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Hi there,
yesterday I upgraded the Chimaera 4.0 image to Daedalus 5.0 on my Raspberry Pi 3b+. I was happy to see that everything really went flawlessly. Just the kernel stayed at 5.10.74-v8.
How can I upgrade the kernel as well?
Thanks in advance!
is the generic linux image installed?
apt list --installed | grep linux-image for a check and in case it's not:
apt install linux-image-xxxx
where xxxx is amd64 on my PC, but something else for the arm-CPU of a Raspi 3+.
Hi! Thank you for your reply!
It says:
raspberrypi-linux-image/now 5.10.74-v8-1~rpi2+3 arm64 [Installiert,lokal]
So I guess it's installed? But it seems to be a special kernel for the Raspberry Pi 3 🤔
Last edited by jonny101 (2024-06-21 06:04:46)
Then maybe it is:
apt install linux-image-arm64 -s
The switch -s is for simulation - to see what would happen.
Package info: … 4&x=submit
Then he wants to install
apparmor linux-image-6.1.0-21-arm64
I think this is it! Thanks a lot @delgado!
Pages: 1