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Pages: 1
Thought this might be an interesting subject topic. List notable command line or gui programs that are unique to you.
Just came across datamash, this program is really unique and powerful.
This one liner gives the mean or average of the 4 integers presented by awk from sensors (lm_sensors) command then rounds down to a factor of 1 decimal place to give the the stdout of 00.0 or in my case the temperature average of 51.5 etc.
sensors | awk '/Core/ {print substr($3, 2, length($3)-6)}' | datamash -R 1 mean 1
Last edited by dice (2021-01-02 15:15:29)
There is probably not too many programmes unique to only one distro, Linux is mostly Linux; however, having been with SuSE for 10-15 years, or so, I do miss YaST.
Last edited by F_Sauce (2021-01-02 19:07:09)
I was impressed that gtk3-nocsd exists here! There's no way that would ever show up in Fedora/CentOS.
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Pages: 1