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Here is a piece of the X0rg.log and a piece of the apt history.log
[ 234.942] (EE) dbus-core: error connecting to system bus: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.FileNotFound (Failed to connect to socket /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket: No such file or directory)
[ 244.942] (EE) dbus-core: error connecting to system bus: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.FileNotFound (Failed to connect to socket /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket: No such file or directory)
[ 254.946] (EE) dbus-core: error connecting to system bus: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.FileNotFound (Failed to connect to socket /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket: No such file or directory)
[ 264.957] (EE) dbus-core: error connecting to system bus: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.FileNotFound (Failed to connect to socket /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket: No such file or directory)
[ 274.962] (EE) dbus-core: error connecting to system bus: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.FileNotFound (Failed to connect to socket /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket: No such file or directory)
Start-Date: 2017-08-10 18:19:09
Commandline: /usr/sbin/synaptic
Requested-By: deb1 (1000)
Install: libevent-2.1-6:amd64 (2.1.8-stable-4, automatic)
Upgrade: libavformat57:amd64 (7:3.3.3-1, 7:3.3.3-2), libavfilter6:amd64 (7:3.3.3-1, 7:3.3.3-2), ffmpeg:amd64 (7:3.3.3-1, 7:3.3.3-2), libswresample2:amd64 (7:3.3.3-1, 7:3.3.3-2), libpostproc54:amd64 (7:3.3.3-1, 7:3.3.3-2), libavcodec57:amd64 (7:3.3.3-1, 7:3.3.3-2), libavutil55:amd64 (7:3.3.3-1, 7:3.3.3-2), libavdevice57:amd64 (7:3.3.3-1, 7:3.3.3-2), libswscale4:amd64 (7:3.3.3-1, 7:3.3.3-2), firefox-esr-l10n-el:amd64 (52.2.0esr-2, 52.3.0esr-1), libavresample3:amd64 (7:3.3.3-1, 7:3.3.3-2), firefox-esr:amd64 (52.2.0esr-2, 52.3.0esr-1), libkpathsea6:amd64 (2017.20170613.44572-4, 2017.20170613.44572-5)
End-Date: 2017-08-10 18:19:27
I don't know if it is related to this thread
It struggles to boot up, at recovery console I have no network (wifi only) connection, and once lightdm starts uo both keyboard and mouse are freezing up. Only plug will shut it off.
Last edited by fungus (2017-08-14 09:24:24)
This is a lightdm log
[+0.35s] DEBUG: Adding default seat
[+0.35s] DEBUG: Seat seat0: Loading properties from config section Seat:*
[+0.35s] DEBUG: Seat seat0: Starting
[+0.35s] DEBUG: Seat seat0: Creating greeter session
[+0.38s] DEBUG: Seat seat0: Creating display server of type x
[+0.38s] DEBUG: Could not run plymouth --ping: Failed to execute child process “plymouth” (No such file or directory)
[+0.38s] DEBUG: Using VT 7
[+0.38s] DEBUG: Seat seat0: Starting local X display on VT 7
[+0.38s] DEBUG: DisplayServer x-0: Logging to /var/log/lightdm/x-0.log
[+0.38s] DEBUG: DisplayServer x-0: Writing X server authority to /var/run/lightdm/root/:0
[+0.38s] DEBUG: DisplayServer x-0: Launching X Server
[+0.38s] DEBUG: Launching process 2060: /usr/bin/X :0 -seat seat0 -auth /var/run/lightdm/root/:0 -nolisten tcp vt7 -novtswitch
[+0.38s] DEBUG: DisplayServer x-0: Waiting for ready signal from X server :0
[+0.38s] DEBUG: Acquired bus name org.freedesktop.DisplayManager
[+0.38s] DEBUG: Registering seat with bus path /org/freedesktop/DisplayManager/Seat0
[+0.38s] WARNING: Error getting user list from org.freedesktop.Accounts: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.freedesktop.Accounts was not provided by any .service files
[+0.38s] DEBUG: Loading user config from /etc/lightdm/users.conf
[+0.54s] DEBUG: User deb1 added
[+0.54s] DEBUG: User dev1 added
[+2.47s] DEBUG: Got signal 10 from process 2060
[+2.47s] DEBUG: DisplayServer x-0: Got signal from X server :0
[+2.47s] DEBUG: DisplayServer x-0: Connecting to XServer :0
[+2.47s] DEBUG: Seat seat0: Display server ready, starting session authentication
[+2.47s] DEBUG: Session pid=2133: Started with service 'lightdm-greeter', username 'lightdm'
[+2.57s] DEBUG: Session pid=2133: Authentication complete with return value 0: Success
[+2.57s] DEBUG: Seat seat0: Session authenticated, running command
[+2.57s] DEBUG: Session pid=2133: Running command /usr/sbin/lightdm-gtk-greeter
[+2.57s] DEBUG: Creating shared data directory /var/lib/lightdm/data/lightdm
[+2.57s] DEBUG: Session pid=2133: Logging to /var/log/lightdm/seat0-greeter.log
[+2.94s] DEBUG: Activating VT 7
[+2.94s] DEBUG: Activating ConsoleKit session a3881ebb8a2b5e390fcc5a5659722936-1502443899.691284-2004700786
[+2.94s] WARNING: Error activating ConsoleKit session: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.UnmappedError.CkVtMonitorError.Code0: Session is already active
[+5.56s] DEBUG: Greeter connected version=1.18.3 resettable=false
[+6.55s] DEBUG: Greeter start authentication
[+6.55s] DEBUG: Session pid=2256: Started with service 'lightdm', username '(null)'
[+6.64s] DEBUG: Session pid=2256: Got 1 message(s) from PAM
[+6.64s] DEBUG: Prompt greeter with 1 message(s)
I romeved a couple of lock files from /tmp but that didn't change anything. On my last frozen session I noticed that the cursor was blinking in the lightdm login screen where user would go. The mouse cursor would freeze right on the password box. So without seeing anythin on screen on a next attempt I entered the user name, hit TAB which takes you to the next box, entered the passw and hit enter. The cursor on the login screen stopped blinking.
Wild remote chance for something to still work, I pulled both usb plugs for keyboard and mouse, then plugged them back in.
Guess what? It is all working again, I am writing this message from the ceres installation. So now I know what to start looking for.
I wouldn't say [SOLVED] yet!
$ sudo update-initramfs -k all -u
update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-4.12.0-trunk-amd64
W: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/i915/kbl_huc_ver02_00_1810.bin for module i915
W: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/i915/bxt_huc_ver01_07_1398.bin for module i915
W: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/i915/skl_huc_ver01_07_1398.bin for module i915
live-boot: core filesystems devices utils udev wget blockdev dns.
update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-4.11.0-2-amd64
W: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/i915/kbl_huc_ver02_00_1810.bin for module i915
W: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/i915/bxt_huc_ver01_07_1398.bin for module i915
W: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/i915/skl_huc_ver01_07_1398.bin for module i915
live-boot: core filesystems devices utils udev wget blockdev dns.
One of the hacking fixes I thought may be reversible is to install a second dm, and since slim is commonly used in devuan I tried it.
Although slim depends on a library for drawing and alterin png images (it sounds insignificant) specifically libpng12 (or 1.2), while
a graphics library called libpng16 exists. Apt will not install slim without libpng12. LibPng12 only exists in Jessie, nowhere else.
So I picked up 12 from Jessie and installed slim.
Slim had the same exact behavior, pulling usb plugs off and on fixes the problem, only slim will only allow access to root account, user logins restart slim.
Which is the reason I gor rid of it to begin with. No difference means it is not a lightdm related issue, it may be an X11 issue, or something deeper.
I am getting tired and giving up for today because I have done no other work other than troubleshooting today.
Noted: My other devuan installation that started as miyo linux and it is on ascii level does not have this problem, it is only the original Devuan installation on ceres.
I am waiting for any good guess work
PS My linux12 kernel is unrelated as well as the stock linux11 that came with ceres has the same exact behavior.
I was hoping that today's update may bring me a gift and fix what is broken, but no.
It is not just mouse it is keyboard too. They both create a lock when lightdm starts.
Pulling the usb plugs and plugging them back frees up the lock and everything works well.
So it all happens at boot and affects the DM. Console works fine!
@fungus - I did an ascii and made a partition for ceres.
Do you just do a basic Jessie install - apt-get dist-upgrade to ascii [changing sources.list!]
{{rsyslog replacement in there also}}
then change the sources.list again for ceres , then dist-upgrade again ??
yes yes and yes
I actually stayed in ascii a few days to get a feel for things and then made a leap to ceres.
My other devuan is a @miyolinux, which was an installer from 12/2016 I believe. It was upgraded and updated then moved to ascii.
With very minor desktop gadgets the packages used are the same. Basically I use openbox although I have lxde installed and use some of the packages from lxde in openbox. As I said above I tried slim from jessie as it doesn't exist upstream, and also lxdm. No difference, so I believe the problem is not with DM but an earlier hickup. Keyboard works fine in console too, once I exit and go to DM the problem arises.
Plugging the usb pair back solves the problem, and no other problem is identified. It is only a freeze on the login screen of the DM.
thanks for the feedback - I am on my way to ceres !!
okaky - got a ceres setup -created a chroot for the 'mate' desktop -used lightdm
it hangs with a terminal window AND unplugging/plugging keyboard/mouse NO HELP
I inadvertently installed lightdm in the host(ceres) and sjome X stuff for the chroot
did a startx and got locked up - had to pwr cycle.
rebooted - removed lightdm -still locks up?? iirc
rebooted - removed the /lib/modules/4.9 series of directories - no lockkup on 'startx'
(in chroot-mate)tried removing the /lib/modules/4.9 stuff NO HELP
reboot - removed lightdm --- so now I "startx mate" and sort-of good news
no lockkup but I am dropped to my console !!!
E: /usr/bin/xterm: no absolute path found for shell: mate
xinit: connctin to X server lost
I did notice there were several files missing in the /etc/X11/Xsession.d folder
as compared to a jessie-mate setup!! will list them shortly
gotta go to bed --still broken
tried to apt-get remove x-stuff and mate-desktop
changed sources.list to ascii and then reload x-stuff and mate-desktop
still broken in my chroot = those 'missing' files didn't help
@fungus -- did you see this
"invoke-rc.d could not determine runlevel" ???? is it important???
do you suppose that the terminal/console screen is after X shuts down
[and has modified the fonts/dpi? for the system]
OR is it a terminal emulater while inside of X??
GOOD News and
-- got a ceres to work - BUT only on the DE tools
from the
cd installer of Jessie, upgraded to ascii, removed rsyslog with syslog-ng
reboot - purged /autoremove 3.16 image
upgraded to ceres (modified sources.list)
reboot - working okay - lots of system type folders on desktop
purged /autoremove 4.9 image
reboot - still working - loaded firefox-esr (it is missing the scroll marker on the
vertical scroll bar) and now doing this post
edit -- the default purpy theme was the issue- changed to Appearance/ xfce-flat
will try a chroot to one of the other desktops to see if mouse/kybd are lost
Last edited by garyz.dev1 (2017-08-14 16:38:39)
when it does the upgrade - I watch the terminal output and it
pops up sometime -- use can use 'telinit 5" to set the level
but doesn't seem to make a difference. I think Debian uses 3-5 for gui
and 2 for single user- ??text?
Debian/Devuan uses runlevels 2-5 for multi-user graphical, with 2 as the default. RedHat and SuSE refugees are confused and annoyed by this.
Single-user is runlevel 1. If you want a runlevel that's multi-user non-graphical (like 2 or 3 in rh or suse) disable the display manager in one runlevel. (3 is most commonly used for this)
Correction: Debian doesn't use runlevels anymore.
Update of my problems with xorg freezing mouse and key-b.
Since yesterday's update the next logon did not have a problem in ceres
Ascii still has the problem now. I have intentionally not tried much of anything to see
what update fixes what. So now I have to wait till the specific update rains down
on ascii. This makes this problem a week long, and appeared mysteriously on
ceres first and 2 days later on ascii.
Whatever the dev1 technicians are changing, for me at least, it seems to be working.
I wondered if it is linux-kernel related and in an arch based distribution I had tried
Linux4.13 in its early 2 steps and the mouse would freeze. I never tried then to
unplug it and plug it back to see whether it gets fixed. But I am wondering whether
a patch to fix something else would break something different and it flowed down
the kernel development assembly line.
fungus, look at what got updated in ceres that did not get updated in ascii. That should narrow it down. Look at /var/log/apt/history.log or see what the newest packages are in /var/cache/apt/archives.
Commit Log for Mon Aug 14 22:07:16 2017
Installed the following packages:
libminizip1 (1.1-8+b1)
Upgraded the following packages:
dmsetup (2:1.02.137-2+b1) to 2:1.02.142-1
libdevmapper1.02.1 (2:1.02.137-2+b1) to 2:1.02.142-1
Without too much investigation just the name devmapper sounds like very related. But dm stands for device mapping as well.
Should I break rank and forwardport it to ascii? I suspect you are thinking "of course you should if you want things fixed".
I think I shall! If it is fixing things it will come down anyway in a few days (what happened to weeks in the mothership "borg").
Last edited by fungus (2017-08-18 23:18:36)
Scratch this idea/mystery
Both dmsetup and libdevmapper are the same version on ascii now (looking at ascii now from ceres) but uuid is upgradeable from ceres to ascii
2.27.1 in ceres 2.28.1 in ascii ????? No, it is not a typo
I don't see how uuid has anything to do with mice and keyboards freezing up on xorg.
But what is now in ascii may not be what was there yesterday and today 12hrs ago I did not see any updates.
------------------- edit this note so I don't add another ---------------------------------------------
Did check on ascii, nothing yet to upgrade and the suspected 3 pkgs are of the same edition on ascii and ceres.
So what the heck made a difference in ceres? Only difference is the kernel I can think about, but this hasn't
changed recently in relation to the problem and after last update of Linux412 the problem was not affected.
While the problem started first in ceres, I kept switching DMs to see whether it was DM/login screen related.
So the only thing different is in ceres I had last stayed with LXDM, instead of my usual lightdm.
So I installed lxdm in miyo-ascii but it did the same thing there too as it did on lightdm.
Note: It only freezes up when the DM/login screen "first" comes up. If I logoff to login to another account
the mouse and keyboard never lock up a second time. So it all happens when X starts and passed control to
the DM.
Also, while on Openbox, the logout breaks up the dm, and as openbox is shut-down and no longer exists,
I am stuck on a half broken session where a terminal and other windows can still be initiated (like task
management). If I then kill the lxdm-session then it exits out to the DM/login screen.
I guess I will have to wait for September when the dev-dev-team returns from vacating
Last edited by fungus (2017-08-19 00:21:09)
The Strange thing is, I have only had issues with thunderbird and enigmail on devuan unstable and the solution was found thankfully.
I don't know how I did it or if someone else submitted a patch but it is fixed.
Oh and bleachbit/wicd-gtk also. But yeah minor issues easily fixable. GO DEVUAN! hehe.
Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. Feelings are not facts
If you wish to be humbled, try to exalt yourself long term If you wish to be exalted, try to humble yourself long term
Favourite operating systems: Hyperbola Devuan OpenBSD
Peace Be With us All!
@fungus - there was a member (iirc dai_trying ) on the Q4OS forum that did a lot of DM and such testing .
He came up with script to save his home settings - all those 'hidden .rc type files" so that they wouldn't
interfere with each other when he switched. - He said that sometimes settings would get written over or
deleted and it was a lot of work to 'un-switch'.
HTH - but it might be a little work