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Hi all
I can't seem to install either of these packages to use WOL to remotely wake a Devuan box from another Devuan box.
Both machines running a Ascii stable amd64
with repos in /etc/apt/sources.list:
deb ascii main non-free contrib
deb ascii-updates non-free main contrib
deb ascii-backports non-free main contrib
deb ascii-security main contrib non-free
Is there something I need to know to get these packages or is there another way to WOL remote machines with Devuan?
thanks in advance!
How are you trying to install them, and what result or error messages are you getting?
apt update
apt install wakeonlan etherwake
hey fsmithred,
Thanks, Its all good now.
This box does unattended updates each day.
I left it for 2 days and now both packages installed
Dunno how that happened..