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I've just uploaded i3!
analog to my action yesterday with Crowz, I did spend the day today to upgrade Star 32 bit from Beowulf to Daedalus with exactly the same scope of applications as yersterday with Crowz excepted anbox (probably not available at all in 32 bit?). I did have to install an other video editor, but I have one in my new installation.
I did procede in progressive steps so I have a version in Chimaera only the same base as Star (excepted base of the refracta tools and deborphan), a other snapshot iso full with all the same app's as yersterday. And that one did be upgraded. The size of the snapshot iso is now 1,8 GB. I am interesting to see how it will start on my old PC's ;-) ! If not, I have the Chimaera version to test also!
20..22 s after boot, I can use the new 32 bit full installation entering my pseudo name (I did use "f" as this key is left hand, better for me as I need the right hand for other jobs, because this key is one of the two keys on my keyboard having a little point to recognize the key without to look ;-) ...) and my actual fast logiin password (".", as it is the key, excepted space bar, that I can reach blind best!).
42..45 s. after boot from USB-snapshot-ISO (having 1.8 GB size!).
NO OTHER DISTRO is so fast on my PC...
It did become important since the USA promote war in Russia as I turn off my PC a lot of times each day (what I did not do before that idiotic war) to spare energy!