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For minimal experienced/hacker/console geek Linux purposes, I would need a really small bare bone Devuan installation.
I would need the minimum of the minimum to have a small Devuan system. Ideally would be to be <50 Mb.
It is fairly possible, of course. A good kernel takes about 20Mb at max.
Few basic directories and files, and we are fairly under 50mb. It is fairly possible to do so.
herewith mine:
du -hs /boot/vmlinuz-4.9.2 /lib/modules/4.9.2/
5.2M /boot/vmlinuz-4.9.2
14M /lib/modules/4.9.2/
Would you know any possibilities to get this bare bone Devuan system?
Thank you advance.
30MB WOWOW I don't believe i'll see the end of tunnel with my current efforts for that tiny setting.
Currently doing (devuan netinst) with zero tasksel selected is enough for me.
Last edited by Nili (2017-05-07 16:32:55)
Tumbleweed - KDE Plasma (Wayland) - Breeze (Darkly) [Qt]
I played with this mini.iso file this morning. It is a netinstall which pulls in what it needs as it installs. I did the install, installed refractasnapshot, and the final refracta snapshot was 273mb in size. At install I only selected the ssh server and the standard system utilities to be installed. It worked fine though.
I now have my own personal install disk to build upon.
I played with this mini.iso file this morning. It is a netinstall which pulls in what it needs as it installs. I did the install, installed refractasnapshot, and the final refracta snapshot was 273mb in size. At install I only selected the ssh server and the standard system utilities to be installed. It worked fine though.
I now have my own personal install disk to build upon.
Too cool, I gotta try it. New Vuu-do isos uploaded February 2025!
Vuu-do GNU/Linux, minimal Devuan-based openbox systems to build on, maximal versions if you prefer your linux fully-loaded. Now a Vuu-do-mate-mini as well.
New Devuan-mate-mini isos too! 100% no-vuu-do.
Please donate to support Devuan and init freedom!
Is this what you are interested in?
mini.isoThe mini.iso is less than 30mb.
Would it be available too for i486, armhf and i386 of less than 50 MB ??
This rocks, please please continue to build tiny barebone DEVUAN of less than 50 MB . it is highly helpful for everyone !!
many thanks for your efforts!
Last edited by spartrekus (2017-05-31 19:10:06)
OP reminds me of StaticLinux … and SliTAZ, now that I think on it … and TinyCore. (For cloud bot?)
Would it be available too for i486, armhf and i386 of less than 50 MB ??
I don't know if you found this or not, but if you browse through the folder structure here, you will find many different architectures: … ssie/main/
For example: … s/netboot/
This will take you to the i386 mini.iso.
I like mini.iso, great solution.