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It seems to be so as if that iso offered under "installer isos" would not be bootable from an USB stick where it was burn using dd?
Where is the usage of it described?
Last edited by oui (2022-07-07 20:26:33)
I am a step more in my search of the possibility to install ceres!
The 5 GB Iso I did download placed on the Devuan Site (the official site) under
where we also find no README.txt but only a broken (hum!) NOTE.txt
If I continue to investigate, I meet following problem:
file devuan_daedalus_5.0.preview-20220704_amd64_pool1.iso
devuan_daedalus_5.0.preview-20220704_amd64_pool1.iso: ISO 9660 CD-ROM filesystem data 'Devuan 5.0'
if I do the same with my actual snapshot isos, you will see the difference!
file snapshot-20220630_1739.iso
snapshot-20220630_1739.iso: DOS/MBR boot sector; partition 1 : ID=0x17, active, start-CHS (0x0,2,1), end-CHS (0x1ff,63,32), startsector 64, 1048512 sectors
you see the difference please?
there is probably no boot ability in that ISO placed under .../installer-iso/...
hum !?!
how can I boot, can YOU boot it?
how can I boot, can YOU boot it?
As mentioned previously, there are currently no bootable installer isos.
This bug needs to get fixed: โฆ ug=1013916
I see a new version of cron-daemon-common in sid, but there's no mention of the relevant bug. I guess we'll see if the next set of isos work when that moves down to bookworm/daedalus. โฆ _changelog
What do isoinfo and isovfy say about the iso file?
The daedalus preview ISOs are currently only those that provide packages. Each is set up as a "repository" which most easily is used as a "file://" source in sources.list. I suppose some "cdrom:" line might work as well but I haven't had luck with those. So, my suggested hands-on is:
mount the ISO at some file path /X
add a line to sources.list (note the plethora of slashes):
deb [trusted=yes] file::///X daedalus main contrib non-free
then run apt-get update and so on
Those ISOs don't include any installer and are not bootable.
ISO Desktop amd64
Does this mean that the installer problem is solved? ๐ญ๐๐๐๐
Last edited by ndavilam (2022-07-26 02:26:06)
Thank you for noticing. Yes, they are all perfect again
Thank you very much for Devan Daedalus DVD installer ISO's availability.
My laptops really enjoyed 'Daedalus' and also 'dwm'. Simplicity and speed !!!
Hi, I installed devuan_daedalus_5.0.preview-20220725_amd64_desktop.iso to a spare HDD yesterday. (edit iso name)
It was interesting to see the desktops of Gnome (I have seen it Gnome on Ubuntu Uni PC's) since 2009/10)
I like the gtk3 Login manager, maybe because It's different, refreshing change.
I installed lxde, lxqt, Gnome, KDE and Mate.
The Devs have done a great job on this. Thank you.
My biggest surprise was how slow HDD's are in comparison with SSD's.
I did a simple install setup, just one partition for /. There is a swap file as well.
I'm tempted to upgrade Dev4 to Dev5... maybe.
Last edited by GlennW (2022-07-28 23:16:42)
pic from 1993, new guitar day.