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Some systems have capacitors that will hold the CMOS memory for up to an hour after you remove the battery. Others have non-volatile memory, though, and can't be reset that way. I have an old Dell laptop with an unknown admin password and I haven't found any way to reset it.
Perhaps you are right, the pause was about 10 minutes.
During the first boot after the procedure with the battery, the computer beeped something about a checksum mismatch.
Maybe I’ll get around to repeating it, it takes relatively few screws to turn, a lot.
On a laptop both batteries must be removed, if there is also a coin cell CMOS battery, and you must be disconnected from any AC power source. After doing so hold down the power on button briefly and it will drain the board capacitors and BIOS will reset to default in most cases.
Often unawares.
This is in theory, which the harsh truth of life does not confirm.
Repeated the procedure for removing the CMOS battery with voltage monitoring, sealing, etc.
The BIOS remains unavailable, the standard F2 does not work.
But, actually, I have nothing to switch in it, Linux installs and works without problems.
P.S. I don’t know if this has anything to do with my case, but I already had a similar problem. … -Corrupter
Last edited by aluma (2024-01-24 16:39:08)
I'll report back just in case.
I managed to return the BIOS to its normal original state.
I downloaded Windows-live and launched the BIOS firmware file in it (for mine it’s called 4BCN24WW.exe). The program overwrote it, originally the BIOS was the same version.
The F2 button opens the BIOS.
what is this "Windows-live" and where can I find it?
I'm looking for a way to upgrade BIOSes if really needed and to use one specific Windows application (requires Windows7 minimum) I use once every 2 years. I have difficulties to keep old Windows installations up and I don't want to waste a computer to install and keep a Windows alive.
Just a hint would be lovely.
Thanks in advance.
I used this one, but the interface language is Russian. … 6-x64.html
You can probably find other assemblies on the Internet.
To flash the BIOS, all I had to do was boot Win itself from a flash drive, plug in a second flash drive with the BIOS, and run the installer directly from it. Therefore, language does not matter in this case.
Last edited by aluma (2024-01-26 16:22:36)
Thank you very much for your kindness. I will try...
Have a good day,
I'll be glad if this helps.
P.S. Only guesses, not claiming to be true.
In my experience, the BIOS recording program will not overwrite the existing one if the versions match, as happened in my case.
Perhaps the reason for the overwrite is that when I deleted the Win boot record using bcdedit, I deleted the usbcd and usbfloppy records, which the meta will not have and which are records of the BIOS itself.
On the first boot after resetting cmos, a “checksum error” appeared and this may be the reason for launching the BIOS recording program.
But games with BIOS can turn your computer into a brick.
Is it necessary to take risks? It’s up to the owner\.
Last edited by aluma (2024-01-27 10:11:00)
once again, great many thanks to you for your hints.
There are Windows7PE-x64 isos around, international, even legal. It serves me well running that specific application I use once every 2 years or to update BIOSes that require Windows.
I do not tinker with BIOSes, it's too dangerous and mostly not needed to run Linux.
Have a good day, sincerely,
@stultumanto, came across your post regarding the unknown Dell admin password:
this search on shows 69.7K results(naturally a better search will narrow down the results):
would be great if you could figure it out
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