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#1 2019-09-27 22:09:19

Registered: 2017-09-10
Posts: 173  

Where does the Shiny windows borders theme come from?

I happen to like blue frame windows borders themes, for example, MATE's TraditionalOK and antiX's Clearview Medium Blue. Devuan Cinnamon has Shiny, one I've never seen before. Is this a Devuan-only theme? What package is it in? Is it in metacity-theme-1.xml format?

Last edited by nobodyuknow (2019-09-27 22:11:35)


#2 2019-09-28 03:30:22

Registered: 2016-11-25
Posts: 2,459  

Re: Where does the Shiny windows borders theme come from?

It's not one of ours.

$ apt-file find /usr/share/themes/Shiny
mate-themes: /usr/share/themes/Shiny/metacity-1/metacity-theme-1.xml


#3 2019-09-28 16:54:20

Registered: 2017-09-10
Posts: 173  

Re: Where does the Shiny windows borders theme come from?

The more I learn about Linux, the less I realize I know.

It's in mate-themes? How bizarre, given that I always install mate-themes on Linux Mint.

And the fact that it's in metacity-theme-1.xml format means that Cinnamon has already dropped support for it.

Thanks for the pathnames. Now I can search myself.

UPDATE: I went back and looked at Linux Mint. Now I understand why I never noticed Shiny. In Devuan, it's depicted as it would be on the screen, with a blue border, but in Linux Mint, it's depicted as all gray, which usually means (in my experience) that the theme either does not work properly or is actually all gray. Chalk one up for Devuan.

Last edited by nobodyuknow (2019-09-28 19:13:21)


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