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#1 2018-10-24 07:02:42

Registered: 2017-04-30
Posts: 132  

Soon a fix for SSHFS and FUSE broken in the Devuan Stable Unstable ?


I would like to notice that SSHFS cannot be installed for Stable and ASCII. I tried Jessie too, but it has the same issue.

All mirrors are same: us, de, fr and sp tested.
Tested with i386, netinstall, and the CD1.

I would need sshfs and a fix for it.

I would be nice. Best regard,

Thank you!


#2 2018-10-24 13:58:31

Registered: 2016-11-25
Posts: 2,527  

Re: Soon a fix for SSHFS and FUSE broken in the Devuan Stable Unstable ?

What error message are you getting? I've never had a problem installing or using sshfs in debian or devuan.


#3 2018-10-24 16:05:06

Registered: 2017-04-30
Posts: 132  

Re: Soon a fix for SSHFS and FUSE broken in the Devuan Stable Unstable ?

fsmithred wrote:

What error message are you getting? I've never had a problem installing or using sshfs in debian or devuan.

package broken, with a possible risk of using unstable.

I use devuan since long. However, I never found such issue with sshfs but it is ... well it is a big issue for Package. sad
Sad but true

Devuan Stable is as well infected sad


#4 2018-10-24 16:48:02

From: I'm not here: U R halucinating
Registered: 2017-02-23
Posts: 363  

Re: Soon a fix for SSHFS and FUSE broken in the Devuan Stable Unstable ?

$ sshfs ~/mnt ; ls -l ~/mnt ; fusermount -u ~/mnt's password: 
total 12
lrwxr-x--- 1 24249 500 19 Aug 17  2015 gopher -> /ftp/pub/users/yeti
lrwx------ 1 24249 500 14 Jun 15 19:03 html -> /www/nz/y/yeti
-rw------- 1 24249 500 37 Aug 18  2015 xtermtitle

Tested using ASCII/armhf on Cubietruck.
I don't get it.
What is broken?
I installed sshfs just some seconds before this test.
Maybe I'm still too undercaffeinated...

Last edited by yeti (2018-10-24 19:29:48)


#5 2018-10-24 19:28:19

Registered: 2016-11-25
Posts: 2,527  

Re: Soon a fix for SSHFS and FUSE broken in the Devuan Stable Unstable ?

Please post your sources.list and any repos enabled under sources.list.d.
Also, post the output of apt-get install sshfs and dpkg -l *ssh*


#6 2018-10-26 09:40:19

Registered: 2017-04-30
Posts: 132  

Re: Soon a fix for SSHFS and FUSE broken in the Devuan Stable Unstable ?


1) get devuan from a mirror :
08aef5aa1ba1b6db90aa2dd3c22e0415  devuan_ascii_2.0.0_i386_netinst.iso

2) bring the non-systemd debian on the pen:
dd if=devuan_ascii_2.0.0_i386_netinst.iso of=/dev/sdb

3) boot, press ESC and select install (non graphical mode):
  then regular, select EN language, ... and get the prompt wpa/wifi
  then select to  belgium: be: deb ascii main non-free contrib

(same with us and germany)

4) delete the all harddisk with automatic fdisk/part stuffs

5) install the minimal installation
\[*\] lowest one for standard
  remove all x11 kde, gnome,... and remove print server with [ ].

6) done, grub installed, completed

7) reboot the i386 notebook and wait... tty login

8) root
    my pass

9) bring wifi/wpa and make a quick check with ip addr.

10) apt-get update

11) apt-get install sshfs

IT NOW WORKS !! FIXED (at least on be repository).

Last edited by spartrekus (2018-10-26 09:49:53)


#7 2018-10-26 09:49:09

Registered: 2016-11-25
Posts: 2,527  

Re: Soon a fix for SSHFS and FUSE broken in the Devuan Stable Unstable ?

Did the error message tell you to run apt --fix-broken install? What happened when you did that? Were any other packages named? There must be more information in output.


#8 2018-10-26 10:03:08

Registered: 2017-04-30
Posts: 132  

Re: Soon a fix for SSHFS and FUSE broken in the Devuan Stable Unstable ?

fsmithred wrote:

Did the error message tell you to run apt --fix-broken install? What happened when you did that? Were any other packages named? There must be more information in output.

I dont know so much what happened. I tried few days ago, and today, all went fine.

Maybe someone changed the Package.gz. I likely have a backup of it still, but I dont know where it still.
I made a mirror of the Packages of stable on a disk.

fixbroken is dangerous because it leaves error.
Usually, when it is a such a big issue, I move the machine to FreeBSD, it is much more stable (and without the systemd).
Man, debian goes to such amazing direction... sad

Last edited by spartrekus (2018-10-26 10:04:11)


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