system by installing firefox-esr, flameshot, mate-calc, zip, unzip, ufw, and telegram-desktop. smile

I might live on the edge...go all-out...and install an office suite and music player too, because I'm just crazy that way. cool  tongue's a really nice system! Thanks so much for providing it!

Last edited by The-Amnesiac-Philosopher (2024-08-02 17:24:11)


#13 2024-08-02 16:55:20

Registered: 2023-08-24
Posts: 424  

Re: Devuan spin/rice

...and here it is. cool



#14 2024-08-02 19:58:04

Registered: 2019-08-06
Posts: 19  

Re: Devuan spin/rice

@The-Amnesiac-Philosopher Well done! I missed to download it when it was available unfortunately, so I am hoping that it becomes available again soon!


#15 2024-08-02 20:10:27

Registered: 2024-07-06
Posts: 40  

Re: Devuan spin/rice

Yeah. What T_A_P said ^^. wink
Thanks for pointing out what was wrong with it. And still only 868 packages! Impressive. Glad you like it. smile
I am in the process of converting an old Miyolinux JWM from 2022, updating it and upgrading to Daedalus then adding the DXM configs(or WXM if you like tongue) because he did a better job of it than I did so it seemed to make sense to kind of refactor that rather than try to be clever and make my own from scratch. It's around 1150 packages so far but I might try to get that down a bit lower.


Last edited by moulder61 (2024-08-02 20:13:14)


#16 2024-08-02 20:15:24

Registered: 2024-07-06
Posts: 40  

Re: Devuan spin/rice


I'll send you a link in a PM seeing as how you were the only one showing any interest in it originally. I am working on an improved version as I said above.



#17 2024-08-02 20:39:44

Registered: 2023-08-24
Posts: 424  

Re: Devuan spin/rice

How did I get the name wrong?

Then again...I am amnesiac.



#18 2024-08-02 21:11:14

Registered: 2024-07-06
Posts: 40  

Re: Devuan spin/rice

They both begin with the same letter? Dee and Dubya. wink Easily done.



#19 2024-08-03 00:54:58

Registered: 2023-08-24
Posts: 424  

Re: Devuan spin/rice


That's pretty funny!

I think my amnesiastica was thinking of x due to xfwm. I'm a little embarrassed about getting it wrong...

...but not really. tongue


It is a really nice system though! Thanks!


#20 2024-08-03 12:32:20

Registered: 2024-07-06
Posts: 40  

Re: Devuan spin/rice


I'm glad you like it. smile
It's not exactly ground breaking but the result of years of distrohopping and just not quite ever being satisfied.
Plus the overwhelming urge to keep fiddling about with things. wink
My philosophy is "If it ain't broke, fix it until it is!"



#21 2024-08-08 02:39:02

Registered: 2020-06-06
Posts: 12  

Re: Devuan spin/rice

Any update on this by chance? Would really like to try it out. :-)


#22 2024-08-08 11:55:53

Registered: 2024-07-06
Posts: 40  

Re: Devuan spin/rice


I sent you an email. wink



#23 2024-08-14 18:54:48

Registered: 2023-08-24
Posts: 424  

Re: Devuan spin/rice

There! smile

My embarrassment was uncontrollable, so I fixed the hostname to DXM on my system. wink 

I felt awful for getting it wrong to begin with... sad



#24 2024-08-14 20:33:53

Registered: 2024-07-06
Posts: 40  

Re: Devuan spin/rice

You can call it whatever you like. That you are getting some enjoyment from it is the main thing. smile



#25 2024-08-14 22:42:14

From: Brisbane, Australia
Registered: 2019-07-18
Posts: 643  

Re: Devuan spin/rice

Hi, I like the idea, the look as well. I'd like to try it.

Is there a easy access link to download the iso?


pic from 1993, new guitar day.


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