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#1 2018-08-14 09:21:18

From: Johannesburg
Registered: 2018-05-25
Posts: 49  

Miyo Awesome theme questions

I've been playing around with themes on Miyo Awesome. I go into "Settings" > "Customize Look & Feel" (lxappearance) but the themes I add to /usr/share/themes don't appear in the list. The themes in /usr/share/awesome/themes are ignored completely. I've had a look at the miyo-awesome-slim-theme and, can't get it to appear either (I've followed the instructions).

My second problem is that after playing around I've gone and lost the very nice screen that showed up when being prompted for my password. The one I've got now is rather ugly. How do I restore the default Miyo Awesome login screen?  I assume that this is set somewhere in /etc/slim.conf.



#2 2018-08-14 09:54:23

Registered: 2016-12-05
Posts: 1,323  

Re: Miyo Awesome theme questions

I'll answer this the best I can; I'm not on Awesome right now and am short on time. Sorry.

The only reason that I can think of themes (in /usr/share/themes) not showing up in LXAppearance is if perhaps they aren't marked as executable (?)...or if they are "Awesome" themes. The themes in LXAppearance will only affect applications. If they're actual "Awesome" themes, there's nothing there for LXAppearance to pick up on.

The overall Awesome themes (found in /usr/share/awesome/themes) won't show in LXAppearance. If you install a new theme there and want to use it, it has to be declared in the rc.lua file found in ~/.config/awesome. The line where the theme is declared is kind of close to the top of the file. If you change the theme, make sure to type it exactly as its name appears in /usr/share/awesome/themes.

Then, reload awesome.

Regarding the slim theme/login screen. Look in /usr/share/slim and see if the miyo slim theme is in the default folder. If it's not, the only way to get it back is to reinstall it. It can be downloaded from the MiyoLinux Sourceforge site (in the Themes folder).

Sorry to be so short, but I have to run now. I'll check back later.

I have been Devuanated, and my practice in the art of Devuanism shall continue until my Devuanization is complete. Until then, I will strive to continue in my understanding of Devuanchology, Devuanprocity, and Devuanivity.

Veni, vidi, vici vdevuaned. I came, I saw, I Devuaned. wink


#3 2018-08-15 08:48:08

Registered: 2016-12-05
Posts: 1,323  

Re: Miyo Awesome theme questions

Did anything that I posted help? Sorry that I was in such a rush. I finally have time to try and be a little more thorough...I've been terribly busy. If I repeat myself, please forgive me.

Now, if I remember correctly, you installed Awesome on Vanilla Devuan in order to be able to do a RAID installation...then installed the Miyo-Awesome configs on top of that. If that's correct, there may be some inconsistencies in the base system; however, I don't see how that could be a factor in this case. Also, if that's correct, I'll leave a link at the end of this post so that you can download the actual Release Notes for Miyo-Awesome. I'm not sure if they will be of much help, but they might. wink

Regarding lxappearance and /usr/share/themes:

On Miyo-Awesome, lxappearance will only pick up GTK themes and apply them only to your applications. In the case of Awesome, lxappearance won't affect things such as window borders, the panel, etc. If lxappearance isn't showing your themes, then I can only think of two (possibly three) reasons off the top of my head. The themes aren't showing up, because...

1. the themes that are placed in /usr/share/themes haven't been marked as executable (for access) for "anyone".
2. the themes that are placed in /usr/share/themes are actually "Awesome" themes rather than GTK themes.
3. This is the questionable one...Miyo-Awesome includes the following gtk2-engines (in order to use the included themes in Miyo-Awesome)...
    a) gtk2-engines-pixbuf
    b) gtk2-engines-murrine

Perhaps it's possible that a theme was installed that requires a different "theme engine" ? Not sure if that would matter or not though.

I tried to cover this in the Release Notes. smile

Regarding lxappearance and /usr/share/awesome/themes:

Only actual "Awesome" themes should be placed in /usr/share/awesome/themes. Since lxappearance will only show GTK themes, the Awesome themes won't show up in lxappearance. To my knowledge, there is no GUI available for switching Awesome themes; it must be done manually by declaring the theme in the rc.lua file found in...


If that file hasn't been modified by the user, then look for lines 46 and 47 (or thereabout)...they should look like this...

-- Available themes: miyolinux-dark, miyolinux-arc, default, sky, xresources, zenburn
beautiful.init(awful.util.get_themes_dir() .. "miyolinux-arc/theme.lua")

To change the Awesome theme, you'll need to manually edit that second line...replacing "miyolinux-arc" with the theme of your choice...exactly as it's named in /usr/share/awesome/themes/.

After editing the rc.lua, save the file, close it, and do an "Update Awesome".

Regarding the Miyo-Awesome Slim Theme/Login Screen:

As I mentioned earlier...look in /usr/share/slim and see if the miyo slim theme is in the default folder. If it's not, the only way to get it back is to reinstall it. If you've already done that, then make sure that the slim folder is also marked as executable (for access) for "anyone". Then either logout/login...or do a screen lock. It should show and be active.

If needed, it can be downloaded here... … es/Themes/

I have been Devuanated, and my practice in the art of Devuanism shall continue until my Devuanization is complete. Until then, I will strive to continue in my understanding of Devuanchology, Devuanprocity, and Devuanivity.

Veni, vidi, vici vdevuaned. I came, I saw, I Devuaned. wink


#4 2018-08-15 08:52:24

Registered: 2016-12-05
Posts: 1,323  

Re: Miyo Awesome theme questions

Sorry...forgot to give the link to download the Release Notes... tongue … e/Awesome/

I have been Devuanated, and my practice in the art of Devuanism shall continue until my Devuanization is complete. Until then, I will strive to continue in my understanding of Devuanchology, Devuanprocity, and Devuanivity.

Veni, vidi, vici vdevuaned. I came, I saw, I Devuaned. wink


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