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tried refractansapshot out today, created the iso of my system which is devuan beowulf with latest updates. I dont run a desktop environment only dwm as window manager and it has non encrypted boot with an encrypted root only file system, so only two partitions. I use startx with no login manager. The snapshot built fine and i can boot it to the splash screen and choose the very top most menu item, after it finishes the boot process it goes into a loop when trying to startx or autologin to X. Maybe im missing some package or setting in my system to make the iso startx?
I usually just use rsync to backup but thought this refractasnapshot might be a good alternative.
edit: may have narrowed down the culprit, unsure. Does refracta snapshot just use an autologin feature or rely on user settings like .xinitrc ?
if .xinitrc i use a bin script called startdwm so .xinitrc doesnt have exec dwm
the script is located in ~/bin
contents =
while true; do
# Log stderror to a file
dwm 2> ~/.dwm.log
# No error logging
#dwm >/dev/null 2>&1
Last edited by dice (2021-01-15 12:01:37)
Autologin is controlled by the display manager, and if there isn't one, startx is run from
That file is created by /lib/live/config/0140-xinit
You could remove that file before making a snapshot, or comment out a few lines of code in that script. I think it will also work to add a boot option:
thanks, removing (and backing up) /lib/live/config/0140-xinit solved it.
when you say add boot option nocomponents=xinit, do you mean to add it as a parameter at the boot splash screen as an alternative to removing 0140-xinit?
Yes, you could add a boot paramater instead of removing that live-config script. To test on the fly, press TAB at the isolinux boot menu or 'e' at the grub boot menu to edit the boot command.
To change the templates for the boot menus, so you don't have to edit them on every build, look in /usr/lib/refractasnapshot