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Do I need to add it back to it's user group?
If you used 'adduser' to create the user, the primary group of the same name will be created at the same time. The user will also be added to the users group but will not be added to other groups unless you made some changes to the EXTRA_GROUPS settings in /etc/adduser.conf.
id <username> will show you what groups a user belongs to.
*If* you added it back with the *same* UID and GID then everything should work OK. But if not you will have problems.
Did it's home directory change? If not then all the files you had beforehand should be in there. Look at them with ls -al and check they show user and group names in the output.
If not it's possible to chown them to your new id with something like find . -uid 1000 -exec chown chris:chris {} \; (replace 1000 with the old UID, chris:chris with your new userid and group and chown with echo for the first run).
*** WARNING *** I've not tested this, though I've had to do it many years in the past.
To own the files again, you may recursively do 'chown' or 'chgrp', e.g.:
sudo chown -R user /path/to/directrory/to/own
Okay thanks I did id <username> thing and readded my user to all that groups. Marking as solved.