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#51 2018-03-21 09:03:17

Registered: 2017-04-03
Posts: 69  

Re: Make a live-CD with live-sdk

I dig a bit deeper: a bunch of issues comes from moved git repositories, tor-browser updated, abiword & awesome beeing not installabe (why ever). With these changes to the heads config I can at least build an iso:

$ diff config.original config
< gtomb_url="git://"
> gtomb_url=""
< musl_version="v1.1.18"
> musl_version="v1.1.19"
< tbb_version="7.0.11"
> tbb_url=""
> tbb_version=$(curl -s "$tbb_url"|sed -n 's#^.*>\([0-9.]*\)/<.*$#\1#p'|tail -n 1)
< tbb_url="${tbb_version}/tor-browser-linux${aa}-${tbb_version}_en-US.tar.xz"
> tbb_url="$tbb_url/${tbb_version}/tor-browser-linux${aa}-${tbb_version}_en-US.tar.xz"
> base_packages+=(
> 	build-essential
> 	bc
> 	gpgv-static
> )
> 	joe
> 	bash-completion
> 	gpgv-static
< 	awesome
< 	abiword
< 	abiword-plugin-grammar

Now some things still silently fail. There is an messge in the console ouput somewhere, that initrd was not found, but no entry in any logfile can be found. The resulting iso cannot boot without initrd.

These are the 2 blocks from console output that contain error messages:

cd /home/entwicklung/security/heads/build-system/initramfs/build/bin && /bin/busybox --install -s .
wget -c
--2018-03-21 09:55:26--
Resolving (,,, ...
Connecting to (||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Found
Location: [following]
--2018-03-21 09:55:27--
Resolving (,,, ...
Connecting to (||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 Not Found
2018-03-21 09:55:27 ERROR 404: Not Found.

Makefile:40: recipe for target 'gnupg' failed
make: *** [gnupg] Error 8
 [E] error in: iso_setup_isolinux (override)
 [W] called in: iso_setup_isolinux (override)
 [W] called in: umounted sys
 [W] called in: setting up isolinux
 [E] error reported, operation aborted.
cp: cannot stat '/home/entwicklung/security/heads/build-system/live-sdk/../initramfs/initramfs.cpio.gz': No such file or directory
 [E] error in: iso_setup_isolinux (override)
 [W] called in: iso_setup_isolinux (override)
 [W] called in: umounted sys
 [W] called in: setting up isolinux
 [E] error reported, operation aborted.
 [D] iso_write_isolinux_cfg (override)
 (*) writing isolinux configuration
Cloning into 'rootfs-overlay'...
remote: Counting objects: 1352, done.
remote: Total 1352 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 1352
Receiving objects: 100% (1352/1352), 10.86 MiB | 263.00 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (536/536), done.
mv: cannot move 'rootfs-overlay/.git' to './.git': Directory not empty
 [E] error in: devprocsys umount /home/entwicklung/security/heads/build-system/live-sdk/tmp/devuan-amd64-build/bootstrap
 [W] called in: devprocsys umount /home/entwicklung/security/heads/build-system/live-sdk/tmp/devuan-amd64-build/bootstrap
 [W] called in: umounted sys
 [W] called in: grabbing rootfs-overlay
 [E] error reported, operation aborted.

Last edited by samhain (2018-03-21 09:16:01)


#52 2019-11-11 07:48:49

Registered: 2019-09-06
Posts: 358  

Re: Make a live-CD with live-sdk

Sorry to bump this thread but i was wondering if it would be safe to create blend for beowulf testing or would it it fail?

I read from page one that (old instructions) "Special instructions for ascii (testing)"  Add to the blend config file:


Would you just add beowulf ? and is that all that needs to be done to get packages pulled in from testing?

Last edited by HevyDevy (2019-11-11 07:50:18)


#53 2019-11-11 15:10:13

Registered: 2016-11-25
Posts: 2,564  

Re: Make a live-CD with live-sdk

I'm building beowulf isos with live-sdk without much trouble. I had to adjust a few things, and some of the adjustments are temporary. I don't want to push those changes to git until the temporary issues are solved. Meanwhile, here are the configs and blend file I'm using right now: … end.tar.gz

Make a beowulf directory like the ascii directory here: … sktop-live
Replace devuan-desktop-live/config with config from the tarball. Replace the .blend file with the one in the tarball.
Copy config.beo from the tarball to beowulf/config

Or just compare the changes from the ascii files to the beowulf ones and use that as a guideline for modifying your own configs.

CAVEAT: I haven't looked at the instructions at the beginning of this thead in a long time. Some details have changed. If you follow the install directions on the git repo, it should work with minimal effort.
(I have done that recently.)


#54 2019-11-12 07:40:10

From: Melbourne, Australia
Registered: 2017-03-15
Posts: 105  

Re: Make a live-CD with live-sdk

I'm also building ascii/beowulf iso's with the lve-sdk. The ascii images just work. The ascii iso's run live and are installable uefi/bios. The beowulf iso's also run live, but the install doesn't finish, it stops right after the partitioning trying to install all the packages. The live-installer is where it stops, not sure what the problem is with it. Hopefully it'll work closer to beowulf release.


#55 2019-11-12 09:26:59

Registered: 2019-09-06
Posts: 358  

Re: Make a live-CD with live-sdk

thanks fsmithred, much appreciated.


#56 2021-02-12 12:21:07

Registered: 2020-11-22
Posts: 559  

Re: Make a live-CD with live-sdk

with the creating a live iso without a blend, can you add packages to this area? Id like to add Xorg and video drivers and some others?


#57 2021-02-12 13:08:35

Registered: 2020-11-22
Posts: 559  

Re: Make a live-CD with live-sdk

also on the latest version of live-sdk i tried the blend "devuan-minimal-live" and it built fine except i had these issues.

No blend specified but built iso with most of the packages from the blend except for the extra packages list, am i missing a command here or something else ?

~ $ cd live-sdk/
~/live-sdk $ zsh -f
laptop% source sdk
 (*) live-sdk 1.0 loaded
livesdk@laptop  % load devuan amd64 devuan-minimal-live
  .  libdevuansdk v2.0 loaded
  .  No blend specified
livesdk@laptop  %

oops never mind seems you need to specify the sets here in the blend config?

### now we include all the package sets

Last edited by dice (2021-02-12 13:17:37)


#58 2021-02-12 21:52:36

Registered: 2016-11-25
Posts: 2,564  

Re: Make a live-CD with live-sdk

Without a blend, you could adjust the package lists in lib/libdevuansdk/config but you're better off creating a blend. It gives you more control. This is the file: … 300/config

For the package sets, edit where the sets are defined to add or comment/remove packages, and you can exclude whole sets in the stanza you posted that shows which sets to include by commenting them out.

I'm not sure what commands to use on the version you're running. I've been using an older version to build isos. Changes were made since I last interacted with the git repo (on And I've had some trouble using the newer version. However, I can reproduce your error with the new version.

You need to define the arch in your blend config file instead of on the command line. So put
in blends/devuan-minimal-live/config

and use these commands (as root):

zsh -f
source sdk
load devuan devuan-minimal-live

One more thing. If you build for i386 you might want to look in lib/libdevuansdk/zlibs/kernel if you want to change it from plain 686 kernel to the 686-pae kernel.

Here's the one on devuan's git:


#59 2021-02-13 01:56:20

Registered: 2020-11-22
Posts: 559  

Re: Make a live-CD with live-sdk

Hi fsmithred, thanks for that. Im using the version listed in the devuan git repo.

so ive run another build_iso_dist and added my packages to the devuan-minimal-live blend extra_packages with arch edit you suggested (arch="amd64" in blends/devuan-minimal-live/config), see here for this config .

See here for the live-sdk/blends/devuan-minimal-live/beowulf config, these are all that i have edited throughout this and it seems to have downloaded and installed all the required package sets.

Ive got to this point but have run into an error im unsure how to fix?

 (*) Chrooting to execute 'dpkgdivert' ...
+ exec
Removing 'local diversion of /usr/sbin/invoke-rc.d to /usr/sbin/invoke-rc.d.chroot'
  .  umounted devpts
  .  umounted dev
  .  umounted proc
  .  umounted sys
 (*) Creating bootstrap cpio archive: /home/user1/live-sdk/tmp/bootstrap-devuan-amd64-stage4.cpio.gz
  .  Abandon all hope, ye who enter here
4047938 blocks
 (*) executing devuan-minimal-live preinst
  .  mounted sys
  .  mounted proc
  .  mounted dev
  .  mounted devpts
 (*) Chrooting to execute 'dpkgdivert' ...
+ exec
Adding 'local diversion of /usr/sbin/invoke-rc.d to /usr/sbin/invoke-rc.d.chroot'
 (*) Chrooting to execute 'add-user' ...
+ exec
 [E] error in: chroot-script /home/user1/live-sdk/tmp/devuan-amd64-build/bootstrap/dpkgdivert
 [W] called in: mounted devpts
 [W] called in: Chrooting to execute 'add-user' ...
 [E] error reported, operation aborted.
 [E] error in: chroot-script /home/user1/live-sdk/tmp/devuan-amd64-build/bootstrap/dpkgdivert
 [W] called in: mounted devpts
 [W] called in: Chrooting to execute 'add-user' ...
 [E] error reported, operation aborted.
 [E] error in: chroot-script /home/user1/live-sdk/tmp/devuan-amd64-build/bootstrap/dpkgdivert
 [E] error in: chroot-script /home/user1/live-sdk/tmp/devuan-amd64-build/bootstrap/dpkgdivert
 [W] called in: mounted devpts
 [W] called in: Chrooting to execute 'add-user' ...

there is no dpkgdivert to be called in /home/user1/live-sdk/tmp/devuan-amd64-build/bootstrap/dpkgdivert

the add-user.log says this in /home/user1/live-sdk/tmp/devuan-amd64-build/bootstrap/?

+ export LANG=C
+ export LC_ALL=C
+ export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
+ useradd -s /bin/bash -m devuan
/add-user: 8: /add-user: Syntax error: Unterminated quoted string

So the add-user error is just missing the quotes around echo "devuan:devuan i presume ?

set -x ; exec 2>/add-user.log
export LANG=C
export LC_ALL=C
export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
useradd -s /bin/bash -m "devuan" || exit 1
echo "devuan:devuan | chpasswd || exit 1

Last edited by dice (2021-02-13 02:09:19)


#60 2021-02-13 13:11:58

Registered: 2016-11-25
Posts: 2,564  

Re: Make a live-CD with live-sdk

Line 40 of blends/devuan-minimal-live/devuan-minimal-live.blend needs closing quotes on the login/password.

echo "${username}:${userpass} | chpasswd || exit 1
echo "${username}:${userpass}" | chpasswd || exit 1

Watch out for the arch setting. I found it in live-sdk/config and it's also in my blend config. Both were set to amd64. It does not work in the blend config file. It must be set in live-sdk/config. I just tested that.

I don't have tmp/devuan-amd64-build/bootstrap/ after the build is done. It all gets wrapped up in stage3 and stage4 tarballs. Unpacking the tarballs does not restore the bootstrap dir.

FWIW, I ran this version of the live-sdk yesterday and made a desktop-live iso that works. I'm running a minimal-live build now, after adding the missing quote. Will be back soon with results.


#61 2021-02-13 13:23:23

Registered: 2020-11-22
Posts: 559  

Re: Make a live-CD with live-sdk

Thanks, ive left the build alone since posting that and will do the edit to devuan-minimal-live.blend and get back to you.


#62 2021-02-13 13:50:53

Registered: 2020-11-22
Posts: 559  

Re: Make a live-CD with live-sdk

Ok fixed issue with echo "${username}:${userpass} | chpasswd || exit 1

now have issue with custom packages ?

 (*) copying blend-specific debs into /home/user1/live-sdk/extra/custom-packages
'/home/user1/live-sdk/blends/devuan-minimal-live/beowulf//custom_debs/memtest86+_5.01-3_amd64.deb' -> '/home/user1/live-sdk/tmp/devuan-amd64-build/bootstrap/extra_packages/memtest86+_5.01-3_amd64.deb'
'/home/user1/live-sdk/blends/devuan-minimal-live/beowulf//custom_debs/memtest86+_5.01-3_i386.deb' -> '/home/user1/live-sdk/tmp/devuan-amd64-build/bootstrap/extra_packages/memtest86+_5.01-3_i386.deb'
'/home/user1/live-sdk/blends/devuan-minimal-live/beowulf//custom_debs/setnet_0.4+devuan1_all.deb' -> '/home/user1/live-sdk/tmp/devuan-amd64-build/bootstrap/extra_packages/setnet_0.4+devuan1_all.deb'
cd custom-packages
dpkg -i *_all.deb *_amd64.deb
apt-get -f install
cd - >/dev/null
rm -rf custom-packages
  .  mounted sys
  .  mounted proc
  .  mounted dev
  .  mounted devpts
 (*) Chrooting to execute 'dpkgdivert' ...
+ exec
Adding 'local diversion of /usr/sbin/invoke-rc.d to /usr/sbin/invoke-rc.d.chroot'
sed: can't read /home/user1/live-sdk/tmp/devuan-amd64-build/bootstrap/install-custpackages: No such file or directory
 (*) Chrooting to execute 'install-custpackages' ...
chmod: cannot access '/home/user1/live-sdk/tmp/devuan-amd64-build/bootstrap/install-custpackages': No such file or directory
 [E] error in: chroot-script /home/user1/live-sdk/tmp/devuan-amd64-build/bootstrap/dpkgdivert
 [W] called in: mounted devpts
 [W] called in: Chrooting to execute 'install-custpackages' ...
 [E] error reported, operation aborted.
 [E] error in: chroot-script /home/user1/live-sdk/tmp/devuan-amd64-build/bootstrap/dpkgdivert
 [W] called in: mounted devpts
 [W] called in: Chrooting to execute 'install-custpackages' ...
 [E] error reported, operation aborted.
 [E] error in: chroot-script /home/user1/live-sdk/tmp/devuan-amd64-build/bootstrap/dpkgdivert
 [E] error in: chroot-script /home/user1/live-sdk/tmp/devuan-amd64-build/bootstrap/dpkgdivert
 [W] called in: mounted devpts
 [W] called in: Chrooting to execute 'install-custpackages' ...

Last edited by dice (2021-02-13 13:51:09)


#63 2021-02-13 15:29:56

Registered: 2016-11-25
Posts: 2,564  

Re: Make a live-CD with live-sdk

Looks like there's a mis-match in the directory name and maybe confusion between a function name and a directory. I see

cd custom-packages
dpkg -i *_all.deb *_amd64.deb
 (*) Chrooting to execute 'install-custpackages' ...
chmod: cannot access '/home/user1/live-sdk/tmp/devuan-amd64-build/bootstrap/install-custpackages': No such file or directory

I have to go out and can't poke around in this right now. My build failed on trying to install firmware. And every time the build fails, I have to reboot my computer. I am not a happy camper right now. Maybe later I'll tar up the version of live-sdk that I'm actually using to build the official isos and you can download it.

One more item: live-sdk is getting a complete re-write. I don't know the current status, but I intend to get in on that effort.


#64 2021-02-14 00:09:17

Registered: 2020-11-22
Posts: 559  

Re: Make a live-CD with live-sdk

Ok fair enough, i should have mentioned i needed to reboot as well and it seems to have messed with programs installed on the actual system as i couldnt get a terminal again and dmenu had no entries. After a reboot everything was back to normal again though. I think it was caused by running build_iso_dist a second time in the same session.

Anyhow i will put this on the backburner for now until its out of alpha stage.


#65 2021-02-14 13:16:14

Registered: 2016-11-25
Posts: 2,564  

Re: Make a live-CD with live-sdk

I will be playing with it some more for chimaera and will post here with any useful updates.

Another way to make a live iso that tends to be easier is with refractasnapshot. It makes a copy of your installed system and packs it into a bootable live-iso. You could build a system in a VM, and when you get it the way you want it, make the snapshot. It's in the devuan repo.


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