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When I have NFS shares mounted, shutdown hangs (last message from rsyslog).
This is with Devuan Daedalus on Lenovo Thinkpad P14s (AMD edition).
I believe this is related to the order of events at shutdown (using sysvinit).
See ls /etc/rc6.d
K01alsa-utils K01lightdm K01vboxballoonctrl-service
K01bluetooth K01openvpn K01vboxweb-service K07nfs-common
K01brightness K01pcscd K02avahi-daemon K07rpcbind
K01cups-browsed K01pulseaudio-enable-autospawn K02libvirtd
K01docker K01saned K02network-manager K08networking
K01elogind K01speech-dispatcher K02vboxdrv K09umountfs
K01eudev K01tlp K03virtlogd K10umountroot
K01glances K01urandom K04sendsigs K11reboot
K01libvirt-guests K01vboxautostart-service K05rsyslog README
I tried moving network manager to later in the shutdown sequence as I think the NFS umount is failing due to having network stopped first.
mv K02network-manager K07network-manager
That helps, now shutdown does complete, but there is a long delay if an NFS share is mounted.
I have tried changing the timeo property in the mount (from /etc/fstab):
nfserver:/data/media/video /mnt/media/video nfs defaults,soft,timeo=5,rw,_netdev 0 0
but the timeout doesn't seem to change the shutdown delay.
So 2 questions:
1. should the Devuan nfs-client package be updated to make sure nfsumount happens before network manager shutdown?
2. is there a way to control the NFS umount wait time so that the shutdown delay is not so long
p.s. just reporting back here too, Devuan runs very well on this laptop with a few little tweaks, thanks for all the great work maintainers!
Last edited by greenant (2024-04-26 12:05:32)
This happened to me all time, with every version of Devuan, but only when my laptop was/is connected by wifi (wlan).
I always use OpenRC and Cinnamon, and now I'm on Daedalus.
It happens when you mount your NFS resources over a wifi link. IT DOES NOT HAPPEN WHEN YOU ARE CONNECTED BY LAN (Ethernet).
So typically you will encounter the problem with laptops.
My solution is simple: On a laptop, I unmount all NFS resources before shutdown.
BTW: I'm very fond of Daedalus, or Devuan in general.
thanks @Andre4freedom, good to know I'm not the only one experiencing this issue.
I guess the reason you may be seeing this with WLAN only may be that your ethernet connection is set in /etc/network/interfaces. Interfaces defined there will no longer be managed by Network Manager.
Unmounting NFS shares manually certainly works, but I have a bad habit of forgetting this, and I'm sure it will be possible to solve with the right sysvinit script tweaks...
I have NFS mounts on my laptop using wifi and network-manager, and I have no problems shutting down with the nfs mounts. Maybe it works for me because I use autofs to control the nfs mounts. The share gets mounted whenever I access it, and those mounts get cleaned up before networking shuts down. It's near the top of the list in /etc/rc6.d
Fantastic! Thank you very much, fsmithred.
I will use it.....
Have a good evening (or a good day, depending where you live...)
@fsmithred that sounds like a likely fix.
Would you mind posting an example of one of your fstab mounts - just to make sure the autofs option is the only one needed!
There is no fstab entry for this.
auotfs is installed on the client machine. nfs-kernel-server is iinstalled on the server machine and the exports are defined there.,
I added this line to /etc/auto.master
/mnt /etc/auto.nfs
I created /etc/auto.nfs
filestore remote-hostname:/home/user/data-to-share
Where filestore is just a name for the mountpoint that will be automatically created under /mnt when you access the share, and remote-hostname:/home/user/data-to-share corresponds to an actual nfs share on remote-hostname.
I usually make a symbolic link in my home dir that points to the mountpoint.
ln -s /mnt/filestore /home/user/my-shared-files
Restart autofs after making any changes.
thanks @fsmithred !
Using autofs worked well.