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I have no idea what is causing the autobuilder to fail. The logs can be found at … 31/console.
I can't also build it on my local system using debuild -us -uc. Even the upstream 1.9-1 fails to build (I just removed the Build-Depends on systemd on debian/control before proceeding to compile), and I'm sure that I don't have any missing dependencies. It always exits out with these on the output:
dpkg-buildpackage: error: dpkg-source -b . subprocess returned exit status 127
debuild: fatal error at line 1182:
dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc -ui failed
Can someone try to build the current suites/unstable of and see if it fails as well? TIA
Last edited by jobbautista9 (2020-09-12 01:22:53)
Former maintainer of the iwd package. See #639!
You can also find me on the Pale Moon forums. I develop XUL add-ons for Pale Moon.
My PGP public key
I cloned your repo, installed the build-deps and built packages in beowulf with no problems using dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc -b
I'm trying to install ceres in a chroot right now, and it's going to take an hour to install git. I don't know wtf the problem is. It normally would take about one minute. I'll get back to you on that.
Edit: The same works for me in chimaera.
This error output reminds me of the dpkg-dev problem in Ceres, which is also in upstream Debian Sid. If you can stomach it, try a debuild -us -uc -nc (no clean). There's some bug starting with version 1.20.3 if I recall correctly, that somehow breaks all builds for that version of the dpkg-dev and maybe a version or two nearby. … bug=966083
I am not entirely sure if this is fixed. I always just load up an older version of dpkg-dev and whatever one dependency (one of the libperl ones, iirc) so my local debuilds can work.
This space intentionally left blank.
Can someone try to build the current suites/unstable of and see if it fails as well?
Also fails for me with a fresh ceres chroot (same error).
try a debuild -us -uc -nc
^ The build succeeds with those options applied.
FWIW the Debian sid source succeeds with a plain debuild -us -uc in my Debian buster box.
Brianna Ghey — Rest In Power
Well, this is embarassing... Turns out I forgot to push the upstream/ and debian/ tags, which is why Jenkins always fails to build. Thanks to LeePen for pointing it out on the git repo!
try a debuild -us -uc -nc
Can confirm this works for me as well.
EDIT: The Jenkins autobuilder succeeded, as expected.
Last edited by jobbautista9 (2020-09-12 01:28:26)
Former maintainer of the iwd package. See #639!
You can also find me on the Pale Moon forums. I develop XUL add-ons for Pale Moon.
My PGP public key