You are not logged in.
After installing a minimal system using the net install, I wanted to get to a full desktop.
apt install task-desktop
No errors reported, but after rebooting, if I attempt to log in with a valid non-root username and password, I am not logged in, and I get
failed to execute login command
Tried installing LXDE
apt-get install LXDE
pressing F1 allows me to cycle between XFCE, Openbox, and LXDE as a window manager, but all give 'failed to execute login command' with valid non-root credentials
if I log in as root, it succeeds, but obviously, that's not a long term solution.
non-root user's home directory has no .xinitrc (neither has root's)
What obvious thing have I missed?
Last edited by Simplicio (2017-06-26 22:55:45)
I had this issue when I removed dbus., logind and possibly other desktop level helpers.
(thats another story though)
As a guess and test see if reinstalling dbus or logind helps.
apt-get update
apt-get -f install
apt-get install --reinstall libck-connector0 consolekit dbus -t jessie
apt-get install xutils task-lxde-desktop
That may point out any issues with packages from ascii or ceres sneaking in ???.
Assuming your install is not pure stable / jessie ?
apt-cache show slim
(reveals dependencies )
apt-cache show task-desktop
## digressions 101 ######################################
should work for the system default BUT if you dont have any/much X yet this can get a little tricky.
configure a xinitrc so then you have options.
xinit openbox -- :2
echo "exec openbox-session" >> ~/.xinitrc
(startx is easier and it should use the system confs if they are about.)
(/etc/X11/ ish)
Last edited by PeteGozz (2017-06-27 06:01:48)
Thank-you PeteGozz - I shall try your suggestions 'when I get the time', which might not be for a while. I very much appreciate your reply.
Slim is an excellent Display Manager
However your not alone in it either refusing to startup or reporting "failed login" (or similar).
short version:
If you install lightdm
and IT works... then we can all go and fix slim
(cause it rocks ! doesn't support remote logins by default)
I suspect that this may be because:
1/ some part of the lower end X environment is not installed (as you move from a minimal system to a full Desktop environment)
2/ It needs some Desktop level part of the Auth chain that gets left behind or breaks subtly.
I notice (from the slim source code) that it is built with _either_ pam modules as a front end to auth OR logind stuff.
That may not be flexible enough for many users ... or it could just be a bad guess.
And it does little to solve your problem.
try lightdm instead.
Apparently its default is "ugly" but effective
Ugly but effective sounds like a realistic description of me. <grin>
On my system with the same problem, I was then trying to start with startx, and it appeared the non-root users couldn't write a keyboard file to /tmp because the permissions were too restrictive. Fixed by:
sudo chmod a+w /tmp
Thanks for that.
It not something I would have thought of.
Thanks @pepa65 !
I had switched to another /tmp partition, but I did it using a live-usb, editing the /etc/fstab file of my system partition. Then I had the "failed to execute login command" problem... Now, after
chmod a+w /tmp
all users login normally.
So, are these the default permissions for /tmp?
drwxrwxrwx 9 root root 4096 Apr 25 21:46 tmp
The most common default for /tmp is drwxrwxrwt
(The sticky bit is set for others, so people from outside the user/group can't delete other people's files from /tmp, see: … is-it-used)
Is it possible that before I manually switched the /tmp partition, its permissions had the t sticky bit? Does t better exist?
I am not at all an expert, just using Linux and modifying my systems to my needs.
If you your permissions are now drwxrwxrwx you can set the sticky bit by sudo chmod o+t /tmp, I think it is better.