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i recently did a snapshot and an install using refracta tools. Everything seems good so far except i can no longer get the windows/multikey to work.
The options ive chosen below are exactly the same options as chosen in the devuan beowulf 3 install media and the multi_key was working with those defaults.
Ive tried,
sudo dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration
Model = Generic 105-key PC (intl.)
Layout = English (US)
Key to function as AltGr = The Default For The Keyboard Layout
Compose Key = Left Logo Key
Still no good, unless refractasnapshot or install replaced something i was using to make MOD2KEY which is the windows key work?
In my dwm config.h i have
#include <X11/XF86keysym.h>
#define MODKEY Mod1Mask
#define MOD2KEY Mod4Mask
only MOD1MASK works, MOD4MASK no longer works?
Last edited by dice (2021-01-19 01:53:04)
refractainstaller runs 'dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration' and that's all it does with keyboard. It copies the running system to the hard drive. It does not add or remove packages.
refractasnapshot excludes selected files, but it does not add or remove packages. See /usr/lib/refractasnapshot/snapshot_exclude.list
Maybe something to do with locale settings? I'm just guessing.
solved it, not sure why it changed.
In file /etc/default/keyboard i changed the line XKBOPTIONS="compose:lwin,terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp"
to XKBOPTIONS="compose:menu,terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp"
then sudo udevadm trigger --subsystem-match=input --action=change
now have both modkeys for dwm working, for now atleast.
Last edited by dice (2021-01-19 01:52:16)
I dont understand this but it seems maybe dwm can handle the modkeys using its own programming. I have another machine with the exact same setup not installed using refractainstaller but the beowulf netinstall iso and the /etc/default/keyboard looks like below with XKBOPTIONS= blank and the modkeys work.
I just find this strange behaviour, it seems the netinstall iso install just disrgarded the compose key and ctrl_alt_backspace setting that i put in dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration but the refractainstall took it?
# Consult the keyboard(5) manual page.
Last edited by dice (2021-01-19 13:58:36)
I just find this strange behaviour, it seems the netinstall iso install just disrgarded the compose key and ctrl_alt_backspace setting that i put in dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration but the refractainstall took it?
Refractainstaller runs dpkg-reconfigure in the running live system, and then the changes get copied along with the rest of the system. I'm not sure how devuan/debian installer does it. I think it just stores the values and edits the target file, but it's also possible it does it in a chroot. Either way, I don't know why the two installers would give different results.
I just find this strange behaviour, it seems the netinstall iso install just disrgarded the compose key and ctrl_alt_backspace setting that i put in dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration but the refractainstall took it?
Refractainstaller runs dpkg-reconfigure in the running live system, and then the changes get copied along with the rest of the system. I'm not sure how devuan/debian installer does it. I think it just stores the values and edits the target file, but it's also possible it does it in a chroot. Either way, I don't know why the two installers would give different results.
The correct result imo is refractainstaller. It might be user error on my part but ive done a few installations of devuan and pick the same configurations each time in regards to locale, keyboard setup etc. Not a big deal, just quirks of the software i suppose.