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Hi there
Neither Sane nor Simple Scan detect my brother all-in-one scanner HL L2380DW . I can print fine.
I am on Devuan GNU/Linux 1.0 (jessie), Mate desktop.
The drivers are installed:
dpkg -l | grep Brother
ii brgenml1lpr 3.1.0-1 i386 Brother BrGenML1 LPR driver
ii brscan-skey 0.2.4-1 amd64 Brother Linux scanner S-KEY tool
ii brscan4 0.4.4-3 i386 Brother Scanner Driver
ii printer-driver-brlaser 3-3 amd64 printer driver for (some) Brother laser printers
ii printer-driver-ptouch 1.3-8 amd64 printer driver Brother P-touch label printers
Sane only detects the scanner as root even though I added my user to the scanner group
sudo sane-find-scanner
found USB scanner (vendor=0x04f9 [Brother], product=0x0330 [HL-L2380DW]) at libusb:006:002
As per internet instructions I created a file: /etc/udev/rules.d/10-scanner.rules with the following lines:
I would appreciate some help. thanks !
Last edited by rodancap (2017-09-20 00:37:49)
Hmmm, don't use a scanner much, but i've had the best luck using the Xsane frontend for saned.
Vuu-do GNU/Linux, minimal Devuan-based openbox systems to build on, maximal versions if you prefer your linux fully-loaded.
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I'm not too well versed in this, but I might be able to help.
Firstly, I think that your /etc/udev/rules.d/10-scanner.rules should have a single rule line. It should be read "if the vendor is 0x04f9 and the product is 0x0330, then make the /dev/whatever pathname have group scanner". All that needs to be on a single line.
What you have done is rather three independent statements: "if the vendor is 0x04f9, then eeh nothing", "if the product is 0x0330, then ehh nothing", "if whatever, then set /dev/whatever to have group scanner". That last one in particular is quite "destructive" (although there might be some kind of protection in udev for that kind of mistake).
But, when I look at the libsane rules (i.e., /lib/udev/rules.d/60-libsane.rules) it suggests that you should rather have the assignment
..., ENV{libsane_matched}="yes"
as effect instead of setting access group. I think the deal is that the scanner dev's (for whatever [expletive] reason) have decided to use "acl" rather than unix file protection, and they also have programmed their rules to use a common, actual effect via the setting of the libsane_matched variable.
So, if making it a single line doesn't work, you might try replacing the GROUP assignment with that assignment.
EDIT: note the comma (",") between the terms; i.e., when you join your lines, you need to add "," comma between them.
Thanks, Xsane also fails.
I think you have led me to find some mistakes. I think instead of the one line, I am missing comas and according to others it should be:
GROUP:="scanner", Mode:="660"
Now, I don't really know what I am doing here. Monkey see, monkey do
Still not working though
All in one, so it's a printer too correct?
The other config tool that always works for me is the system-config-printer package, been many many years since I had to work hard to set up a printer, I install that package and printer-drivers-all and it has worked on all debian or Devuan systems.
Vuu-do GNU/Linux, minimal Devuan-based openbox systems to build on, maximal versions if you prefer your linux fully-loaded.
Please donate to support Devuan and init freedom!
To be sure, each rule is on a single line. Refer to
man udev
for details.
Greenbeans solved it by suggesting to use the printer installer package instead installing the drivers themselves.
Thank you so much everyone !!