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I have the option to choose "Console productivity" tools with Devuan ASCII. I looked it up on the Internet and all I found was: "In addition, there are options for “Console productivity” with hundreds of CLI and TUI utils". … nce-060818
Do your recommend installing console productivity tools? Could you explain more precisely what it is? What kind of CLI and TUI utils are included?
Not sure it answers your query, but task-console-productivity pulls in tasksel as dependency, and the following as "recommends":
abook, alsa-utils, apcalc, aspell, aspell-en, bastet, beep, bind9-host, bittornado,
bombardier, brltty, bsdgames, caca-utils, calcurse, cavezofphear, clex, cmatrix,
cowsay, crawl, curl, curseofwar, dialog, dnsutils, dvtm, ed, edbrowse, eject, empire,
entr, espeak, espeak-ng-espeak, espeakup, fbi, fbterm, fetchmail, figlet, fortune-mod,
fortunes-min, freesweep, ftp, gddrescue, gdisk, geoip-bin, ghostscript, gnuchess,
gnupg, gnupg-agent, gnupg2, gpm, greed, hasciicam, htop, iftop, imagemagick, iotop,
irssi, iw, jhead, lftp, links2, lrzsz, man-db, manpages, manpages-dev, matanza, mc,
mcabber, minicom, mlocate, moc, moria, mosh, msmtp, mtr-tiny, multitail, mutt, ncdu,
net-tools, netcat, nethack-console, nfacct, ninvaders, nrss, omega-rpg,
openssh-client, openssh-server, pacman4console, parallel, parted, pciutils, pente,
poppler-utils, procmail, psmisc, radio, rename, rpl, rsync, sc, screen, sox, sudo,
sudoku, taskwarrior, telnet, termsaver, time, tin, tmux, toilet, toilet-fonts,
traceroute, ttyrec, unzip, w3m, wavemon, wget, whois, wireless-tools,
wpasupplicant, yasr, zile, zsh
Hello, HextorBRX.
included this terminal apps:
- _Base system_: bash, busybox, consoledata, GNU coreutils, dash,
dialog, locales, syslinux, sysvinit, util-linux-locales, zsh
- _Admin/Recovery_: debootstrap, entr, gddrescue, gdisk, htop,
iftop, iotop, mtr-tiny, multitail, ncdu, parted, wavemon,
wireless-tools, wpa_supplicant
- _Editors_: vim-tiny, zile (Emacs clone), nano
- _Networking_: bittornado, curl, edbrowse, fetchmail, ftp, irssi,
lftp, links2, mcabber, minicom, mosh, msmtp, mutt, netcat, nrss,
openssh-client, openssh-server, procmail, rsync, setnet, telnet,
tin, twidge, w3m, wget
- _Personal_productivity_: abook, aspell, calcurse, clex, dvtm,
fbi/fbgs, fbterm, ghostscript, gpg, mc, parallel, sc, screen,
taskwarrior, tmux
- _Programming_ languages_: ANSI C (tcc + libc6-dev), Perl
(minimal), python (minimal), awk (gawk), guile
- _Games_: bastet, bombardier, bsdgames, cavezofphear, crawl,
curseofwar, empire, freesweep, gnuchess, greed, matanza, moria,
nethack, ninvaders, omega-rpg, pacman4console, pente, sudoku
- _Accessibility_: beep, brltty, espeak, espeakup, yasr
- _Multimedia_: caca-utils, hasciicam, imagemagick, jhead, moc,
radio, sox
- _Miscellanea_: cmatrix, cowsay, figlet, fortune-mod, gpm,
termsaver, toilet, ttyrec
What economists call over-production is but a production that is above the purchasing power of the worker, who is reduced to poverty by capital and state.
----+- Peter Kropotkin -+----