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#1 2021-04-01 10:51:44

Registered: 2021-02-14
Posts: 141  

Debbowulf is not to be confused with Beomint

It must be a lot of hassle to install LMDE2, apt-mark hold sysvinit-core, Mintupgrade to LMDE3, then point repos to LMDE Debbie and Devuan Beowulf and upgrade to debian 10 based actual LMDE4 with sysvinit and devuan package base. This is debowulf.

You could just install Beowulf and add Mint artwork and almost everything else, for a lot less hassle. This is Beomint.

Beomint does not save the device profile in mate-media, just like Beowulf.
Debbowulf does not have this bug.

I tried to report the bug but didn't have any success and I'm worried it might not get fixed at all?


#2 2021-04-01 12:47:19

Registered: 2016-11-25
Posts: 2,528  

Re: Debbowulf is not to be confused with Beomint

If you have one of each of these systems, you could compare package lists. Or make two package lists and paste them somewhere like and I will compare them.

dpkg -l | awk '/^ii/ { print $2 " " $3 }' > package_list


#3 2021-04-01 17:55:58

Registered: 2021-02-14
Posts: 141  

Re: Debbowulf is not to be confused with Beomint

Thank you, I will, and may I ask why?
There appears to be no difference in relevant packages, I simply cannot fathom where the error lies.
If it was the config files that come with devuan's pulse or mate, then would these not have broken the upgraded version, debbowulf? Debian netinst converted to Beowulf does not have the bug. Antix doesn't have the bug. Even Ascii doesn't have the bug!


#4 2021-04-02 16:42:54

Registered: 2021-02-14
Posts: 141  

Re: Debbowulf is not to be confused with Beomint - Debbowulf. LMDE2 upgraded to LMDE3 upgraded to Devuan/Debbie. Only mint artwork and credentials remain. Even mintsystem and mintmenu are gone. - Beomint. Essentially a Beo netinstall with mint-x-icons, mint-y-icons, and mint-themes. (This is my testing box. Couldn't get ifup working under runit so network-manager is temporary here.

If it helps, swapping the pulse config files over does not fix the bug! Also, bug happens under runit.


#5 2021-04-02 19:01:07

Registered: 2016-11-25
Posts: 2,528  

Re: Debbowulf is not to be confused with Beomint

Missing from beomint:

Missing from debbowulf:

The one that looked obvious was debian-mate-default-settings, which is missing in the system that does save its settings. So I tried removing that from my mate. The result was no panel and no righ-click menu on the desktop.

I also tried installing and running dconf-editor to see if there was something about audio settings in it. There is. Toggling "use default mixer device" did not fix it.

I don't know what to try next. Do you know where mate saves its settings?


#6 2021-04-03 07:07:07

Registered: 2021-02-14
Posts: 141  

Re: Debbowulf is not to be confused with Beomint

Package mate-session-manager requires an artwork package as a dependency so Debbowulf has mint-artwork instead. You can't have both.

No amount of substitution or comparison can tell me what is going on. I'm rather afraid someone with the right skills might have to slap a stacktracedebuggersteptrhroughdump on it to see where it is being saved.

Start with Ascii. Where is ascii saving it. What changed in Beowulf?


#7 2021-04-04 16:47:49

Registered: 2021-02-14
Posts: 141  

Re: Debbowulf is not to be confused with Beomint

If it's any help, I made the mistake of netinstalling 3.1 instead of 3.0 yesterday. In 3.1 the audio settings persistence is even worse, it doesn't save volume setting!
In my humble opinion, devuan brain central needs to have a good look at this area, it appears to be loosing settings at a rate of one per release.
ASCII was fine on audio but not great on power manager notification icons.

I noticed systemd launching an alsa-restore service on LMDE3 yesterday, if that helps?


#8 2021-04-04 18:15:22

Registered: 2016-11-25
Posts: 2,528  

Re: Debbowulf is not to be confused with Beomint

A netinstall from a 3.0 iso would give you 3.1 or actually a little newer than that since some packages have been upgraded since last week. Volume settings on my up-to-date mate don't get lost. I do keep losing the hardware setting. Analog Stereo Output keeps reverting to Analog Stereo Duplex.

I tried running 'alsactl store' before rebooting and 'alsactl restore' after reboot. It didn't save the hardware setting.


#9 2021-04-05 14:38:56

Registered: 2021-02-14
Posts: 141  

Re: Debbowulf is not to be confused with Beomint

This might help  -

If I'm combining guessing with laziness and getting it right, devuan has it's own version of mate-media?


#10 2021-04-05 18:31:31

Registered: 2016-11-25
Posts: 2,528  

Re: Debbowulf is not to be confused with Beomint

No, mate-media in beowulf is the stock debian version. You can get the antofox forks here -


#11 2021-04-05 20:38:04

Registered: 2021-02-14
Posts: 141  

Re: Debbowulf is not to be confused with Beomint

Maybe I should ask the mate desktop user group on facebook?


#12 2021-04-11 10:44:04

Registered: 2021-02-14
Posts: 141  

Re: Debbowulf is not to be confused with Beomint

Well, I have tried every conceivable way to get from LMDE2/3/4 to Beowulf with Mint, desktopless or otherwise, totally music-less or fully musically loaded, I CANNOT get the bug to happen.
It only happens on a clean Beowulf install, or an upgrade from Ascii, possibly?

It is beyond me to either investigate or log this. I would love to know if anybody is owning it?
Or is it a case of the bug, not being a bug, because nobody knows where it happens, despite it being user-observable and totally repeatable!

Last edited by MLEvD (2021-04-11 10:44:38)


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