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Work in progress
(foot is the name of the terminal)
Now, this is cool. Could you share the whole code of this? I'd like to to something similar.
Could you share the whole code of this?
It's actually visible in the screenshot. Here it is again, I haven't worked on it since then though:
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
play() {
foot -e ffplay -nodisp "$@"
while : ; do
whiptail --nocancel --notags --title "My Crappy Radio Player (text)" --menu "Select channel" 16 100 9 \
"1" "Metal/Rock Radio!" \
"2" "Progressive Metal!" \
"3" "Symphonic Metal!" \
"4" "Alternative Rock!" \
"5" "Grunge Rock!" \
"6" "Classic Rock!" \
"7" "Exit" 3>&2 2>&1 1>&3
case "$channel" in
1) play ;;
2) play ;;
3) play ;;
4) play ;;
5) play ;;
6) play ;;
7) exit
That uses whiptail but that can be replaced by dialog with no other changes if you prefer that.
EDIT: for Devuan replace foot with x-terminal-emulator, which should work in all systems regardless of the preferred terminal.
And here's a dwm scrot to stay on topic:
Last edited by Head_on_a_Stick (2023-01-24 17:53:52)
Brianna Ghey — Rest In Power
a dwm scrot
The only thing better than dwm on devuan is xcowsay on dwm on devuan
^ Vanilla dwm with no status line? How quaint
Brianna Ghey — Rest In Power
^ Vanilla dwm with no status line? How quaint
I've done plenty of patching and ricing and tinkering in the past, but eventually I found I was happiest and most productive with vanilla. It does have slstatus running with date and time though, it's just that the screenshoting program was on monitor #2 so this wasn't the monitor in focus. And I like having a systray for a couple of items I occasionally use, so I usually do the systray patch. Not much else. Picom for terminal transparency so I can see the pretty wallpapers. I like your setup though - nice colors, nice layout, very pleasant and comfortable looking. I don't know why you would spend your time trying so many other desktops and wm's when you have something so nice already.
The attachaside patch needs updating for v6.4 and I just can't be bothered. EDIT: a systray? In dwm? Heresy!
Last edited by Head_on_a_Stick (2023-01-25 19:53:18)
Brianna Ghey — Rest In Power
The attachaside patch needs updating for v6.4 and I just can't be bothered. EDIT: a systray? In dwm? Heresy!
I love my little flameshot systray button. I'm not much of a suckless purist, in fact I abhor st and surf, but nearly everything about vanilla dwm is perfect for the way I work.
attachaside is for people whose brains are backward.
Work in progress
(foot is the name of the terminal)
Stinkin' fantastic HoaS!
You better know that I'm going to crappin' fork your crappy fork of My Crappy Radio Player...
I've already made some changes to the code to suit my personal taste; such as, changing it from whiptail to dialog, changing the terminal to xterm and having xterm automatically iconified when it opens to play a radio station.
However, I'm caught betwixt a crux of decisions since you went all GPL 3.0-only on me after I made it Public Domain...
You stinkin' stinker! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
To keep on topic, this is a screenshot of MiyoLinux - Saluta Semplice (based on Devuan Chimaera)
I have been Devuanated, and my practice in the art of Devuanism shall continue until my Devuanization is complete. Until then, I will strive to continue in my understanding of Devuanchology, Devuanprocity, and Devuanivity.
Veni, vidi, vici vdevuaned. I came, I saw, I Devuaned.
changing the terminal to xterm
Why not use x-terminal-emulator instead? That way it will use whatever emulator is set as the default alternative. Some people don't like xterm and it won't even be installed in some systems.
Back on topic: got bored of fighting with finit so switched to runit-init instead:
Made a polkid-dummy package 'cos I don't need that shit on my box.
Brianna Ghey — Rest In Power
Why not use x-terminal-emulator instead?
Well, because there are a few people who like MiyoLinux (and the crappy stuff I offer), but they don't use Devuan/Debian. Plus, xterm can be made quite beautiful with a little bit'a .Xresources.
Thanks for doing what you did HoaS...I've never tried building a terminal-based app. You made it easy.
I have been Devuanated, and my practice in the art of Devuanism shall continue until my Devuanization is complete. Until then, I will strive to continue in my understanding of Devuanchology, Devuanprocity, and Devuanivity.
Veni, vidi, vici vdevuaned. I came, I saw, I Devuaned.
Installing gnuinos in a 2nd hand tablet: … 173246.jpg … 173258.jpg … 173334.jpg … 173523.jpg
If you work systematically, things will come by itself (Lev D. Landau)
MiyoLinux wrote:changing the terminal to xterm
Why not use x-terminal-emulator instead? That way it will use whatever emulator is set as the default alternative. Some people don't like xterm and it won't even be installed in some systems.
Back on topic: got bored of fighting with finit so switched to runit-init instead:
Made a polkid-dummy package 'cos I don't need that shit on my box.
Better idea, instead of xterm, most people should use sakura.
right clicking while sakura is open, gives you the only other options people really use:
Options gives you quite a few, but go to Options and then more you can get the scrollbar back .
And before options, after just right clicking, copy, paste and exit are already there as well as full screen.
Ignore if you wish, but of all the lightweight terminal emulators, sakura is very much what i would consider, the jwm of terminal emulators.
Very light, but has most of the functionality I think is needed, without sucking a huge crapton of resources for no reason.
Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. Feelings are not facts
If you wish to be humbled, try to exalt yourself long term If you wish to be exalted, try to humble yourself long term
Favourite operating systems: Hyperbola Devuan OpenBSD
Peace Be With us All!
lol. No.
Firstly, sakura is so shit that it isn't even available from the official Arch repositories. Secondly, the configuration options are far too minimal — it's not even possible to set the complete colourscheme from those stupid menus, only a limited selection of pre-set themes are available and they're all rubbish. And thirdly it's a complete bloat monster.
So sakura's using five times as much RAM compared to either xterm or foot (my preferences for X and Wayland, respectively). Seems to me that it is indeed "sucking a huge crapton of resources for no reason".
Anyway I prefer xterm because it's the emulator supplied for the OpenBSD base system and so benefits from their extensive security audits. No other terminal emulator is formally audited in this way.
And please provide a screenshot of your desktop when posting in this thread. Your flagrant violation of thread topics and multiple attempts to derail any thread in which you post really is getting on my tits.
Brianna Ghey — Rest In Power
Why would a new distro that strives to be "simple", "clean", and to "eliminate legacy cruft" use gnome I wonder?
Musl would be nice except Void's been doing it for years so we already know there's a bunch of important programs that won't work right with it. dinit is a very nice touch.
Big news, I'm really stepping up my dwm ricing game - I changed my wallpaper again:
Why would a new distro that strives to be "simple", "clean", and to "eliminate legacy cruft" use gnome I wonder?
Why choose GNOME as the default desktop?
There are two major desktops that provide a properly functional Wayland implementation, and that is GNOME and KDE. Compared to KDE, GNOME is much smaller and simpler to build (and less time/resource-consuming), and its Wayland support feels more stable. Additionally, it has consistent and well-defined UX. GNOME is also more portable than KDE, primarily due to relying on WebKit rather than a Chromium derivative as its web browser engine of choice. The founder of Chimera also uses GNOME as their daily driver.
Other desktops usually do not meet the Wayland requirement, and tend to have UI/UX that is way more all over the place. Simpler WMs and compositors also tend to be much more of a “do it yourself” thing, and tend to target niches that only suit a relatively small number of people (e.g. tiling). The default desktop in Chimera should be comprehensive and unassuming.
Wayland is simpler than X so that choice is obvious.
Musl would be nice except Void's been doing it for years so we already know there's a bunch of important programs that won't work right with it.
There are ways to run glibc-based programs in Alpine (and hence Chimera): … c_programs
dinit is a very nice touch
It's lovely. Most of the features offered by systemd but much more modular and minimal. Easy to use too.
See … COMPARISON for a comparison with other init systems.
I changed my wallpaper again
You fancy bastard
I made my own wallpaper for my Arch box so the background matches the bar & terminal:
Brianna Ghey — Rest In Power
Last scrot for the Plasma 5.* series.
Thanks to l4k1 for Wings-Dark-Global that made KDE Plasma even more accomplished.
Tumbleweed - KDE Plasma (Wayland) - Breeze (Darkly) [Qt]
zapper wrote:sakura
lol. No.
Firstly, sakura is so shit that it isn't even available from the official Arch repositories. Secondly, the configuration options are far too minimal — it's not even possible to set the complete colourscheme from those stupid menus, only a limited selection of pre-set themes are available and they're all rubbish. And thirdly it's a complete bloat monster.
How much cpu does xterm use though compared to Sakura, that is the real test.
If the cpu usage is way more than most others, I might understand your thinking.
RAM to me is a non-issue, but CPU, that actually means something.
"my And please provide a screenshot of your desktop when posting in this thread. Your flagrant violation of thread topics and multiple attempts to derail any thread in which you post really is getting on my tits."
Btw, I thought you liked my flagrant violation of thread topics and mulitple attempts to derail your threads.
Also, I don't derail all threads, otherwise my account would have been suspended multiple times or more and also, people wouldn't want to help me ever on anything.
Btw, how do you upload an image on here as a last edit?
Last edited by zapper (2023-03-29 19:56:58)
Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. Feelings are not facts
If you wish to be humbled, try to exalt yourself long term If you wish to be exalted, try to humble yourself long term
Favourite operating systems: Hyperbola Devuan OpenBSD
Peace Be With us All!
Here is a wallpaper for you @headonastick
Does this satisfy you?
Edit: How do I make it appear on the page like other people's?
Last edited by zapper (2023-03-29 20:12:08)
Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. Feelings are not facts
If you wish to be humbled, try to exalt yourself long term If you wish to be exalted, try to humble yourself long term
Favourite operating systems: Hyperbola Devuan OpenBSD
Peace Be With us All!
Here is a wallpaper for you @headonastick
HOAS is gone, Zap. He left to find a new group of Linux users to bedazzle with his sed and awk demonic incantations, I would imagine.
Don't stare at your wallpaper too long, that one could give a person seizures from the looks of it.
zapper wrote:Here is a wallpaper for you @headonastick
HOAS is gone, Zap. He left to find a new group of Linux users to bedazzle with his sed and awk demonic incantations, I would imagine.
Don't stare at your wallpaper too long, that one could give a person seizures from the looks of it.
So bizzaro
Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. Feelings are not facts
If you wish to be humbled, try to exalt yourself long term If you wish to be exalted, try to humble yourself long term
Favourite operating systems: Hyperbola Devuan OpenBSD
Peace Be With us All!
Daedalus, Xfce with Cameo-ALU-Dark-1.5.1 theme, Aguqlemon borders ( from old deb package xfwm4-themes_4.10.0-2), and Deepsea icons. Geany theme is Himbeere, with some syntax customizations I've been using for a decade... where'd the time go??!!
This is my fav way to GNU/Linux!
That said, having slept on it, ideally I would like a Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger theme. I love those scrollbars and the skeuomorphism! I may take a crack at making one.
Last edited by Tatwi (2023-07-01 14:53:59)
Sawfish in Devuan Chimaera