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I noticed that on a new chimaera installation after rotating logs, rsyslog continues using the old syslog.1 file. Did anyone else run into this? There is probably kill -HUP rsyslog_PID missing somewhere.
Edit: I am using runit as init in case this matters.
Last edited by bigcat (2023-06-18 18:29:49)
If you installed from a live-iso, see if this file exists:
ls -l /usr/sbin/anacron.orig.anacron
If it does, run the following (as root):
rm /usr/sbin/anacron
dpkg-divert --rename --remove /usr/sbin/anacron
Thanks for the suggestion.
I used netinstall dvd, and I removed anacron after the install finished. Using the plain old cron.
Edit: I am using runit as init in case this matters.
yes it does: are you running rsyslog with a runit service or as sysv script?
If you use a runit service you may have to add a cronjob with
(assuming that your service is called 'rsyslogd')
sv hup rsyslogd
if you are using the old sysvscript, have a look at /usr/lib/rsyslog/rsyslog-rotate;
recent version of the Debian package are using code that is a noop on non-systemd systems.
if that's the case, you need to create a cron job with
if [ -x /etc/init.d/rsyslog ]; then
invoke-rc.d rsyslog rotate > /dev/null
I'm not sure if Devuan has it's own version of rsyslog package, but still worth a check
Thank you very much.
I am running rsyslogd with runit.
I added "sv hup rsyslog" to the end of /etc/cron.daily/logrotate file, I expect this should fix the problem.