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#26 2023-07-08 19:19:17

Registered: 2017-09-02
Posts: 305  

Re: Crowz 4.0 Test build Chimaera

Yes I did start the from USB memory card reader stick the snapshot but not in the RAM (although it would be easy on my PC but the start is to long...). From (very old memory card SD 2GB) the start is acceptable. Not to slow.

But it would be faster from hard disk of course. Which start procedure in /etc/grub.d/40_custom is to use to start the iso from harddisk?


#27 2023-07-08 19:33:27

Registered: 2017-09-02
Posts: 305  

Re: Crowz 4.0 Test build Chimaera

before I did make my snapshots, I did have to adapt my


with following text part:

<separator label="C R O W Z"/>
    <item label="App finder">
      <action name="Execute">
    <item label="Run">
      <action name="Execute">
    <item label="File Manager PCmanFM">
      <action name="Execute">
    <item label="File Manager Thunar">
      <action name="Execute">

as well as my



<Program icon="grun.png" label="run">grun</Program>
        <Program icon="appfinder.png" label="appfinder">xfce4-appfinder</Program>
        <Program icon="terminal.png" label="Terminal">xterm</Program>

(but it seems so, as I did forget to install grun :-o !)

xfce4-appfinder require only a minimal among of byte (in an installation having about 3 GB or a few more in daedalus)! why continue to use those old *.xml documents at it change! it is nonsens to spare at appfinder!!!


#28 2023-07-08 19:41:17

Registered: 2017-09-02
Posts: 305  

Re: Crowz 4.0 Test build Chimaera

the best files and tree browser Nemo ( = files in divers installations) is not in above texts as it is often not easy to start from the command line.

appfinder stats it without problem as «files»!

why do linux app's more and more have 2 names (nemo = files, or epiphany-browser = web)? it is nonsens pure!


#29 2023-07-08 19:59:44

Registered: 2017-09-02
Posts: 305  

Re: Crowz 4.0 Test build Chimaera

Non-English people will have to add some files in /us/share/fonts, or .../hunspell, or .../tesseract-ocr to make their keyboard and spell usage adequate. and they will have to adapt the commutation of her keyboard. in Puppy Linux, I use both to do that:

- xorg.conf (as Puppy Linux continues to be full compatible with it ;-) ! Thank you Barry Kauler!)

- the Xfce4 settings to interchange one of the 4 keyboards hitting on SHIFT+CTRL.

This seems to become terribly difficult in big distrtibutions ("Zu viele Köche versalzen den Brei...")!

Attention: Crowz install only a part of the ttf fonts of the familie Liberation!

How to write Asian languages:

use your browser and go to

(the Input King editor in the browser is good but includes no save routine: you have to do that yourself with CTRL c or CTRL x or mark text and hit on the right mouse key and "copy¨!


#30 2023-07-08 20:21:26

Registered: 2017-09-02
Posts: 305  

Re: Crowz 4.0 Test build Chimaera

trying to use jwm (installed in supplement, but principal deskmanager in crowz 32 bit, don't forget) did slim nervt and ask for the root password from crowz!

what is the root password for crowz? what is to answer in such a situation?


#31 2023-07-20 14:09:47

Registered: 2019-11-19
Posts: 420  

Re: Crowz 4.0 Test build Chimaera

Crowz JWM now installed to my 2x Igel D220 thin clients, (now fitted with 4GB ram), 1.46GHz Atom processors, one has a 16GB DoM, the other has a 60GB SSD squeezed inside attached by an extension cable, both working very nicely.

Also, now one of my HP T520 thin clients, 1.2GHz dual core AMD processor, 2GB ram, 16GB M2 SSD, running well too.

I'm really liking Crowz for use on old computers. smile


#32 2023-07-20 17:32:27

Registered: 2017-09-02
Posts: 305  

Re: Crowz 4.0 Test build Chimaera

Hi Camtaf

It is simply the best distro I know!

All our world live TO MUCH OVER the reason: all always bigger, greater, faster etc. Crowz show us how to do different, how to respect ressources.
Different from Ubuntu, the friend of the world, the modest Crowz continue to offer with Devuan stuff for the future with the 64 bit division but continue to provide stuff in 32 bit for the billion of those computer existing in the world and being today the only one base poor people of the world can use especially to educate their children using them for school word!

On my DELL laptop, Crowz start like a jet. I can open app's 14 seconds after the initial boot hit! No other distro does that! And in a time where the silly dilly US president Biden did create a energy problem, that is very important! In the past, we did have linux'es like Puppy (came from Australia, the antipode!), we did shutdown the PC one time only the week! Today, we do that 30 times the day because the generated war and energy crisis from the freedom enemy's from America!

14 second is an ideal time for me (the actual Devuan Puppy needs very much than ONE complete minute also because idiotic questions in little start (or weellcome windows! weelcome is it not: it says «you idiots..»!)

as we have an intense life, we open and shutdown the PC all the time like other their smart phone...

oh! good! buy a smartphone, that is the solution! Linux can after that need 5 or 10 minutes to start!

no, smartphone with power is very, very expensive, I am sorry (this is the reason why Apple, Google etc. are so rich)!


#33 2023-07-20 18:23:49

Registered: 2019-11-19
Posts: 420  

Re: Crowz 4.0 Test build Chimaera

Hi oui, yes, I am very much a  believer in using old computers, with lightweight distros.

I used to use #! (Crunchbang Linux) until its demise, when I turned to AntiX Base, but they started to add too many things to their menus, at which time I moved over to Devuan Live, it was easy to install, but I still prefer the smaller distros, & Crowz fits the bill very nicely. smile

Last edited by Camtaf (2023-07-20 18:24:25)


#34 2023-09-11 15:30:06

Registered: 2020-12-25
Posts: 21  

Re: Crowz 4.0 Test build Chimaera

I tried this distro. Installing with calamares worked flawlessly. Only downside is calamares says debian instead of devuan or crowz. The general idea is simplicity and darkness. Ok i can see the concept. I am fan of simplicity but not the biggest fan of darkness. I tried both jwm and also installed xfce and it worked fine too. No bloat applications just normal stuff to be expected. You can do what you like. It has sysVinit although i did not try runit or openrc which i like more. What is the big plus of this  distro ? Well calamares installation is the big plus. Simplicity is a plus too but i can see not everyone liking jwm. There could have been lxde, openbox or xfce. I like the ideas behind this distribution of devuan. If i was to build an iso i would use calamares and a simple desktop like they did here.
Even xfce is light enough to be shipped for new users. What i could add (sorry but i don't remember having such thing) is a welcome script before installing with some infos about this distro or some basic commands so i can suggest it to new users.

Last edited by rhtoras (2023-09-11 15:33:09)


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